chapter 65

338 Words
when Cassy was blamed for breaking the hair clip accessory, she was mad and wanted to refute Avery's words. But before she could open her mouth to speak, as if Avery had already saw through the thoughts running through her mind, Avery spoke up beating up Cassy's voice. “I….”, Cassy started, but Avery interrupted her successful. “Its okay second younger sister. I won’t be mad at you for your mistake. You don’t have to apologize to me. Accidents might happen. No one can avoid it”, Avery spoke in a thoughtful voice and sighed heavily. Cassy was dumbfounded and raised an accusing finger in the direction of Avery wanting to speak, but Avery never have that chance to her second younger sister Cassy. “Its okay. Don’t worry. I won’t tell our father that you broke the precious gift he gave to me”, Avery added, making Cassy to lower down her finger. As she was really afraid when Avery mentioned their father’s name. “ But next time be careful. We don’t want father to be mad at you for handling such a precious item so carelessly”, Avery added slyly. Cassy who was looking at the broken pieces of the hair clip accessory in the ground, gulped several times in shock and fear. She didn’t know what had happened and how the situation changed like this and everything was out of her hands now. She wanted to deliberately blame Avery and wanted to make a big scene, wanting to put Avery in a troubled situation but all her thoughts were scattered the moment, her mind remembered their father Lord Maxford. So all Cassy could do now was to swallow her dissatisfaction and keep her mouth shut. ‘you got lucky and escaped from trouble this time. But let’s see how I make you suffer more', Cassy thought internally and gritted her teeth. But like the innocent second younger sister, she kept a sad face and hid her evil inner thoughts.
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