chapter 64

394 Words
The most damaged parts are the small flowers that were made of jade material, broke completely in each part of the small flowers in the hair clip. Cassy was the first one to come out of he shocked state. She was still baffled that no words came out of her mouth for a few moments. And Avery used that few moments of escape window to turn the tables and change the situation in her favor. As the one who was neither surprised or shocked by the events that happened a few moments ago was Avery, herself, as she was the one who did it intentionally. The small smirk that appeared in the corners of Avery's mouth disappeared the moment Cassy came out of her stilled state. “Second younger sister!. Why didn’t you receive the hair clip I have you properly and dropped it on the ground?. How can you be so careless, second younger sister?”, Avery said while looking at her second younger sister aka Cassy with a exasperated look on her face. “Who??..”, Cassy stuttered while pointing the index finger at herself. “Then who else?. You should have been more careful, second younger sister. See… how your carelessness made things ruined”, Avery said and looked down at the broken pieces of the hair clip accessory with a fake disappointment. “Tsk…tsk….such a pity. How can you do this?..Such a good and beautiful looking hair clip accessory was destroyed in seconds and it looks like we can’t even repair it”, Avery added more making Cassy to feel both disappointment and regret. Cassy to felt that it was a pity that such an expensive and exquisite looking hair clip accessory was broken and turned into a waste material even before she could get her hands on it. She felt regret that she didn’t even get the chance to wear it for even once. As she really liked that piece of jewelry. Cassy was even more happy before that she can wear that piece of jewelry to the market on the festive event celebration. ‘wait a minute… I didn’t even get that hair clip accessory fully in my hand?. Then how come Avery was blaming me for that broken piece of jewelry?’, Cassy thought and opened her mouth to speak up her thoughts.
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