chapter 40, part 2 ?

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Third Person POV: That’s why they say that even if a peasant was made a king, he can only have a good sleep when he sleeps on the floor with a blanket as his spread instead of a fluffy bed. Third Prince Theodore was all set to leave the village in the southern province and return to his home. But due to some last minute changes, he left his subordinate soldiers to stay in the village and ordered them to return a few days later. But, since he can’t control his eagerness, third Prince Theodore along with his loyal bodyguard Mason decided to take the trip home soon. So on the second day they got the royal message, they set out on her journey back to the capital city. Mason made sure that they had taken enough food and water necessary for the trip. Even though the village people were sad on the return if their beloved third Prince Theodore, they also understood that he had to return to his original place some day. So they masked their sadness and grandly send off Third prince Theodore. They gave the travelling duo, enough food to eat on the travel and the duo made sure to feed their horses well enough to withstand the travel without any obstacles. The first day of the travel went smoothly and on the first night, they set up the tent and ate the good they had in there hands. The next two days too went smoothly without any eventful happening. But the fourth day of their journey was not so that good as they had expected. In the middle of the forest, both third Prince Theodore and Mason was attacked by the assassins. When they were traveling through the thick forest trail, all of a sudden a thick log of wood flew towards them, startling the horses. But all thanks to the years of training, they both had quick reflexes and bent down on the horse to avoid the thick block of wood. Third Prince Theodore and Mason looked around and found that the block of wood was deliberately made to hurt them but tying them in between two trees. Both third Prince Theodore and Mason got down from these horses and searched for other things that are waiting to hurt them in the shadows. Like they had expected, few arrows came straight towards third Prince Theodore. But he quickly cut the arrow into two using his skillful swordsmanship. He just made a flip using his sword, making the arrow heading towards his heart to break into two pieces. A clean cut that made the arrow into a useless piece of wood. Mason came and stood infront of his Highness, inorder to protect the third Prince Theodore from the assassin’s attack. Like these were not enough, from the shadows, few men wearing all black colored robes from head to toe and even had a black cloth tied on their faces to cover their face, appeared out of no where. Then with a head signal from the man standing in the middle, more like the head of the of the group, everyone started to dash towards the third Prince Theodore and Mason. Both the men were highly trained in combat skills and they were able to dodge the attacks from the assign group. “Careful, your highness”, Mason said out of concern while having his back to Prince Theodore. His Master, prince Theodore too had his back to Mason, while he faced the masked assassins. They struck together with their back to each other and circled slowly, while the assassin’s group of men, rounder them. Then at the same time, all of them started attacking the duo in the center. When both of the men in the middle were busy fighting off their enemies, a black shadow hidden in the back of a tree, took an arrow and aimed it in the bow. Looking for a nice opening, the man in the shadows waited for the right time to come. When he saw that his chance had come, he quickly released the arrow from the bow. The released arrow, cut through the wind and came straight towards the heart of the Third prince Theodore. By the nick of the time, third Prince Theodore saw the arrow coming his way and avoided it tactically. But he was not agile enough when compared to the released arrow, which came towards him like it had a vengeance against him. As a result, as he was unable to dodge the arrow successfully, scratched his left arm and made a cut through his flesh. Fortunately, the arrow only brushed passed his arm instead of piercing deep within his chest. Third Prince Theodore groaned due to the sudden pain and gritted his teeth. Mason and third prince Theodore finally defeated the assassins and the wounded assassins fled from the scene, not wanting to get caught by them. Third Prince Theodore was highly skilled in all sorts of martial arts and combat skills that he was the leading Commander in chief during the war against the northern tribal wars. He was highly skilled and experienced strategist, and highly intelligent that he made his enemies to run for their life. He was never defeated in a war that made him one of his most favorite sons to his Royal father, King Kellan. And Mason, he too was trained under his third Prince Theodore for years and followed him for half of his life, hence he too was much experienced and skilled in fights like his lord. When the group of assassins dashed to save their lives, one black shadow, hidden deep within the shades of the tree, retreated even more into the forest. He had a dissatisfied look in his eyes and he was worried too at the same time. When the black shadow was certain that no one followed him, he went towards a certain direction and there stood a brown colored horse, tied to a tree. He secretly went towards it and wrote a message in a small paper. Then from the back side luggage tied on the horse, he took a messenger bird from its cage and carefully tied the message capsule in which the message he wrote was out inside, in the left leg of the messenger bird. Then he carefully caressed the bird’s head and gave a few seeds to the bird as food. When the bird was fully fed, he released the bird into the sky, sending a message to the person who was anticipating the news he was delivering. When the messenger bird flew into the sky with a certain destination in its mind, the black shadow that sent the message too went deep into the forest and disappeared into the thin air. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤
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