chapter 79?

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In the rose palace: The previous ruler of the Valerian kingdom was giving out orders left and right and was drilling the men in front of her with all sorts of questions. The men who stood in front of her were the men she had specifically appointed to bring details for her. Those men were responsible for getting all the details of the young ladies in the capital city and the Valerian kingdom, for the hunt of the selection process of the prospective brides for her beloved grandsons, The second prince Avalon and the third prince Theodore. But the three men who was in front the Royal mother Moira was only the half of the people she had hired to do the job. They were the first set of people who brought the first batch of reports about the available young ladies who were eligible to pass the first screening for the possible candidates for the bride selection of the Royal marriage. “this????. Is this all you have got??. Are you telling me that I should marry off my grandsons to these ladies just because they come from the wealthy and powerful families???. What a lot of waste of paper. What a waste of my time. These ladies have nothing to boost about other than their family’s wealth and background. I don’t want to marry off these kinds of ladies to my beloved grandsons. I want young ladies who are worthy enough and eligible to be the members of the Royal Family. I want those young ladies that I choose for my grandsons to be beautiful, kind natured, and have a nice personality and behaviour. And of they did come from the influential family, then it might be an added bonus. But their family background will the last criteria I will be taking in account for”, Royal mother Moira said all the above lines in a single go and sat on the sofa behind her, while trying to control her emotions. Because she was unhappy about the reports that she had received. The first set of reports that had the details of the young ladies for the marriage proposal was totally not upto her liking and it also made her to lose her temper a little. Because the marriage of her grandsons was the most important thing that she was waiting on for, and the first step in the selection itself turned out to be a failure. “Old madam, please calm down. Don’t get angry. Drink this water to calm yourself down “, saying that, her loyal servant gave her a cup of water. “these useless bunch of ignorants”, royal mother Moira said to herself and gulped down the water in a single go. The men in front of her stood in silent and bowed their heads in fear, as they did not want to fall prey for the anger of their previous ruler. “old madam. This is only the first set of reports. There are so many reports yet to come in the future. You will find the one who are looking for. I am sure of it”, her loyal servant said. “Yes… you are right. I should wait for the remaining reports. I haven’t got all the possible candidates pf bride yet!!!!”, Royal mother Moira said and her cheerful self came back with a happy smile on her face. While Royal mother Moira was going through the paintings of the young ladies that the second set of guys brought keenly, trying to see every little details. A small frown formed on her forehead and it remained there for some time, as she went through the paintings of all those young ladies, as what she saw was not she was hoping for and she was not satisfied with all those young ladies. ....
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