chapter 78?

567 Words
In the resting quarters of the king: King Kellan was going through the official documents that was sent by the Royal officials of his court. The more reports he opened and read, the more frustrated he became. At one point, he just threw the report in his hand away in anger and banged his hands on the wooden desk in front of him. “your highness… . Please be calm. Don’t be angry”, his servant matt said hastily with a worried expression and went to take the report his king sent flying away. “ How can I be calm, matt. Look at those. Just take a look at those reports. Do we even have to call those useless pieces of papers, ‘a report?? ‘?. Those good for nothing court officials… .. How dare they??.. Don’t they have anything else good enough to do Or say?. I know that the marriage proposal for the Royal princes are a great deal and everyone wants to have power with the help of getting their female members married to the Royal princes. But even so, how can they be this brazen… ? ?. Like, I have already said that my Royal mother would handle the matters of the Royal marriage of the second and the third prince. But those greedy useless buggers were too desperate that they are even trying to go against the previous ruler (Royal mother) of this kingdom!!!”, king Kellan said in an angry tone, as he was really pissed off at that stage. Because all those reports he had read a while ago does not deal with the matters of the issues in the kingdom, but it was all about the petition of the Royal officials of the court, demanding that the selection of the brides for the Royal princes should be given to the Ministry of Rites, and it decision should be in the hands of the Royal officials like it was in the past. King kellan knew all too well that those wealthy people and court officials who were greedy for wealth and power would take this opportunity to gain benefits. That was why he did not wanted to deal with those greedy court officials. That was the real reason as to why king Kellan gave the full power to take decision in the marriage proposal of the Royal princes to his Royal mother Moira, as she was a tough nut to c***k, and she can handle all those greedy people all fine by herself. In the end, those court officials ended up showing their displeasure on this topic. “those useless power hungry people. Let them complain all they want. I will not change my decision. Let’s wait and see how my Royal mother deal with them. It’s going to be fun. How those officials would be shifting from one leg to the other in front of my Royal mother scrutinizing gaze”, king Kellan said excitedly and rubbed his hands together in delight. His servant Matt shook his head helplessly, and smiled a little. Because this was not the first time king Kellan was excited to see the drama, that too which involves, the Royal mother Moira. ‘it indeed is going to be a spectacular event', Matt thought to himself, while standing beside king Kellan who busied himself in going through the reports again. ....
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