chapter 70?

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At the dawn of the next day: Third prince Theodore got up early, and was doing his sword practice as he does regularly. Mason too was training in the side by himself. “Mason, come here. Let’s do a duel”, third prince Theodore said, to which Mason nodded his head. “Yes, your highness”, Mason said, and got ready for the short duel with his Lord. As it was not a new thing for the guys, since third prince Theodore often have his training together with Mason, and they both compete with each other to have a real check on the development of their skills. Both the guys with similar built, with the third prince a little bit taller than Mason, stood at the opposite side facing each other, like the bell for the start of the match has went off, they both engaged in a friendly sword match. After about four rounds of sword match, both the guys stopped and took a rest. “Mason… . Shall we go out and look around the capital city, since it has been a long time, we had done that?? “, third prince Theodore asked Mason. “yes, your highness. I shall make the arrangements for our outing”, Mason said and stood up. “I shall see you in an hour then Mason. Make sure not to make it known to others too much. Keep a low profile”, third prince Theodore said, making Mason to understand the underlying meaning. The meaning behind the third prince Theodore’s words were that they both were going out in disguise, so that they can do their work without others interference. As if words get out that one of the princes was hanging out, then they will be surrounded by the females and sometimes even by the wealthy merchants and other Royal official officers who wanted to have a private meeting with the princes, which was a difficult thing to do inside the Royal Palace. Mason nodded his head tactically, and went out of the third prince Theodore’s living quarters to make the necessary arrangements. Soon after Mason went out, third prince Theodore took a bath and dressed quickly. When he was ready, he went out of his living quarters and took several turns deeper into the Royal Palace. Soon enough he reached his final destination, the living quarters of his mother consort Katherine. The moment he entered the living quarters, he was greeted with a lovely courtyard filled with several bright colored flowers in full bloom, looking all shinny and happy looking. Third prince Theodore loves this about the living quarters of his mother. His mother, consort Katherine loves flowers so much that their father king kellan made sure to fill his beloved consort Katherine’s living quarters with all sorts of flowering plants from the kingdom and even brought some flowering plants from the other kingdoms to make his loving consort happy. Consort Katherine’s living quarters had a big courtyard with flowers and not to mention the large flower garden that was filled with all sorts of flowering plants. King kellan even appointed several skilled gardeners to take care of the garden. Growing up in that courtyard and playing in the garden seeing the gardeners taking care of the plants and flowers in such a great manner mesmerized little third prince Theodore. He often spend quite a few hours with the persons taking care of his mother’s garden, during his play hours. As he too wanted to take care of his mother’s garden, and take care of her flowers to make her happy. This was also the reason as to why he learned several skills and knowledge in gardening and knows about several plants and their living conditions. Third prince Theodore never thought that this little skill and knowledge he learned during his childhood days for fun, would end up helping him this time greatly in solving the work to which he was sent to the distance province under the Royal order. That part of the province was far from the capital city and faced severe problems all because the people in those villages was in shortage of food and their daily necessities. It was like a drought faced area. When their father, king kellan was heard about this problem, when his council of ministers raised this problem in the Royal court session, the ministers suggested that they should send the princes to solve the problems under Royal official work. To be exact, the ministers who said that the princes should be sent there to fulfill their duties as the Royal princes, were all the supporters of main consort Benazir and they said those words under her instigation. Main consort Benazir wanted to send third prince Theodore out of the palace and at the same time, she wanted to demean him in front of king kellan and show him that third prince Theodore was not good enough in dealing things. So she tactically made the king to send third prince Theodore to that drought affected villages to suffer, and sent her son, second prince Avalon to the wealthy and comfortable Western province, where her daughter the first princess was married off to. She made sure that her son, second prince Avalon was send to a nice place with less work while making things difficult for third prince Theodore, by sending him to deal with the difficult problem. Because dealing with the problem that was depending on the forces of nature was more challenging. That was how, second prince Avalon went to the Western province and he just enjoyed his time there, as if he was sent on a vacation, instead of the Royal work. Main consort Benazir thought that third prince Theodore will not be able to solve the food shortage problem in those villages. But who could have thought that third prince Theodore had knowledge about plants and about their growing conditions. Thus, it was like a walk on the well laid path for third prince Theodore, as he suggested growing plants that was high yielding with less water and less time, by which he managed to solve the crisis and he even won the hearts of all the people in those villages. When main consort Benazir heard this piece of news from the spy, she sent to keep an eye on the third prince, she was pissed off. Since her plan to make third prince Theodore look like a failure and mot eligible for the official Royal work failed miserably, she made another plan to attack the third prince, trying to make him to not return to the capital city. But to main consort Benazir’s bad luck, that plan of hers too failed eventually. Looking around the courtyard filled with flowers as if they were welcoming him, a small smile formed on third prince Theodore’s face automatically. With a smile on his face, he fastened his steps and went to see his mother. Consort Katherine has just finished having her breakfast, was getting ready to take a little walk in her lovely flower garden to get some fresh air. Seeing her lovely son coming towards her, consort Katherine was so happy and a bright smile filled her face. “Greetings, mother”, third prince Theodore said and hugged his mother into his embrace. “lovely morning to you too, my dear son. What a pleasant surprise “, consort Katherine said. “Nothing big, mother. I just wanted to see you. And here, a lovely flower for my lovely mother”, third prince Theodore said and gave a lovely looking red flower to his mother, which he so carefully picked in the courtyard in the front. “thank you, honey. It looks so pretty”, consort Katherine said. “nah… not as pretty as you. Here, let me help you wearing it “, third prince Theodore said and took the flower from his mother’s hand, and carefully placed in his mother’s hair. “such a sweet tongue, you have”, consort Katherine said with a small smile. “Mother, I am going out today. Do you want something?. I came here to ask if you need something, so that I can buy, when I come back “, third prince Theodore said, while looking at his mother’s smiling face. “I have everything here, honey. Your father took care of everything and I am not in need of anything right now“, consort Katherine said. And truth to be told, like consort Katherine has said, king kellan made sure that all of consort Katherine’s needs were fulfilled. “okay, mother. Then I will buy something that catches my eyes that will suit you the best. Take care, mother. Now I will be going “, third prince Theodore said and kissed consort Katherine's forehead lovingly. “okay son. Take care”, consort Katherine bid farewell to her son. Once third prince Theodore went out of the living quarters, consort Katherine went out to take her walk in the garden. ****
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