chapter 17?

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The golden mirror, which she had used to use in the past. The golden mirror had a nice round shape to it, with a classic yet unique design to it, with several small golden flowers scattered around the outer covering serving as a nice thick border to it, and vines intervened with each other, decorated in the outer layer of the mirror. The delicate, yet meticulously made thin double strand of vines on the golden mirror, that was used for decoration, overlapped with one another like a twin sets, with a full bloomed and neatly made small flowers, that had red center, as it was made with red gemstone, ruby, was designed at each adjacent nodes. The exact moment, her some what familiar reflection, that was a little blurred at first, reached her weak, and tired eyes. And once when the picture was registered in her hazy, and muddled mind, Avery was so shocked, that she stumbled on her own legs, and took a few steps back in utter shock. It was beyond shock, to be to exact. The picture Infront of her, that was reflected in the beautiful golden mirror, made the ground below her to slip. And she lost her balance, and lost the power in her legs, and the little strength left in her legs were not enough to support her weight fully. She swayed unable to hold her weight, and was falling down as her legs couldn’t hold her weight. Zara, the maid servant, who came into the bed room of her lady, first Miss Avery, just after delivering the used medicine bowls to the kitchen to wash. And when she came back with a regular sized pitcher of water, Incase her Lady Avery might feel thirsty, saw this scene, and was shocked to her core. It was the first time for her to see her Lady Avery Hastings like this, and she was flustered totally. So without thinking any further reasons, she quickly placed the pitcher of water, she had in her hands, and came rushing towards her lady Avery Hastings, and caught her, before her lady could fall down to the hard floor of the bed room. Zara rushed towards her first Miss and within a blink of an eye, she was by Avery’s side. But Avery didn’t notice anything around her. It’s like the whole world around her, had stopped for her. She didn’t care about anything, or anyone anymore, to be honestly. The one, and only thing that she had her full focus on, was on the golden mirror, that sat royally on the wooden table in front of her, as if teasing, and daring her to do something. Avery’s undivided attention was on that golden mirror, more specifically, on the lean, and blurry image that was seen on the golden mirror. She couldn’t believe what was infront of her. She thought that it was her illusion, or her eyes playing a stupid trick on her. Not believing that the image reflected on the golden mirror was true, Avery blinked her eyes several times, to make sure, whether it was true, or her mind playing games. Yet when she opened her eyes again, the image Infront of her remained unchanged, making her whole body to tremble lightly, and her weak heart to skip several beats in shock, and anxiousness. So to be more sure, she raised her weak hands, that looked so pale like all the blood in her body was drained out, and abruptly rubbed her small almond shaped eyes. Her eyes that had lost its usual brightness, and shininess a long time ago, looked tired, and blank. “….zara!!”, Avery called out continuously, but her voice which used to be so sweet, and smooth was heard as low as a whisper, as if, it was like a mosquito was speaking, and not an adult human’s voice, and even that small, and whispered sound was trembling so much, like a withered leaf. Not only the voice, but the entire tiny body of Avery was trembling so much, like a leaf, that had been facing a viscous heavy hail storm, that was so determined to haul the leaf as a whole, without leaving any traces of it being there in the first place. Well…Avery was exactly feeling like that poor leaf, trembling uncontrollably, and which in turn, made her maid servant, Zara to feel anxious, as all of a sudden, her lady, Avery was trembling terribly out of no where. She anxiously, and helplessly called out to her lady, Avery, to get her attention. She thought that her lady was again terrible sick, and was in so much pain. What Zara feared the most was that, what if lady again faint, and lose her consciousness, and fell into a coma for days like before. When Avery was in a coma, and sleeping for days without making any movements, and not showing any signs of a living person, Zara was so worried, and scared out of her mind, about her lady. That entire image of motionless Avery got struck in Zara’s mind. So she held Avery’s left arm, and continued to call out to her lady. ‘She will never allow her lady to faint again on her watch', Zara thought internally. “My lady….my lady!!”, Zara's anxious voice called out desperately. But all Avery could hear was a distant buzzing sound in her ears, like she was totally in a different world, and she looked as if she had turned a deaf ear to Zara’s anxious calls. As the words that came out of her maid servant, Zara didn’t had any effects on her, and not even a slightest reaction could be seen on her pale looking face, that looked, as if she has seen a ghost, except for the lost look, she had in her dull looking eyes, that lost the life it had in them. Her first Miss, Avery Hastings had no regard for, or more like, she didn’t hear Zara’s anxious calls at all in the first place, or any other sound around her, for that matter, as she was too much shocked to her core. It’s all because of the reflection, she saw in the golden mirror. The mirror, reflected the image of her face. The reflection that resembled her so much, at first glance. But on the second look, the image of the face, that was reflected on the mirror, was not the one she got accustomed to see in day by day, in the recent years. The reflection that appeared on the golden mirror was so similar to the face that Avery used to see in the past. The younger version of her face was reflected in the golden mirror. The bright face she used to have. The one that was said to put even the full moon, and the blooming flowers to shame. The face that was so beautiful, and flawless and pure looking like the first snow of the winter season, without any remnants of the scars, which she got from the fire accident years ago. The fire accident that changed her life drastically to an extend, in which she had to lose her everything she thought that belonged to her, name, respect, title, love, relationships, family, and even her life in the end. The fire accident that she hoped and wished that it never happened. she wished that she should never choose to help or save the people who are selfish and ungrateful. ungrateful to the extent that they bit back the hand that helped them. even those poisonous snakes were better than them, Avery thought. The flawless, and pure angelic looking face, that everyone of the people in the whole capital city, praised, envied, and longed to have as their own face. The so called angelic face of the ethereal beauty of the capital city, who was the one to made all the men to fawn over her beauty, while making all the women to burn in pure jealousy, was reflected in the mirror, and it reached the small almond shaped eyes of Avery, making her entire being to be shocked to the core. She took small shaky steps, and moved forward very slowly, in fear of the image infront of her getting vanished, if she made any abrupt actions. She reached the wooden table, made of rose wood, on which the golden mirror was placed, and slowly raised her hands to touch the refection in it. The cold temperature of the golden mirror seeped into her already pale skin, once her hand made contact with the surface of the mirror, making her skin to shiver due to its low chill temperature. As the night before, it rained so heavily, the metal surface of the objects, in the room had absorbed the humid temperature, and because of the chilly night winds, the metal surface was as cold as a block of ice. The small baby hairs on her hand raised, but the reason for it remained unknown. Whether it’s due to the cold temperature on the mirror surface, or due to the shocking image, that was displayed Infront of her. The question remained totally unanswered. Subconsciously, she took several keen looks to confirm that her face was uninjured, without any burn scars covering it. She then gingerly touched the left side of her face, which had a scar from the fire accident, to confirm that the reflection she saw on the mirror was not fake, or even her pathetic mind's desperately weaved illusions, to break her heart yet again. Sure enough, the thing her mind had said, but her heart had the fear of accepting it, think it as an illusion, was so damned to be true. Her face was really Pretty, and flawless, and absence of any scar, and she really looked beautiful, like she used to be in the past. And more specifically, she looked like her younger version, without any scars caused by the fire accident, with little baby fat in her cheeks, making it look a little chubby, and plump like a ripe tomato. But it looked a little pale unlike her real look, and had lost its natural red hue it always had due to her weak body now. Puzzled endlessly, she slowly used her two slender fingers to pinched her left arm, to know whether it was real, or not, and all but a dream, her traumatic mind portraying to her. She frowned due to the pain, a two frown lines formed parallel to each other, on her small crescent moon shaped forehead, and a small red bruise was formed on her pale looking hand, where she had pinched a moment ago. It looked like a red little flower bud, that grown on a snow covered field. The appearance she saw on the mirror was like she had before the wedding of hers with the Crown prince Avalon…. Avery really thought that it was a dream, and still didn’t believe in her own eyes. She thought that her eyes were betraying, and playing tricks on her. The feeling was so overwhelming that she didn’t know what to do, or what to believe, or even how to take in the situation, and react to it. She looked at the mirror in a dazed state, and was still confused, and stood still for a very long fleeting moments. She didn’t know how she got on the bed, and laid on it. Her legs automatically went towards the bed, like it had the mind of its own, when her own mind stopped working, due to the shocking amount of events that had happened before her eyes. Her mind refused to process the situation she was currently in, making her feel like she was constantly being sucked into an endless pit of nothingness, until she becomes one with it. After some unknown period of time, in her dazed state of mind, she heard a sweet honey dripping mellow voice, that she longed to hear again, at least for once in her life time before. The sweet alluring calling of that small voice went into her ear and travelled through her veins. And it finally reached her heart, and wrapped around it like a warm velvet blanket, making her feel extremely warm, soft, and fuzzy inside. Thinking that it was another trick played by her already muddled mind, she just stared at the wooden ceiling of the room, without any constant focus on her tired eyes. Again the familiar, yet unconvinced voice yelled out anxiously in a repeated parroted fashion, making Avery’s eyes to tear up naturally, as the possibility of the scene, becoming true, that she hoped, and longed to happen was a far cry for her. All she could do now was to wallow in her self pity party, and blame herself for her miserable state. She had no rights, more over, she didn’t want to blame unreasonably others, when it was also her fault for making others to let her use as they had wished. It was impossible, she knows that, as she had lost her loved one Infront of her eyes that night. Yet again, she thought her mind was playing games with her deep desired memories, which she longed for to happen. But she knows deep inside her, that the thing that she earned to happen will not happen, as it was impossible. But her train of thoughts were interrupted again, by the yelling of the same mellowed voice, which had a hint of rush, concern, and happiness, all mingled together in it. “First elder sister!!”, she heard it again. Loud, and clearly. ~*~ happy reading ❤❤❤ dear lovely readers.....from now, this book will be updated daily.... thanks for reading.... Love you all ❤❤❤❤
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