chapter 49?

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After searching she found Avery in the garden that was altered by her lady recently. That was the reason why the garden had added some more flower plants in the court yard. Like as usual, her lady Avery was in low spirits and looking at the lonely figure of her Lady, Miss Avery, made Zara to feel distressed. She sighed silently in her heart and went towards her lady, who was leaning against the large oak tree's bark in the centre of the garden. Seeing that her lady Miss Avery didn’t even notice her presence, Zara called out to her softly. “My lady…my lady”, Zara’s voice rang out in the garden. Her soft voice was heard quite clearly in the calm early hours of the day. Avery, who was lost in the memories of her past, was brought back to the present in an instant. Zara’s voice pulled Avery’s train of thoughts out of her past memories and it took a second for Avery to come out of the past incidents. She softly blinked her small almond shaped eyes to clear her messy thoughts and looked around. She caught on to her surroundings and looked at her maid servant Zara, who was standing infront of her with a worried look on her face. Avery sighed heavily. She knew what was running in her poor maid servant's mind and what her naïve Zara was worried about to. Zara was like an open book and all her emotions could be seen crystal clear in her small round face. She could not hide her feelings even if she tried. That’s how Zara was from the moment they had known each other. Avery never wanted her maid servant to worry about her, but she could not help herself and stop thinking about the past memories. If only they were only memories, then it would have been an easy thing to forget about them or even bury them deep within in the back of her mind and lock it and she would never even try to open that invisible lock on it. But it was more than that. It was not only the mere memories, truth to be told, some painful memories from the past. It was a nightmare. It was an injury that was buried deep within the depth of her bones. Each and every painful memory from the past life of hers was like a symbol that was branded on her innocent inner soul. It was so many that her soul was tainted and scarred because of it. It was beyond her limits to forget even a single minute of that painful memory that got embedded deeply into her bones and flesh, making itself as one with her inner soul. And it was much less to forgive the ones who hurt her and the ones that she held close to her heart. That’s why, she was tormented and haunted by the events of her past life, making it difficult for her to forget and accept the present reality. And she thought that it was a good thing that she could not forget those things that were done to her, as she didn’t intended to forget those things of the past in the first place, and will not forget even in the future. As she had a huge debt that she was owed to and had to collect from those who were indebted to her. she was determined to get her payment back by hook or by crook as she was not as merciful and had that big of a heart now to forget and forgive those greedy and heartless human beings. If she did, then she would be the biggest fool of the century. As those qualities of hers had made her more miserable in the past life and she had paid a much more of a heavy price, that she couldn’t handle, for her merciful personality. She had learned he lesson in a very hard way. ‘being merciful and kind to those greedy and ungrateful demons with the outer skin of human beings, who don’t deserve them in the first place was a terrible self punishment that she is giving to herself'. It’s like taking a blunt and rusted knife and stabbing herself in her heart in the most cruel way making her to feel an excruciating pain, that is out of the world, that could not be described or put into words, for the other person to understand them. The life had taught this very much needed advice and bitter truth to her in the most cruel way that she would not even forget this valuable lesson, even if she had died and reborn again several times. Which she was experiencing right now, truthfully speaking. And she was not going to repeat the same mistakes that she had once done in the past life of hers, ever again in this life, the precious second chance that was miraculously given to her. As she clearly knew that life giving second chance was already a miracle itself. She didn’t believe that the gods and even life will be merciful enough to give her a third chance, if she messed this up. That’s why Avery promised to herself that she would use this second chance given to her in the most cautious way, so as not let the life to let the history repeat itself, yet again. Avery came out of her own little world, as Zara’s words entered into her ears and penetrated her thoughts, successfully pulling her to the present time. “My lady….My lady”, Zara called again.
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