chapter 50?

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That’s why Avery promised to herself that she would use this second chance given to her in the most cautious way, so as not let the life to let the history repeat itself, yet again. Avery came out of her own little world, as Zara’s words entered into her ears and penetrated her thoughts, successfully pulling her to the present time. “My lady….My lady”, Zara called again. Avery lightly shook her head and closed her sharp eyes to clear up her thoughts and opened them again with a clear mind set. “Yes, Zara. What is it?”, Avery asked her maid servant who was standing infront of her with a worried expression on her small round face. Looking at the sad expression on her little servant’s face, Avery knew that as usual, her lovely and innocent maid servant was worried about her. Avery sighed internally. As she knew that Zara was genuinely worried about her. It was also the same in the past life of hers too. Zara was the only one who stood by her side in her worst times and genuinely worried and thought of protecting her, even though Zara herself knew deep within her heart that she was not a match to those greedy people and she didn’t have that much power with her too. But even that didn’t stop Zara from protecting her lady, Miss Avery with all she had and she did protect her as best as she could. Zara quickly changed her facial expression and put on a happy face with a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. But what she didn’t knew was that Avery had already saw her expression and caught on to her little act of looking bright and happy. “It’s time for you to drink your herbal tonic, my lady. I had prepared it early in the morning and it is best for you, if you drink it, when it was a little warm. Drinking it in a mild hot temperature would intensify the effects of it. It’s in your bed room. Shall we go inside or should I bring it over here, for you to drink, my lady?”, Zara asked politely, and stood there patiently waiting for her Lady, Miss Avery to answer. “don’t over work yourself, Zara. Let’s go inside. You have already worked more early in the morning”, Avery said and slowly got up from her sitting position on the ground. But once she wanted to stand up, her legs started to shake lightly and her legs gave out, unable to hold her body weight. It’s all because that Avery sat in the same position without moving for a long time, her legs got numb, due to the lack of blood circulation. Avery leaned against the bark of the oak tree and steadied herself quickly and avoided failing on the ground successful. “My lady!!. Careful”, Zara reached out and her voice had a hint of worry in it. “Its okay, Zara. My legs are just numb and I can’t feel them, as I sat here for a long time. Calm down. Don’t fret”, Avery calmly said, making Zara was calm down. After some time, when the blood circulation in her legs worked perfectly, Avery could feel her legs and she left the garden and went towards in the direction of her bed room.
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