chapter 73?

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All of a sudden, out of no where, Avery felt that something was not right. She had a very strong gut feeling that she was being watched. Then, she found it. The reason for her feeling not good. At quite a distance, which was not very long, she saw a pair of eyes, watching her moves, without even blinking the eyes, scaring the hell out of her. The pair of eyes looked terrifying and it watched her every move, like a shadow. The pair of that terrifying eyes belonged to a bear, that was as twice as her height and was black in color. Avery’s forehead was instantly filled with a layer of sweat, not to mention the inner parts of her palm. It was as wet as if she had just dipped her hand into a bowl of water. Just one look at that wild animal, with its teeth baring, with the front teeth appearing like a well sharpened knife, ready to pierce and cut anything into pieces, that comes in its way, was the worst nightmare for Avery. All because the scene of encountering a wild animal, brought back memories from the past, that still haunts her like a never ending loop in her nightmares even now. Avery started shaking a little and the rate at which her heart beats increased by several folds, making her to have an uneven breathing pattern. Her mind went blank in an instant, and she could feel the chill that was running through her spine, like the sky on a clear day. She looked trance and did not know what to do. She subconsciously took a few steps back, without taking an eye from the wild animal in front of her in fear. But the moment Avery made a, move, the bear in front of her let out a growl, that made all the hair on Avery’s hand to raise in goose bumps. The growl made Avery to come out of her trance state, and she turned around and ran for her life in the opposite direction. The bear too started chasing Avery, once she took off in the other direction. In the moment of pain, Avery did the mistake that one should never do while running. She turned her head and took a look in the back, to see whether the wild animal was chasing her or not. But to her bad luck, the bear indeed ran after her, and was closing the distance between them. The blood in her veins pumped up, and the fear made her to push her limits and made her to run faster. But the fact goes, four is always greater than two, her two little legs was no match for the four legs of the bear. Out of no where, there was a loud crashing sound, as if something was hit against a hard surface, that was followed by the angry growl with an underlying tone of whining of the bear. Even in that state of fear gripping her, the weird sounds coming from behind her, urged Avery to take a look behind her. But Avery knew all too well of the consequences of taking a, look behind her once more. She could loose her footing or crash against something. But all the logic went down the drain, and in the last, the curious part won over her logical reasoning part. Avery turned her head a little and took a look behind, only to see that the bear was growling and rolling on the ground as of it was in a great pain. And just like she had thought, Avery tripped on something and fell on the ground. Avery crashed on the forest floor and landed on the side. She hissed in pain because of her hard impact on the ground, but the pain only lasted a few seconds, as her curious nature peeked it’s head yet again. The bear, which was rolling on the ground in pain, stood up again, and this time it looked even more pissed, as the roar that came Out of it sounded blood curling. It's eyes looked scary, with a killing intent shinning brightly. The bear let out a roar again, and ran towards her direction, making Avery to freeze in fear. Avery cursed herself for being a stupid girl, as instead of running for her life and be safe away from the wild bear in front of her, she let the curious part of hers to take over her, which let her be in the most unfortunate situation of facing the bear. She blamed herself for the bad situation she was in. The wild bear, that was twice the size of her ran towards in her direction, baring it’s teeth in a terrifying way. As if all those sharp white teeth were ready to be sunk into her soft flesh, and tearing it apart. Avery thought that she was dead, when she realized the happenings around her. But, Out of no where, a stone hit squarely at the center of the Bear’s eyes, making the running bear to double over in pain. Avery slowly turned around in the direction, from which the stone came from, only to see a man standing on the opposite side at a few feet distance, while juggling with stones in one of his hands. .....
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