chapter 47?

230 Words
Hastings household Mansion. In the early hours of the day, everyone was so busy to welcome the new day and it was the same in the Hastings household Mansion too. Every servant was running around the wide corridors of the mansion, buzzing around the house while doing some sort of manual work, which was allocated for each of them. Some of the house maids were sweeping, wiping and dusting every nook and corner in the whole Mansion so as to not leave even a speck of the dust, as if there was any dust left out without cleaning or wiped out, and that was caught by Madam Gwen, then it’s the end game for that servants. Madam Gwen would toast them and give severe punishment in her angry mode. So every one of the servants in the household didn’t had to guts to slack off and worked diligently. Because no one wanted to get caught and punished by Madam Gwen. As the servant who got caught for not wiping the floor in a deeper clean way, was caught and twenty whip lashes were given. So every servant in the household knows too well not to cross and get caught by the female head of the household. The male servants were sweeping the open courtyards and trimming the plants that had grown more than its usual size and was trimmed accordingly.
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