chapter 46?

240 Words
The royal palace, capital city. The royal court that gathered that day was dragged for a very long period of time and it was even more exhausting for every one who gathered for the royal court gathering that day. It’s mainly because, there was too much case records that were needed to be reviewed and also the official work for which the second and third Prince of the Valerian kingdom went for, was finished and the details of that work was discussed very deeply. As usual some opposed for the ideas given and implemented by the princes in their work area, those who didn’t like either of the princes, said something against the records and questioned the works fine by the Royal princes. They were dissatisfied with the princes and thus even the work done by the royal princes were questions in the order I’d anything and everything. They didn’t let a single tiny chance to slip through their hands to show their dominance to the royal princes. And some who liked the royal princes and was the ones who would struck up to the royal family openly face their appreciation. They were the real suck ups to the government above them. And the last one,the set of people who were neither supportive to either of the sides on the discussion. They just remained silent throughout the whole discuss. Thus the discussion dragged a lot longer the the usual time.
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