Friends and Acquaintances

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Chapter Five Anastasia POV “What are you doing here?” He asked but I frowned at him. He was dressed in a beige long-sleeve polo and slacks. He seemed quite excited to see me. “Sorry, I don’t think we’ve properly introduced ourselves yet.” He extended his hands for a shake. “My name is Marcus, the guy-” ‘That didn’t respect the fact that I was supposed to have a call with his boss.” I ignore his hands shake. “Right, you’re upset that I called you hot and sorry to break it to you, I’m not Damien’s ‘staff’” he air quoted and tucked his hands in his pocket. Damien, so that was his name. Damien Graham. “He’s my buddy and I’m sorry if what I said was unprofessional. I was uncalled for and it probably made you uncomfortable.” He said calmly. “Please, don’t hate me for that. I’ll ask the girls to give your hair a great treatment on the house.” On the house? What was that supposed to mean? “You own Graceful?” I asked unable to hide my curiosity. I had read that it belonged to a woman who was an immigrant. “No, I don’t but my Sister does.” He replied with a proud smile. “And I’m sure they’ll be excited to see a redhead.” “I’m a ginger-” “Tomato, tomato. So do you forgive me and accept to not hate me anymore?” He asked and I eyed him slowly. “Marcus, stop keeping my clients outside. For Christ's sake, it’s pretty cold.” A woman with curly black hair called out. Our attention moved to the woman coming out of the car. “Good morning sis-” “Hello, I’m sorry if my brother is bothering you. He doesn’t seem to get the memo that he can’t be friends with everyone,” she said with a sweet smile. “Oh and your hair is great but can be better,” she said as examined my hair in a bun... Marcus left shortly after saying he had something to do and his sister Grace attended to me. She gave my hair a deep conditioning treatment while telling me about how she loved the colour. At the end of the day, she refused to take payment and said it was her way of wanting me to come back often. Daniel hadn’t tried to call me or respond to any of my texts which reduced the anxiety in my chest. …………………………………………………………………………………….. The number you’re calling is currently unreachable, try again later. “This isn’t great,” I muttered to myself as they finished up. My dress remained in the bag but it wasn’t my concern, Daniel was supposed to be my plus one and my escort and without him being here it was just going to be me. Even though I was used to going to big events, my introverted side still depended on having someone by my side. “Do you want to wear your dress now?” The attendant asked and I nodded slowly. “I think I’ll be fine by myself, thank you.” She left me alone and I stared at my reflection in the mirror. With the highlight on my cheeks, my eyes popped even more and the red lipstick on my lips added colour to my face. Maybe accepting this invitation was a bad idea, maybe Daniel was right- it's too much for someone like me. “Oh my God, since when did you start thinking like this?” I said and leaned back on the chair, I wasn’t a quitter- my father didn’t raise me to rethink choices like this. With a deep breath, I got ready and tried Daniel one last time with no answer, I gave up and switched off my phone. The ride to the centre was quiet, a comforting silence that helped me to go through my speech and do some reading. I smiled when Josiah’s message came in and sent him a response at the same time the car slowed down. “We’re here Mrs Anastasia. Do you need some time? I can always circle back.” “No, it’s fine. Thank you.” As he opened my door for me, the cameras were already coming in and my name was being called by the people on the sidelines. With a smooth smile on my face, I searched around slowly hoping to find someone I knew- “You’re a bit late.” I turned at the sound of Marcus' voice, he was beaming at me and I sighed in relief. Even though we weren’t friends, at least I could talk to him and keep myself occupied. “Where are you waiting for me?” I asked and he extended his hands for me to wrap around. “Not exactly, but it seems like you need an escort so why not?” He said as we walked up the stairs side by side. Marcus pulled away so that I could take pictures alone and after that, he helped me the stairs into the building. “You look great by the way and your hair is stunning.” “Thank you, Marcus,” I replied as familiar faces appeared in front of us. “Oh, there’s Damien,” Before I could fully register what was happening we stopped just next to a sculpture. “Where were you? Alexia has been looking for you.” Damien said not acknowledging my presence. “She’s here already? I was waiting outside for her.” Marcus muttered and I released my hands from his drawing Damien’s attention. His eyes boarded into mine, staying on my face before he turned back to Marcus. “You two came in together?” “Yes, I escorted her in,” Marcus answered. “I better find Alexia, enjoy the rest of your evening.” He said and walked away leaving me and Damien together. “Where’s your husband?” He asked quietly turning his gaze to the rest of the crowd. “I don’t think it's any of your business,” I replied too harshly. “Trouble still in paradise?” He asked and I caught on the slight raise of his brow. When I didn’t answer he turned to me. “You’re a fine woman, Anastasia, you are also wealthy. I don’t think it safe to have you coming here alone especially if-” “This is your first time isn’t it?” I interrupted nodding as a couple walked past us. “Yes, I’ve been away for five years.” “That explains a lot because this fundraiser is a daily bread to me.” He stared at me like I had lost my mind. “Mrs. Anastasia Reed, we are ready to have you now.” A woman whom I recognized from the committee walked up to me with a bright smile. With a smirk on my lips, I walked away making sure to flip my hair over my shoulders. “Watch and learn Damien Graham.”
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