Chapter 13

2406 Words

Ulric pov I didn’t particularly care about sleeping on the floor, but two nights in a row was messing with my back. I sat up with a groan, rubbing out a muscle cramp as I looked around the room. The Omegas were thorough in their cleaning, so meticulous it made me feel bad. They all had whip marks on them, all of them were Malnourished. When I made food for all of them yesterday I made ten times extra because of how many were there, but they went through all of it as if they were starving. ‘We will change things, even if we remain Elite, we will do our best buddy.’ Leon said with a sniff. I nodded, agreeing with him as I stood up with a groan.      The only thing in this room was the blanket and pillow, no dust or furniture of any sort. All the carpets were washed and cleaned and the ho

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