Chapter 12

2150 Words

Alice Pov I woke up the next morning with a start, staring around the room with a frightened racing heart. ‘You’re okay, Alice, we’re not at a strange place, it’s your father’s home.’ Clarke whispered groggily in my mind. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, trying to calm my racing heart. ‘I guess that depends on your definition of the word strange.’ I said shortly to her. We left later than I wanted to yesterday, and then I stopped at a little diner to get dinner as well, so we ended up just picking a room last night and crashing into it. I remember the hungry look in Ulric’s eyes as he watched me back away from him into the room, the way his eyes traveled up and down my body. His eyes were full of the promise of what he wants to happen. I shuddered, feeling trapped in his feeling

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