Chapter 7

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Alice pov “I accept.” those words were ringing through my ears over and over again as I stretched, fear racing through me. What the hell was wrong with me? Why did I accept this? ‘We have to do our best, let me out and I’ll rip her face off.’ Clarke snarled. I shook my head at her, staring at Penny from the other side of the grounds, her body was too far away to really see her but I was sure she was stretching as well. Renee was with her, probably trying to persuade her to kill me. ‘That’s not allowed in these kinds of matches. I have to remain human, you know this. Only wolf matches allow us to let the wolves out.’ I said wearily after her. ‘Though, I really wish I could just let you fight. I’m...I’m not really good at it.’ I said softly to her. She howled at me while I stood there shaking, fear racing through me. ‘You’ve gotten better in the past few years.’ Clarke said encouragingly. I shook my head no, biting my lip. ‘I wasn’t allowed to train as a warrior until after daddy was killed. After that, I still didn’t go until a year afterward, when I was sixteen. That was after Liane finally got me to talk again. Then we only really went to train because Liane wanted to stare at Alpha Brian and I mostly sat there reading a book while she gave him googling eyes. I didn’t actually start training for real until last year. Whilst Penny, she’s been training all her life under her Beta parents.’ I said to Clarke. “It’s okay gorgeous, you got this. You’re taller than her, so she’ll try and aim low, you got to watch all your openings and stay low so you’re even with her. One good punch should knock that tiny bean out.” Ulric said from behind me. I turned around sharply, glaring at him. ‘Don’t yell at him, he has good advice.’ Clarke growled at me. I forced myself to stop growling at Ulric as I looked him over. He had muscles on top of muscles. His chest was practically threatening to burst out of his shirt, his arms bare and crossed, showing off just how big and sexy they were. I gulped, pulling my eyes to his. He has definitely trained all his life, he was more muscular than even Alpha Brian, and training was probably the only thing Alpha Brian cared about besides Liane. “Thank you for the advice.” I said stiffly. He flinched in surprise, he must have thought I’d yell at him for talking to me, but Clarke was right, it was good advice. I looked back towards Penny, fear racing through me again as I watched Alpha Brian walk into the center. “I know you can feel me being in pain because you’re too stubborn to accept the rejection. But you can’t intervene.” I said stiffly at Ulric, my back still turned to him. Gently he reached out his hand, brushing it down the side of my arm, trailing his fingertips down and sending bolts of lightning through me in its wake. “I know, gorgeous. I know the rules, I know how sacred a wolf battle is. I will not intervene no matter how hard it is. But I will be standing close by for when the match is over. It’s not a match to the death, so I won’t intervene. I promise.” He whispered in my ear, making me shiver. I gulped, watching all the elites that were previously training gathering into the stands and talking quietly to each other excitedly. It’s not every day they get to see a match between their Beta and their Gamma, and they could barely contain their excitement. I felt sick, I knew this match wouldn’t take long. Sure I was stronger than I was before with the boost of strength I got from being made Beta, but without a lot of training, I was most likely as weak as a warrior, or at least an elite, maybe. I was about to really embarrass myself. Suddenly Alpha Brian announced it was time to start, and Penny ran towards me. I slow jogged towards her, wanting to prolong this all long as possible. Clarke was distracting me, she had no confidence in my fighting ability and she wanted to take over and fight for me. I commended her for wanting to protect me, but this was a fight I had no choice but to fight on my own. I gritted my teeth as she went to punch my stomach, exactly what Ulric said she’d do. Even though I saw it coming, his warnings could only do so much. Penny was faster than me, stronger than me. She slammed her fist into my stomach before I could even crouch down to her level. I fell backward, the breath knocked out of me, and slammed into the ground. She jumped up into the air and tried to slam into me, but I managed to roll out of the way in time. I stood up faster than her and punched her in the side of the face. I went to punch her a second time but she was too fast, she moved away at the last minute. We faced each other, me finally in a low stance and her grinning at me with a mouth full of blood. Honestly, I was proud of myself so far, even though all I managed to do was hit her once. My stomach was throbbing from her punch, and I made the mistake to look down at it. I felt her charging me and the minute I looked down was enough for her to catch me off guard. I looked up right as she punched me, an uppercut to my jaw. My head snapped back painfully, my teeth clicking together and breaking through my tongue. I staggered backward in pain, Ulric howling profanities at Penny behind me. Penny was ruthless, she didn’t let me recover. Then again, it was a match, it would be strange if she stopped every time she punched me to ask me if I was alright or needed a minute. Her fist slammed into me and all I could do was hold up my hands to defend myself. I cried out in pain as I felt my wrist break, the agony spread throughout my body. ‘Let me out! I’ll f*****g kill her!’ Clarke roared in my head. I winced, trying to dance out of her way as she tried to throw another punch. She broke my right hand, I wasn’t trained to fight with my left, I felt so useless. I went to punch her with my left hand and it barely hurt her. Penny laughed out loud as she touched her cheek, mocking me and calling me weak. I frowned, tears in my eyes as I felt embarrassed by my weakness. I hated appearing so weak and useless. I could hear Ulric trying to cheer me on and I gripped my left hand into a tight fist, determined to not look bad in front of him. I charged her, keeping low like Ulric said, and punched her as hard as I could in her stomach. She didn’t fly backward like I did, making me look down at her feet and seeing her stance was different than mine, stronger, more solid. She grunted in pain as blood trickled down out of her mouth, but she didn’t stop as I did before. She reached out her hand and grabbed my broken wrist, squeezing it tightly. I screamed, barely hearing Ulric behind me roaring how Penny was fighting dirty. I could feel his anger through the bond, it was mixing with my overwhelming fear. Still holding my broken wrist she punched me as hard as she could in my face, snapping my head back. She had let go of my wrist right as her punch landed, and I sailed backward. I laid on the ground moaning as she stalked over to me, looking down at me like a predator. Slowly, I lifted my hand, the signal for surrender. I couldn’t go on any longer, I knew I was finished. She growled at me, kicking me in the side in disgust. I cried out in pain, and she lifted her foot to kick me again. Before her blow could land I was swept up into strong arms, electricity tingling all over me. I knew without looking it was Ulric, his scent was surrounding me and I couldn’t stop myself from feeling momentarily safe. Penny growled at him, furious. “Put her down! You’re interrupting the match!” She screamed, fury in her eyes. ‘Let me out! I swear she’ll be choking on her tongue in minutes!’ Clarke howled. ‘I can’t, Clarke, you know the rules.’ I said weakly to her. “She surrendered. Be a good sport, cousin. You won. If you continued, she would have eventually died.” Alpha Brian interrupted her. I snapped up my head weakly as I watched him walk over to us, furry in his eyes. “That was despicable, Alice. You’re Beta, but yet you were fighting as if you were a warrior. If even! How did I ever let you be Beta without a proper fight!” He roared at me. My head was spinning, his voice was everywhere and I felt myself trying to curl into a ball in Ulric’s strong arms. I whimpered, pain radiating all around me. “If I recall, son, I told you to make Penny Beta, but Your silly wife Liane wanted her best friends to be Beta and Gamma.” Renee choked out in annoyance as she came up behind Alpha Brian. Alpha Brian looked over at her with a thin smile. “You’re right, that was my mistake, mother, allowing her to let me make such a weak choice.” He said thinly. Renee nodded at him. “A poor choice indeed. Gamma Silvia went and got herself killed by bear shifters, and Beta Alice is weaker than I was when I was ten. You should have made Penny Beta, son. There’s still time to change it. Announce it now, demote Alice, and promote Penny.” She growled out at him. ‘Are they really going to demote me?’ I whimpered to Clarke. ‘Penny would make a horrible Beta, even if she is stronger right now, you’re going to be stronger when you train more. Penny isn’t book smart or anything, she wouldn’t be able to help in any way with reports or decisions.’ Clarke’s barked at me in anger. I widened my eyes in disbelief. Before I could speak, Ulric did. “With all due respect, Alpha Brian, I’m not sure how your pack does things but all the other packs I’ve lived in and visited would never allow such a demotion. A proper challenge for the Beta title should be given.” Ulric growled out. Alpha Brian stepped closer to Ulric, looking at him as if he was a bug. Penny stomped her foot in annoyance. “I just won the match, Ulric! I should be promoted now!” She whined. Alpha Brian whipped his head to look at her, his dark expression neutral as he looked back and forth at Ulric and Penny, glancing at me from time to time as well. He was thinking, something he didn’t do all that often since he usually allowed his mother to make all his decisions. “I have made a decision.” He announced suddenly. Penny and Renee grinned at each other, expecting a good outcome for Penny, and I sighed, closing my eyes as I waited for the demotion. Who knows, maybe he’ll banish me as well. “I’m not demoting Alice.” He said thickly. I opened my eyes wide in surprise, Penny stomped her foot again in annoyance and Renee lowered her eyes to angry slits. She went to speak but he held up his hand, silencing her. “Not yet, anyway.” He said slowly. “Ulric might be new, but he’s right. The wolf matches are sacred, and not even I am above them. This match was simply started because Penny annoyed Alice and she shoved her, then challenged her to fight and Alice accepted it. The match wasn’t made for the title. But at the same time, I am fully embarrassed by my Beta’s lack of strength and skill. As much as I wish I had listened to mother and made Penny Beta back then, I can’t change the past. All I can do now, is rectify it. There will be another match between the two of you, for the Beta title. Get ready, it will start soon.” He said firmly. Everyone started talking at once, Penny started stretching again and I frowned, fear filling me. If I had to fight her again I’d rather just lose my title now, I couldn’t do that again. “Alpha Brian, how can you expect Alice to fight again after she just got hurt? You should give her time to train and heal before the next match.” Ulric growled at him. Everyone stopped talking, and Renee stepped forward. She jabbed her finger into Ulric’s chest, right over my head, but Ulric didn’t even flinch. “No matter how much healing and training she gets, she won’t be strong enough to beat Penny. Didn’t you see how sloppy she was? How weak she was? It was embarrassing, and every time you open your mouth you just make her have more of a chance to embarrass herself. Because of you, she has to fight again. Now you want her to try her best to train so she loses again? That will humiliate her even worse than losing now.” She said angrily. Alpha Brian cleared his throat, and Renee backed away, her eyes full of furry. “Regardless, I understand what you’re saying, Ulric. The match for the Beta title will be held one month from now. Elite Ulric, I watched you training from the window. Your speed and precision, your techniques, they were all flawless. I feel like if my father was alive, he would be doting on you right now. I don’t understand who trained you, but you fight like an Alpha. I appoint you to train Alice. You won’t be able to leave her side until the match.” He paused, and my heart was racing. I was being forced to stay near Ulric for a whole month? How was this possible? Was he moving Ulric to the Beta floor? “Also, until the match is decided I can’t bear the thought of someone so weak and untrained living near me. Pack your belongings immediately and move out. You can’t go to the elite house either, you’re not strong enough to live near them, it’s too embarrassing.” His voice boomed at me. I started shaking, trying my best not to cry. “Where will I go then?” I whispered, trying to take deep breaths. He glared down at me in annoyance. “You still have your father’s house, Alice. It’s not too far from here, ten minutes by car ride from the royal packhouse on the other side of the lake. You and Ulric will live there and train there. After one month Ulric will move back to the elite house, and I’ll decide what to do with you once you lose. But for the time being, you’re still Beta, and you will still be expected to be present for meetings. As well as visiting Liane, she will need her best friend.” He said. Renee and Penny went to speak but he silenced them with a wave of his hand. “Enough. I need to get back to her. Ginger gave me a report, the contractions are coming closer, she’s about to start having the babies. Mother, you’re in charge while I’m in there with Liane. That is all, dismissed.” He said, his Alpha command lingering in the air. ‘I wish I could go to, I’m so worried about Liane.’ I said. ‘I know, so am I, but he’ll never allow it. She’ll be forced to give birth with Brian’s brooding face glaring down at her, and Renee teasing her about everything or judging everything Ginger does.’ Clarke whimpered, lowering her head. ‘I know. I feel so bad for her. She was so cute and bright, so happy before. Now she was like a star that was used too much, slowly fading until it turns dark and falls.’ I said. With that he left, Renee following closely behind him as she tried to quietly get him to change his mind. With difficulty I climbed out of Ulric’s arms, standing on wobbly legs that made me wish I wasn’t so stubborn, and that I could allow myself to just let him carry me. “This isn’t over, Alice!” Penny sneered into my face. “That’s enough, Gamma Penny. We have a lot to do, a lot of moving to do.” Ulric said softly, his voice rumbling through me as he gripped my arm to steady me. “Ulric, when I’m Beta, you will be mine.” Penny said with a sneer. I frowned fury racing through me. How dare she presume he’d want her? Unless he really was just interested in the title. I frowned, fear mixing with my furry. “Gamma Penny, with all due respect, you’re not going to be Beta. Alice will beat you.” He grumbled to her. Penny smiled widely, a calculating look in her eyes. “If you’re so sure of that, you’d be fine making a bet. If Alice loses, and I become Beta, you will reject her, and be my mate. You will accept me and be Beta with me.” She said with a smile. ‘Oh hell no! She can’t have our mate!’ Clarke howled in my head. My heart dropped, but I whipped the fear from my face, my mask a perfect mask of no emotion. “I’m so very confident that Alice will beat your tiny little bean ass, that I accept the bet. If Alice loses I’ll be your Beta. If she wins, you will leave me alone and find some other guy to torture.” He grumbled behind me. I was shocked, either he was very confident in his training abilities, or he really did just want the title. What that all it really was? In the end, it was just about being Beta. I couldn’t help myself from feeling disappointed, but I shook my head to make the thoughts vanish. Like I said before, it didn’t matter. People always changed accordingly. Or maybe he never really wanted me, but just wanted to be Beta. Penny smiled sweetly at him, nodding. “I’ll let you do what you need to do, see you later, my future husband. As for you, I look forward to destroying you. Next match, you’ll not only lose, but I will kill you. No one will be able to stop me. I’ll make sure of it.” She said with a grin. With that Penny walked away towards the training grounds. I staggered, the shock of everything was too much for me, and I felt myself being swept up once more into Ulric’s arms. I growled at him, but he ignored me as he carried me to the royal pack house “I know, don’t touch you anymore. But you can’t walk right now. Ginger can’t help at the moment, but I’m going to the alpha floor to see if the apprentice can help. I’m going to set you on your bed to rest.” He said thickly. I nodded at him, noticing how he remained calm and thoughtful, even in the middle of such chaos. I closed my eyes, resting my head against his chest. I couldn’t help but acknowledge, he would make a great Beta. Not that I was going to accept him. But now he would be my Beta when I lost to Penny a second time. Clarke howled in my head, annoyed by the events as she tried to get me to let her out so she could charge after Penny. I bit my lip, knowing I had to do so much, and on top of it I was being forced to move back into daddy’s house. I vowed I’d never step foot in that house again. My heart was beating so fast I felt like crying. I wish I could have just stayed in bed this morning.
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