Chapter 6

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Ulric pov I woke up the next morning early, around six in the morning. I was use to it, from when Adaline and Lyell would train with me, and then when Alarick joined in at the royal packhouse. Once the battle with the rogues happened and Adaline was pregnant, the training group broke up to just Alarick and Lyell training together, and sometimes I would join in but it felt like I was intruding on something personal. Sometimes Tate would train with me but he was mostly worried about Adaline and stayed by her side, or was out and about making sure the dead were taken care of and the hunts for escaped rogues were made. That was when I started listening to music when I train, and I realized I liked it quite well. I was usually alone at the royal packhouse training grounds before so I could use Lyell’s speaker, but I had a feeling I would need headphones here. When Alice told me last night about the elites sharing with the royal packhouse training grounds I was happy I purchased a pair. I was planning on taking a shower afterward so I just slipped on some training pants and a thin training material white shirt with short sleeves. I slung a towel over my shoulder to wipe my sweat and I grabbed my phone and headphones, syncing them together as I walked down the stairs. ‘All the girls are staring at you and checking you out.’ Leon said with a chuckle. Absently I realized I forgot to tie up my hair but I didn’t feel like going back upstairs. I shrugged, gritting my teeth as I put the headphones in my ears. ‘I’m just going to ignore it. I told those girls yesterday I was mated, I’m sure the rumors got around. Even if they didn’t know who she was they should still stay back. Hopefully. I never was one for girls fawning all over me. Before I mated to Michelle I tried a few relationships but I never kissed them or anything else, it was mostly to keep Sevra from trying to hit on me. Then Michelle died and I only kissed her once beforehand. Then Adaline, but right from the start that was a mess, and thinking back now, I’m embarrassed for it.' I scratched my head as Leon chuckled at me. ‘You did kind of throw yourself at your cousin’s true mate when it was obvious she wasn’t into you.’ He snickered at me. I winced, turning on the music low so I can still hear him, but block out the gossiping of the people in the packhouse. ‘I know, it was stupid. And she was cute to be fair, strong-willed, just my type. But I never loved her. She was just a cute distraction to try and get my head out of thoughts of Michelle’s death.’ I said sadly as I walked through the doors to my car. Leon whined, nodding. ‘I understand buddy, trust me, I understand you more than anyone. You’re a good guy, Ulric. Stop beating yourself up over Michelle. Her death wasn’t your fault.’ He whined. I growled softly, slamming my car door shut and gripping the steering wheel. ‘I know you’re trying to make me feel better buddy, but I just can’t agree with you. Not yet. What Kiara said, the look in her eyes, how sure she was that I was to blame, it sparked something in me that I can’t ignore.’ I said, starting the engine and driving to the royal packhouse. Leon whined at me again, but otherwise he said nothing, and after a while I turned up the volume of my music, trying to drown out my sorrows. I parked and got out, staring at the dreary royal packhouse with disinterest, only caring about the one person who lived inside. I couldn’t help wondering which room was hers. If their packhouse was set up the same as it was for the Dark Woods pack or the Blood Moon pack, then she’d be on the second floor, all by herself as the only Beta. She must be so lonely there, but a part of me was sure she was fine by it. It probably didn’t bother her at all. I sighed deeply as I lowered my gaze, walking slowly to the back of the royal packhouse. I looked at it in surprise, it was fairly the same but different at the same time. They had a giant tent behind the royal packhouse just like Tate and Adaline did, with many tables and chairs and stands stacked up so they can be easily taken out and placed for quick food setup. The training grounds were behind it, but they were three times bigger than Tate and Adaline’s pack. There was a platform for the royals to sit, but they had a tent placed over it as well, shielding them from the sun for daytime fights. It was a good idea, and I couldn’t help but mentally store it in my head. It would be a great thing to tell Tate about, considering Caileen and Brandos. Brandos had blood red hair, and something about redheads made them burn easier in the sun. As for Caileen, she might be fully healed by Adaline but she was raised indoors and barely ever in the sun. She needed to build herself up to it, and being in the sun too long made her burn. I started walking towards the field and noticed a long building on the right. Curiously I walked to it. I could have asked someone but I didn’t feel like talking to them yet. Once I got to the building I noticed a boy and girl sign, like at a bathroom. I went into the boys and looked around, eyes widened in surprise. They had locker rooms set up, complete with bathrooms and showers. Everything was hidden in stalls for privacy. There was even a common room in the middle of boys and girls locker rooms where one could get refreshments and cool down before going back outside. I noticed there was a gym behind the common room, full of exercise bikes and weights as well. Most of the people training were in there, and I was curious to try them out but I wanted to see what the outdoor training equipment was first. I grabbed a few bottles of water and thanked the Omega who was refilling them in the ice bucket. She blushed deeply and bowed to me, stammering out a thank you. I frowned, confused. Slowly I took a sip and watched as another Elite grabbed a water bottle from her hand, yanking it from her and shoving her to the ground. Quickly I went to her and helped her up, turning around to yell at him but he was gone. I ripped the headphones from my head and glared at the shaking Omega. “What the hell was that about? Why did he shove you?” I asked her. She yanked away from me, bowing deeply again. “Honestly, his treatment of me was more something I’m used to than yours. You’re an elite, and you’re being nice to me. That doesn’t happen unless an elite mates with an omega. Which also barely happens because they’d usually reject us doe how weak we are.” She muttered. I frowned at her, annoyed, as I looked over her body quickly. She had no muscles, no meat on her bones, she looked worse than the Omegas who were at the Blood Moon pack before Alpha Titus died and Tate made the pack treat Omegas better. We’re they not even letting the Omegas eat over here? I growled low, annoyed at the situation. She mistook me as growling at her and she backed away, holding up her hands. I reached out my hand to her but she turned around and ran back into the small hidden kitchen behind the stand she placed food on. I sighed, ruffling my hair as I turned around and walked outside. Before I could replace my headphones Leon spoke to me. ‘I know you’re upset buddy. But you got to understand, this is a different pack. It’s not right, of course, but we have no way of changing the situation without making it worse for the omega you’re defending, or even for yourself. Maybe if we marry our mate and become Beta we can change things, but I’m not even sure if Renee will allow the Alpha here to allow the changes.’ He said sadly. I agreed with him, then slipped my headphones back in. I didn’t want to think, I didn’t want to do anything but train. I was glad to see punching bags set up. Tate didn’t have any behind his packhouse, but Derrick did. We also had one in my room and Derrick and I would punch on it for hours before. I grabbed the tape on the ground and quickly taped my knuckles, turning my music up full blast and setting down my towel. It seemed like only minutes I started, but after about an hour I slung my sweaty shirt off and continued punching the bag, taking all my pent-up frustrations on it. After another hour I wiped off my face, running my fingers through my sweaty hair as I tried to keep it out of my eyes. I hated forgetting a hair tie when I trained, I should have run back upstairs to grab it earlier before I left the house. I turned around and noticed a few different groups of elites watching me and I ignored them. I knew I was different from them, I was raised being trained like an Alpha. I trained even more than Lyell did before my old pack died. I needed to find out where a sporting good was close to here so I could get my own weights and such. I moved to the bars and started to do chin-ups when I felt her close to me. I could smell her scent soon after but I didn’t stop, I was sure she wouldn’t come over to me. I realized I was going faster as Leon was going crazing in my head, wanting me to stop and attack her. Suddenly my headphone popped out and fell to the ground, making me stop my rhythm. I sighed, letting go of the bar, and grabbed it off the ground, wiping the dirt off of it. That’s when I looked up, and my eyes instantly sought hers. She was staring at me, her eyes wide as she ogled my body. She slowly looked up and down, her eyes staying on my chest as she bit her lip. I growled, low and steady as I felt her lust pouring into me in waves through our mate bond. Her eyes snapped up to mine and she blushed, looking down at the ground in embarrassment that she’s been caught staring at me. I wanted to mind link her but it wasn’t the same as a personal level of complete mated true mates, and the Alpha or Luna could always be listening in if they wanted to. I realized I didn’t need to mind link her. I strolled over to her and bent over, picking up my towel she just happened to be standing next to. Coincidence? Maybe it was because my shirt had my scent on it, and she was drawn to me like I was drawn to her. Like a fire drawn to the wind, burning away at my soul. She looked up at my face in surprise, seeing me right next to her. She had her hair in a messy bun again, wearing a tight long-sleeved black training shirt and black skin-tight leggings for pants. I could barely contain my lust for her, I was practicing panting as I looked her up and down. The electricity between us was pulling me towards her, and I realized I was practically touching her as I stared deeply into her eyes. Suddenly I heard a throat being cleared and I backed away, taking a deep breath to try and calm my feelings. I could see her doing the same, her eyes looking everywhere but at me. I glanced up annoyed at the intruder. She was short, probably even shorter than Adaline if that was possible. She had really short dark brown hair as if her head was shaved bald and it just started growing back a few months ago. Then again some girls liked that look, and I had to admit it matched her face nicely. She smiled at me with her dark green eyes full of cunning, looking back and forth between me and Alice as if she knew a dirty little secret. Unlike Alice who dressed very modestly with barely any skin showing ever, this girl had on a white training shirt like mine but she had short sleeves and a low v-neck. So low you could see the edges of her training bra peeking out. She had on short black shorts, probably too short to be honest. “Hello, I don’t think I’ve met you yet. My name is Penny, I’m the Gamma.” She purred at me. I shivered in disgust, remembering how Sevra use to use the same sickly sweet voice to me before. I couldn’t refuse her handshake, however, so I shook her hand firmly and nodded at her. “Nice to meet you, Gamma Penny. My name is Ulric, I’m an Elite. I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself to you earlier, I still haven’t met Luna Liane either.” I said to her. She looked up at me with her hands on her hips, smiling at me. “Well, you’d like a delicious-looking mountain, did anyone ever tell you that?” She said with a chuckle. I frowned, unsure how to answer that. Honestly, she was like a tiny little bean, but I doubt she wanted me to tell her that. “So, I take it you’re single? I don’t see a ring on your finger, how about you go on a date with me tonight?” She said forwardly, her eyes narrowing at Alice. She leaned forward, brushing her fingers down my wrist as she talked, making me jerk my hand back in reflex. She didn’t seem to notice or care, but Alice did. Alice stalked over to us, glaring down at Penny as if she was a bug. She growled low at her, anger blazing in her eyes as it washed through our mate bond. ‘Our mate is jealous of the Bean.’ Leon purred at me. I chuckled at him. ‘She really is tiny. How is she even a Gamma? I’m slightly curious.’ I said to him. He growled softly in my head. ‘Don’t be curious over other girls.’ He barked at me. I shook my head at him, ignoring him. “Yes, he is single. But he doesn’t need to go out with you.” Alice barked at her. I grinned, stepping back as I watched them glare at each other. “I don’t see why any of that is your business. If he’s single he should be able to go out with me. Unless of course, he’s your true mate, Alice?” She grinned at her with a cunning grin. ‘Oh! Is she going to admit to it?’ I said to Leon with widened eyes. Leon jumped up and down in my head in excitement. “I hope so.” He said. Suddenly, before Alice could respond, Penny opened the whole pack channel, mind linking with everyone at once, though I suspect the Alpha and Luna are left out of it unless she’s trying to make herself look childish. “To everyone who has been wondering about the new arrival, his name is Ulric. He’s an Elite, and his true mate is our Beta, Alice. Though they aren’t marked, so he’s single still.’ She announced. ‘Wow, how childish is that.’ Leon said with a huff. Alice growled, lifting her hands and shoving Penny backward. I was slightly shocked by it. With how much taller Alice was to Penny, and Alice being a Beta, I would have assumed Penny would have been flying onto her butt. But Penny barely budged, her stance staying the same as she eyeballed Alice angrily. I felt his presence before he spoke as Alpha Brian furiously stomped over towards us. I smacked my forehead in annoyance. The stupid little bean disturbed the Alpha, possibly even the Luna as well. “What is going on here! Your Luna has started her contractions, and a stupid mind link is making it hard for her! Are you trying to make her lose my twins?” He roared at us. Alice looked at him in surprise, her eyes widened. She bowed to Alpha Brian, embarrassment on her cheeks. “I apologize, Alpha Brian.” She said formally. I went to copy her, but before I could speak Penny spoke. “I challenge you, Beta Alice, to a fight. You pushed me, it was uncalled for and the start of a challenge even without spoken words.” She growled at Alice, acting like she didn’t even hear Brian. ‘How dare she challenge our mate!’ Leon roared in my head. ‘Of course, Alice will win!’ He said with a pout. I gritted my teeth, worried. ‘I’m not so sure now. She should have pushed Penny down earlier, but she barely moved. I’m lost as to what’s going on.’ I said to him. Worry was racing through me. Alice glared at her, gritting her teeth. “I accept this fight if only to calm down the furry between you two so my Luna can get through childbirth without the interruption.” Alpha Brian barked out angrily. I looked at Alice, watching as she took deep breaths, her face pale as fear poured into our link. Her face was miraculously wiped clean of emotion, if I didn’t feel her fear or hear her taking deep breaths I wouldn’t have thought she was scared in the least. She was trapped in this fight now, she had to accept now that Alpha Brian accepted it. Otherwise, she would look weak, and most likely be reprimanded. Faintly I wondered where Renee was, but of course, right when I had the thought she came barreling outside towards us as well. I watched Renee's furious face light up as she was about to speak, but Alice spoke first. Two words, that seemed so simple but I could tell were hard for her. “I accept.” She said softly, barely loud enough for anyone to hear. She cleared her throat and glared at Penny, furry in her beautiful light violet eyes. “I accept.”
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