
1066 Words
{Ronan’s POV} I woke up to the disturbing news that a pack member of mine had been tortured. I didn’t know what to think, it was so early, and my head was still muddled with the drinks I had last night. I groggily got up and made my way into the bathroom where I tied up my long deep brown hair in a bun, and quickly walked back to my room throwing on some clothes. I walked down to the main floor and my heart sank in my chest. I smelled the most amazing scent, it was like coffee and hot chocolate. The smell reminded me of winter, a cold night by the fire. I walked to the couch where I saw a few drops of blood, and sure enough, it carried the same scent. My mate was here in the pack, in this pack house, and she was bleeding. Ajax sprang forward in my mind. “Someone hurt our mate?” He asked, his large form looming over my shoulder. “Who hurt my mate?” He growled. “We have more important things to worry about, rather than finding our mate..” I muttered under my breath. I never wanted a mate, but this d*** wolf had other ideas. Having a mate means having a weakness, and a weakness is something I cannot afford to have. I turned towards the door and made my way towards the Jameson’s home. It didn’t take long before I made it, as I did I could see the Jameson’s being thrown in the back of one of our jailer cars, they were in silver cuffs and both were yelling back and forth so loudly that I couldn’t tell what was being said. Dominic stood in the edge of the porch, he looked physically Ill as he shook his head in disbelief. “What’s going on here Dominic? You’re arresting two prominent members of our pack. What’s all of this about?” I asked angrily. “Were you so out of it that you weren’t paying attention this morning?” He snapped. He never took such a tone with me, he was the kindest member of our pack and I’ve known him since we were children. “Sorry Ronan..” he sighed heavily. “This morning a pack member reached out in the mind link, she spotted a rogue near her home while on her way to the pack house. She just turned 18, and had yet to shift so she couldn’t exactly fight them off. She ran for the pack house, and he caught up to her. He clawed up her back pretty bad, and ended up getting away. I brought her to the pack house, the doc got her all stitched up. Then, I told her we should call her adoptive parents to let them know that she’s okay.” He paused for a moment. “She begged me not to, we went to my office, and she explained that they have been abusive to her, for years. I do not know yet, the full extent of what she has gone though, but I know that she was whipped with wolfsbane infused whips.. there are also..” he began. “Let me just show you..” he said leading me to the basement, to a secret room behind a bookcase. The smell of blood was heavy, and immediately Ajax stirred. “Mate!” He growled. A growl that I let slip from my mouth as well. “They..” I looked around the room. I could see chains on the wall, a table, and a chair. The chains were silver, and blood coated them all. “They did this to an adopted child? How can anyone be so cruel.. I want them locked up, and I’m going to personally see to them.” I snapped, turning and walking back out to the main floor. I looked around, noticing her scent on everything. I kept looking for a photo of her, but there wasn’t one. Just pictures of the Jameson’s and their friends here in the pack. “Dominic!” I shouted, soon he stepped behind me. “Yeah? What do you need?” He asked, his eyes looking over the images hung on the walls. “Not a single one of Raven.. hmm..” he said looking over then. “Shame, she’s a beautiful girl, they really treated her badly..” he sighed. I stifled a growl as he complimented the mate I had yet to see yet. “Bring in each one of these pack members, all at once, I want to question them. I want them all placed into separate rooms, and all devices taken so they cannot make contact with one another.” I said handing him one of the photos. “Right away!” He turned and began sending out orders through the mind link. When he was done he turned back to me. “I also sent someone to get more evidence bags. They’re on their way here now, a whole team of men. They’ll be collecting the rest of the evidence downstairs, meanwhile I’m going to go back to the pack house and check up on Raven. To be honest, maybe I shouldn’t have left her alone, especially since her adoptive parents will be arriving soon in cuffs.” He said turning and placing the photo on the table. “I’m coming with you, I have some questions of my own for her.” I said bluntly, before following him out of the Jameson’s home and back towards the pack house. “Our mate was tortured, and all you care about is questioning her about it. Don’t you understand how much that will hurt her? You’re a terrible mate!” Ajax growled in my head before shoving himself far off in the back of my mind. Maybe I am a bad mate, but honestly, I never even wanted one to begin with. I plan on rejecting her as soon as possible, and moving on with my life as the Alpha here. If Ajax doesn’t get a hold of himself now, I’ll make sure to snap him out of it later. The last thing we need is to be distracted by some orphan mate. We need to be strong, and we’d be better off without her, whether he likes it or not.
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