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She waited until Sunday before trying again. Taylor had watched Steve from across the church hall during morning mass. He tried hard not to appear bored and sleepy during his father’s sermon. It was a goal he was failing to achieve since his mother had been forced to pinch him a couple of times. This morning’s sermon was one of Sodom and Gomorrah. A lecture likely planned with his sinful son in mind, but the words did little to faze Steve. It was likely being a reverend’s son that he had heard it all a million times; the words had lost all meaning to him. The service ended, and everyone got to their feet. John nudged Taylor and nodded toward Steve. She knew this was the best time to speak with him while everyone moved outside for the community picnic. Taylor was coming down the stairs when she saw Steve shaking hands with one of the local blue hairs and smiling like a gentleman. He looked so fine in his suit, so sauvé and charming, it was almost difficult to recall that he was the local bad boy. She started toward him when a dark blue convertible pulled into the church parking lot. A breathtaking redhead jumped out of the passenger seat, her dazzling smile as bright as the stars when she saw Steve. Steve’s reaction to her was no less dramatic, his smile became wide, and his eyes sparkled. He held out his arms, and the stunning redhead jumped into his arms her legs wrapped about his waist as he hugged her so tight Taylor was surprised the woman could even breathe. A strange sense of jealousy consumed her as she watched Steve kiss her cheek. He placed her on her feet and could not be happier. Taylor came closer and heard what he had to say. “Oh god, what are you doing here? Why didn’t you call I would have picked you up from the airport?” He said. “I wanted to surprise everyone.” She laughed her hand on his arm. “I’m surprised, god you look great carrot top.” He teased his gaze raking over her and coming to rest on her slightly bulging belly. His eyes lit up, and his smile grew even wider if that were possible. “Oh, gee is that what I think it is?” Steve asked placing his hand firmly on her belly. “Yeah.” She said eagerly. “Oh my god.” He hugged her once more and then pointed a finger to the handsome dark-haired man getting out of the driver’s seat, coming around the front of the convertible. “You dog you knocked up my baby sister.” He teased and hugged the other man patting him hard on the back. Taylor breathed a sigh of relief. This woman was not competition she was his sister. Steve turned to face the gathered congregation and yelled loud above the crowd. “Everyone, look who’s here. I’m going to be an uncle.” With that a flood of well-wishers surrounded them and Taylor found herself pushed back as everyone fussed over the new arrivals. John stood beside her and lowered his voice. “What is going on?” “Remember the sister and the husband?” He nodded. “It would seem they have returned and are expecting.” She informed him. John grind. “Well then is not that nice, now we can look at him too since he is here.” They watched as family and friends crowded around Brook and Dawson Archer. Each receiving a hug from Liam and the Reverend. Taylor could not help but notice how all the men seemed to take to Brook. Every one of their suspects doting on her. She had a strange hold over these men it was clear to see. “Perhaps we disregarded the others far too quickly.” She said watching them fuss over her like her harem of young men. Taylor found herself envying the girl. Men did not fuss over her that way. “I think you were right. Brook’s relationship with these guys looks closer than they led us to believe.” John agreed. “Should we introduce ourselves?” She suggested. “By all means.” John smiled. They strolled over to the group and as expected the good Reverend made the introductions. “Oh, you must meet Mr. John Daniels and his daughter Taylor. They are renting your old trailer.” He said looking at his daughter. “This is my baby girl Brook and her husband, Dawson Archer.” Brook held out her hand and Taylor took it in friendship. “A pleasure to meet you. I know we’ll be great friends.” Brook smiled. She was so friendly; it was hard not to like her. “How long are you two in town?” Steve asked. “Until the baby is born,” Dawson answered. “We don’t want to have the baby in the spotlight so Brook is taking the next year off and she wanted to come home. We’ll be staying in that old farmhouse of mine.” “A whole year?” Steve smiled almost giddy. “That is awesome. I can pick on you for a whole year.” He teased his sister. “But aren’t your fans going to notice your vanishing act?” Suddenly it hit Taylor just who Brook Archer was. She had heard her on the radio a million times. She had some of the biggest numbers one hit over the last year. “Oh, wow you are that Brook Giles.” Taylor gasped with excitement. “I love your music.” “Thank you.” Brook grinned. “It is the product of years of practice.” “You should have heard her play when she was eight.” Her mother said proudly. “Yeah, she sounded like a dying cat plucking those strings.” Steve laughed only to receive a punch to the shoulder from his sister. Taylor could not believe she was standing a foot away from a country music star. “But she got better.” He said fondly. “We should all get together for dinner and catch up,” Steve suggested. Taylor felt her excitement diminish. If Steve became obsessed with his sister once more, he would pay little to no attention to her, and all her efforts would have been in vain. “That idea is great.” Brook smiled. “But for now, I am hitting the buffet table.” She grinned heading toward the picnic tables, her entourage following her. John kept close trying to stick with his new work buddies and see what could come from it. Taylor hung back trying to understand the strange sense of loss she was feeling. Taylor decided to join the others and try to befriend Brook. Perhaps getting to the source would be more fruitful. She paused when she noticed Steve slip away from the crowd and start in her direction. He nodded his head toward the church and Taylor followed him. She mounted the steps pausing to look around and see if anyone noticed her slipping away, but Brook Archer proved an adequate distraction. She went inside, the church was empty, and she did not see Steve anywhere. She wondered where he had disappeared too. Taylor strolled down the side of the hall past the custodian closet. She did not see Steve. Suddenly a strong hand took hers and pulled her into the closet. She found herself pressed right up against him as he pushed the door shut. Taylor’s heart was beating so hard she felt almost giddy. “You startled me.” She scolded. “Sorry, but this is a perfect time for a little privacy.” “Why would we be seeking privacy?” She asked softly. “I figured while everyone was distracted I might make apologize for my friend dragging you off the other night. He doesn’t like me having any fun.” “He said you were a shameless womanizer and if I valued my reputation I should stay far away from you.” She said as he pressed her back against the wall of the closet. “He is right,” Steve said with a wolfish grin and then leaned in, his lips against her ear. “But it is worth the risk.” He purred as his hand moved up her thigh and under her black cotton skirt. She shivered with pleasure when she felt his fingers stroke her through her panties. It was sinfully erotic. She closed her eyes, and her head fell back against the wall. “You feel so good,” he whispered kissing her throat. She believed he could as his hand slipped inside her panties and there was no longer anything between his touch and her throbbing womanhood. “This is wrong.” She whispered. “This is a church.” She could not find the desire to resist him when his long fingers tortured her making her knees quake. “Yeah isn’t it exciting?” He whispered. His skilful touch made her mind spin, and her body grew hot and flush from desire. Taylor placed her hands on his broad shoulder trying to hold herself up. Her legs felt weak, and Steve’s free arm came around her waist holding her up as he caressed and manipulated her intimately. He pushed deeper inside her and Taylor found herself lost in the heat of the moment. Ecstasy washed over her in glorious waves. Her breathing came in short quick breaths as his skilled caress pushed her to the limits of madness. Taylor moaned as she reached climax and Steve pushed deeper into her sending her into a mind-blowing climax. She cried out and Steve’s mouth crushed against hers muffling her cries. His demanding kiss sent Taylor over the edge, and she shook with pleasure. Slowly he pulled his hand away and gazed down at her as she struggled to regain her control. She watched as he lifted his fingers to his mouth and tasted her. The sight made her shutter. “Umm, you taste good. Next time I’ll use my mouth.” His promise gave her delightful goosebumps. She could not remember a time she had been so turned on. Steve slowly pulled her skirt back down and kissed her on the forehead. “Come by my place tomorrow night, and we’ll finish what we started.” She nodded unable to form words. Without another word, Steve slipped out of the closet leaving Taylor alone. She took a deep breath trying to compose herself, hoping that their little tryst was not obvious on her face. She opened the door and made a quick escape to the exit. She came down the stairs and found herself face to face with the woman she recognized as Steve’s ex from the Iron Horse. She gave Taylor a nasty look. “You should stay away from him.” She said harshly. “Why is that?” Taylor asked. “That man is a rutting dog; he’ll hump anything that moves. All he cares about is having a good time. He is a snake and in the end, you will be left lonely, hurt, and forgotten.” Maggie said with such bitterness. Taylor straightened her back as she felt herself becoming defensive. “Just because you couldn’t hold him doesn’t mean I can’t.” Maggie’s eyes narrowed in disgust. “Consider yourself warned.” She said as she walked away. It struck Taylor that Steve’s ex-seemed rather fixated on him. Taylor rejoined John, and he smiled at her. “You have been missing?” He whispered with a hopeful smile. “I think I just bagged the prize.” She smiled. “I’m meeting him tomorrow night.” “Wonderful. I got us invited to dinner.” He announced with a proud smile. “How did you do that?” She asked surprised with his progress. “Brook is surprisingly a very friendly person. That girl is imposable not to like.” He grinned. Taylor had to agree watching the town buzz around her was amazing. She had such charisma. Taylor wished she could be as stunningly beautiful and charismatic as Brook Archer. *** Steve sat out on the stoop of his parents’ farmhouse drinking a beer. His mind was occupied by his tryst earlier that afternoon. Taylor Daniels was so receptive to his touch. Her very closeness was an aphrodisiac. He had been with many women but none that affected him as she did. Watching her want him made him crazy. Her kiss lit him ablaze with red-hot desire. Steve heard the screen door open behind him, and he lowered his beer, hiding it beneath his legs and out of sight. His parents hated when he drank and did not allow liquor on their land. He glanced back over his shoulder expecting to see his mother and found Brook smiling back at him as she let the door swing shut. Relaxing he brought the bottle out from hiding and brought it up to his lips, bent on finishing it before they were called in for dinner. Brook sat down on the stoop beside him her dark brown boot playfully kicking his dusty black one. She smiled warmly at him. “Daddy’s going to smell that on your breath.” She said quietly. Steve had that all figured out. He reached into his pocket and took out a pack of powerful breath mints. “This is not my first beer.” He grinned. Like her, he had been hiding things from their parents for years. He was well practiced. “So, how’s Nashville?” “Busy.” She said pushing her long red hair off her shoulders. “My album went double platinum at Christmas.” “No more living in trailers for you,” Steve smirked. “Dawson is doing great. He got a job in an advertising company, and he is not only the youngest executive, but he is up for a promotion.” Steve found that strange. “I thought you said you were staying for the next year?” “I am.” “But he is not?” Steve asked wondering if Dawson was falling back into his workaholic ways. Steve would not tolerate him ignoring his sister as he had done to Raven. Before she married Liam, Raven had been Dawson’s fiancée, and it was no secret that he hadn’t treated her well. He had always put work first and cheated on her every chance he had. It had been the major reason everyone had disapproved of Dawson’s interest in Brook, but she had managed to tame his wild heart. Brook shook her head reading her brother’s mind. “No, he negotiated a work from home deal with them. So, he can be here with me and do his business over the web and with a lot of help from Fed-X.” Well, that was certainly better than what Steve was expecting. Steve relaxed. “So, you are happy?” He asked. “With my career?” She asked looking into his eyes. “With Dawson… yes, I’m very happy.” She smiled. He loved his sister’s smile; the whole world seemed to light up around her when she smiled. “Good.” He said contently lifting the bottle to his lips and taking a drink. “What about you?” Brook asked. “Are you happy?” Steve shrugged his broad shoulders. “As happy as a guy can be.” “Have you ever thought of settling down?” He laughed. “Hell no. Not interested.” “Why not?” “Haven’t met the one I suppose.” “You are too picky.” Brook teased. “I’m not settling for anything less than everything,” Steve smirked. “She has got to be gorgeous, feisty, and a real wild one in the sack.” He said picturing a woman he could marry. “Shallow much?” Brook chuckled. Steve shot his kid sister a rueful glance. “She has got to be able to shoot whisky and tequila. Be comfortable outdoors, a girl that can hang with my boys, buy the table drinks and tell a downright dirty joke. Someone that will challenge me and make me crazy.” He smiled as he pictured the faceless woman that would coax him to give up his freedom as a bachelor. Steve then looked at his sister. Brook was beautiful, wild and full of life, the sweetest woman he knew. “She would be someone like you.” He chuckled, yeah that didn’t sound creepy. “An annoying little brat that follows you around?” She giggled. “Yep, a pretty little stalker.” He laughed remembering their childhood. Their mother had forced him for years to take Brook with him every time he went out. They believed he would have to behave himself with his kid sister in tow. They were wrong. All that had happened was Brook’s corruption and wild spirit unleashed. “Don’t you already have one of those?” Brook giggled bringing up Maggie. They had broken up almost two years ago, and still, the woman frequently showed up everywhere he was, hoping to hook up once more. Steve rolled his eyes exasperated by the very thought of her. “God don’t remind me. I should have never hooked up with Maggie in the first place. She is proven to be a head case.” “What can I say? You are a hard one to get over.” Brook teased. The sound of tires on gravel drew both their attention to the approaching car coming up the drive. Steve sat up straighter when he recognized the little red car. What were John and Taylor doing there? Steve looked at Brook and saw the smirk on her face. “I thought I would invite them to dinner.” She said innocently. “She is quite pretty,” Brook said as she stood up to greet their guests. Steve shook his head. That crafty little minx, she was trying to set him up. Little did she know he had already set his sights on the lovely Miss. Daniels. Steve stood up casually as he watched John and his daughter gets out of the car. Brook warmly welcomed them and then gestured to him. “I trust you know my no-good-nick brother Steve.” She said with a smile. Steve politely tipped his hat. “John.” He said welcoming them and then looked at Taylor. “Ma’am.” “You know he is single.” His sister said. “Brook!” Steve scolded her with surprise. “Excuse my meddling sister. Why don’t you two come inside? I’m sure dinner is almost ready.” “Is that our guests?” He heard his mother’s voice come from the door behind him. Steve quickly tossed the half-empty bottle over the fence and into the pasture hoping his mother did not catch him. He quickly popped a breath mint in his mouth and turned to smile innocently at his mother who was now gazing at him knowingly. He knew that look. It was the silent scolding he always received when he was ever caught breaking the rules. “Pop another one or your father will know.” She said and then turned her attention back to their guests. “Please come in; dinner is almost ready.” She said welcoming them in. Everyone headed for the door and Steve hung back popping another breath mint and waiting for them to take effect. Taylor walked slowly behind the group and watched as the others entered with an amused look on her pretty face. He could see his scolding had been entertaining her at his expense. “My parents don’t approve of drinking. My father thinks it makes intelligent people simple.” He explained. “I think it is cute the way you interact with your family,” Taylor said her arms folded in front of her with that sexy little grin. She had changed out of her church clothes as he had and now wore a white pair of jeans and a pale blue halter top. Her raven hair had curled, and she looked far too good not to go somewhere. “Well, you know the family. Can’t live with them, can’t escape them.” She laughed, and her eyes sparkled. He liked her laugh it was bold and unrestrained. Not one of those timid hand covering the mouth snickers women so often did. She seemed open and genuine, and he liked that about her. Steve strolled over to her and opened the front door to allow her to pass. “I mean this in the best way,” he said looking into her eyes, “you remind me of my sister.” “Is that a good thing?” Taylor asked her gaze holding his. “Yeah, it is.” “Steven, close the door I didn’t raise you in the barn.” They heard his mother call and Taylor’s lips curved in a snicker. “Let’s not tell our folks we have plans together.” “Do I embarrass you?” She asked. “No, but I’m not interested in dodging your daddy.” “Chicken.” She teased heading inside. Steve’s gaze lowered as he watched her strolled away from him. The girl had a fabulous body; he could not wait to hold it against him. *** Dinner was ample and delicious. Mrs. Giles had made enough food to feed an army and Taylor was surprised to see how fast it disappeared. She had forgotten how much farm boys could eat. Even John had a hearty appetite after a few weeks of ranching. The table filled with brisk laughter and friendly banter between old friends and siblings. Steve and Liam teased Dawson who was surprisingly good about the ribbing. Brook and Raven shot back with witty sarcasm, while his father and mother joined in. It was the most fun Taylor had in a long time. She had, for a time, forgotten they were there on an official task. She enjoyed these people, and it was difficult to remember that three of them were murder suspects. They were good old boys, and not one of them seemed the murderous type. She liked them all very much. After dinner, the ladies helped Mrs. Giles clean up while the guys retired to the living room to watch a hockey game. Right now was the perfect time for Taylor to get better acquainted with Brook, the cause of it all. They were doing the dishes and cleaning the table while Taylor wiped the dishes dry. “It must be exciting to be a professional musician,” Taylor commented. “Oh, it is.” Brook smiled. “It is like a dream come true.” She chuckled as she placed another clean dish in the rack. “And I owe it all to Dawson. If he hadn’t convinced me to go to LA with him, I would have never run into that producer. It was all surreal for a long time; but I will tell you this, hearing yourself on the radio rocks, and I got a nice trophy husband.” They both giggled. “What do you do?” She could not very well tell Brook she was a cop. Taylor had to think quickly. “Nothing at the moment. I have been having trouble finding work.” “Oh, what did you do before this?” Her questions just kept coming. “I was a secretary.” She lied. “I see,” Brook frowned, “well there is not anything like that around here.” Her face lit up like she had an idea. “You know what I used to work over at the Iron House and I bet I could get Jim to give you a job as a waitress.” Taylor forced a smile pretending to be grateful. “That would be… nice.” She had no idea how to wait tables, and it would likely interfere with her investigation. Working all night at the Iron Horse would not be helpful at all. Of course, it had been where the alleged assault occurred. Maybe one of the waitresses or regular customers knew something. “I’m surprised you would ever go back there.” She said idly. “Why not?” Brook asked confused by the comment. “Well, I heard that something horrible happened there, a woman was beaten,” Taylor said baiting Brook to judge her reaction. The gorgeous redhead dropped a plate shattering it as a result. She quickly apologized to her mother and began to clean up the broken plate. All the colour had drained from Brook’s face. “Are you alright?” Taylor asked noticing how Brook’s hands were trembling. “I’m fine.” She whispered. “There is no reason to worry about that happening again. Two of the men responsible are serving a fifteen-year sentence.” “What about the other guy?” Taylor asked knowing the answer and paying close attention to Brook’s face trying to detect deceit. Brook did not bat an eye, and her tone became low and hateful. “He got what he deserved.” She said throwing the broken plate into the trash. “Excuse me.” She said as she left the room abruptly. “Did I say something wrong?” Taylor asked feeling bad about upsetting Brook. “Oh, it is not your fault darling.” Mrs. Giles said coming to take over the task her daughter had abandoned. “You didn’t know, but Brook was the woman those boys brutalized. They almost killed her.” “That must have been terrible.” “Oh, my Brook is such a trooper. She refused to allow it to rule her. She was standing at the altar the very next day. She said she refused to allow it to change her.” Mrs. Giles said with a halfhearted smile. “I’m not one to hate, but they found him dead the very next morning. No one in this town mourned him.” “It must have been difficult for her to enjoy her wedding.” “Well, when they arrived they seemed happy.” She shrugged. “What do you mean… when they arrived?” Taylor asked finding the statement odd. “Well it was a lovely service, but right after Dawson and Brook disappeared for almost four hours. They missed the meal altogether. Liam kept saying they would be by any minute. That they had just gone home to get something, but we all know that couldn’t be true because the house was only ten minutes away, but they were missing for some time. But they were happy, glowing, even when they arrived.” “Oh, that is nice.” Taylor smiled. It was odd for a bride and groom to vanish for hours at their wedding only for the bride’s attacker to turn up dead hours later. Taylor finished helping in the kitchen and found John in the living room cheering with the boys. She had no idea he was a hockey fan. She walked up behind him and placing her hands on his shoulders she leaned in and whispered in his ear. “We need to talk.” John stood up from his chair and made their excuses. “Well dinner was fantastic, but Taylor has a headache I should take her home.” “Sorry to hear you have to go.” Reverend Giles said lifting himself out of the duct-taped armchair he was sitting in. “We will have to have you over again sometime.” “Eh, John don’t forget to get yourself some camping gear for the rodeo. It is an overnight sort of gig.” Liam grinned. “It is a blast.” “I’ll be sure to have it in time.” John smiled as he and Taylor headed for the door. Steve did not bother to get up from his lazy sprawl on the couch. His long legs crossed at the ankle in front of him. He simply winked at Taylor as they passed. It was so subtle that had she not been looking directly at him she would have never noticed. She could not resist flashing him a smile. They headed out to the car after saying goodbye. John pulled out of the drive and pointed the car in the direction of the trailer. “I think we should be looking at Brook.” She said now that they were alone. “Brook?” He asked surprised. “The girl is just a tiny slip of a thing. You heard the Captain the sheer mechanics of it had to be done by a man.” “I know but hear me out. Mrs. Giles told me that Brook married Dawson the day after her assault and that after the vows she and the new husband vanished from their wedding for almost four hours. No one knew where they were.” “So, you think they ran off and killed the vice?” “It is possible.” “Brook had a motive and opportunity, but she doesn’t have the means; she is so small.” John argued. “We just assume she couldn’t do it.” “Ok, let’s say Brook did it. How did she overpower him to kill him?” John asked as he drove down the back roads. “He was injured already. Brook’s husband had beaten the tar out of him the night before he was too broken to put up too much of a fight. If she was in a rage, she could have stabbed him.” John nodded. “Ok so she kills him, but he is still far too heavy for her to get that dead weight swinging from the lights.” “Ok so she kills him, and her husband feels the need to protect his new wife since he had failed to do so the night before. He knows she would be the first suspect, so he takes the Vic and strings him up making it seem like a man had to have done it throwing suspicion off his bride.” “So, you think they did it together?” “It is possible,” Taylor said sitting back in her seat. “And I think you were right about Liam too. I think he knew what happened because when they vanished from the wedding, he was going around trying to create an alibi for his brother and new sister-in-law.” “So now it is a conspiracy we got one killer and two accessories after the fact.” John shrugged his shoulders. “It is possible.” He looked at Taylor. “But how do we prove it?” “I think we keep doing what we are doing. We befriend the family and see what we can uncover.” “So, you better keep your date with Giles. Get to the sister through the brother.”
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