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The Iron Horse was hopping with Nick Julies rocking the stage. Everyone had come out that night to celebrate Clark Hudson’s, an old fishing buddy of Steve’s, thirty-fourth birthday. Clark’s girlfriend had made sure to invite Steve and the rest of his fishing buddies out to party. Clark worked the graveyard shift up at the mill and lived in Manna Berry so outside of their monthly trip to the Pembina River they did not get to hang out as often as they did as kids. Everyone had come out, and the dance floor was packed. The teenagers in town were making a mint babysitting while the parents danced the night away. Steve had taken a spin around the dance floor with a tall blonde college cheerleader. A university bus had broken down just down the road, and the girls had come inside to stretch their legs and call for roadside assistance, finding a raging party and a handful of good old country boys ready and willing to welcome them. Steve bought her a drink and began spouting his lines, and all was going well, he had her eating out of the palm of his hand, as he had done so with so many women before her when something caught his eye distracting him. The doors to the bar opened, and Taylor Daniels came strolling in. She was the last person he expected to see there tonight. He distinctly recalled Taylor saying that she did not dance, nor had she been invited, so what possessed her to come out to the Iron Horse tonight? The woman he had been chatting up all night was still obliviously chattering on about her sorority house and the hazing she had to go through to get in. Steve could not have been less interested but he had been trying to take her home, and he had perfected feigned interest. However, at that moment he could not fake an interest in a word she was saying as he watched Taylor trail behind the crowd as she came into the bar. She looked stunning in the short red wrap-around dress she wore. Her long chocolate hair hung in tight, heavy ringlets resting softly against her ivory slender shoulders. She was nothing like the usually busty blondes Steve typically chased after. She was dark and alluring. She was statuesque with her long slender legs and her slim, sleek figure. As she took a seat at a small round table near the dance floor, Taylor looked in Steve’s direction and her blue eyes locked with his. Her full red lips curved in a subtle smile and Steve felt himself smile in response. The memory of how sweet those lips tasted flooded his mind once more. He remembered how she had felt in his arms, held close against his body. He felt his loins tighten thinking about the few heated moments they had shared in his garage. The way her perfect breast had felt in his hand. He wanted so badly to hold her again. She had come alone, which seemed odd, but he recalled that she really did not know anyone and perhaps was looking to meet the locals. Steve watched as Taylor ordered a drink from the waitress and he felt strangely abandoned when she looked away. He was too far away to hear what they were saying. “Are you listening to me?” The woman at his side asked with annoyance. Steve looked over realizing he had forgotten about her. He had stopped listening completely and not heard a word she had said. Here he was ignoring this woman he was with and gawking at another. His behaviour was horrid. Although in his defence he had just met this woman and he was not married to her, so he did not owe her anything. “I’m sorry darling. A friend of mine just walked in, and I must go over and talk to them.” Steve said taking some money from his pocket and placing it on the bar in front of her. “Why don’t you have another drink on me?” He said and walked away. He could hear her curse him out, but he did not care. Girls like her came to a dime a dozen. Should he choose to, she could be easily replaced. Steve wandered over to the booth where his friends were seated. He slipped into the seat next to Liam and nudged his arm with his elbow to draw his friend’s attention from his wife. Liam looked in his direction, and Steve nodded toward the table where Taylor was nursing a drink. “Look who’s here.” That comment drew the attention of everyone at the table. “She looks bored.” Jenny Hinckley observed. “Maybe we should invite her to join us,” Raven suggested. “No.” Liam and Steve protested in unison. The table stared at them with surprise, waiting for the reason for their strange objection. Steve looked at Liam and knew his friend was trying to keep him away from Taylor, knowing his attraction to the woman could only bring trouble. Liam did not think it a good idea for Steve to further temptation. After their tryst in the garage, Steve had to agree. The distance was probably his best friend at the moment. “It is just that she doesn’t know us from a hole in the ground. She is not going to want to deal with us.” Liam added. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Raven said pushing Steve and Liam out of the booth so she could get out. “I think she might welcome the distraction.” She said walking toward the table Taylor was at to invite her over. Liam turned to Steve “Don’t you have a girl you were chatting up?” He asked trying to find a reason for him to walk away. “I might have ticked her off,” Steve said recalling the nasty words she used as he walked away. Liam rolled his eyes and took his seat as his wife returned with their guest. Raven slipped into the booth next to Liam, and Steve sat down beside her. Taylor slipped in at the edge beside Steve. So many people at one table left it a little cramped. Jenny and Raven welcomed Taylor to the table and began to introduce her to some of the others she might not have known. It did not take long for the conversation to turn to friendly ribbing of Clark, a birthday tradition out in the sticks. They bought another round of drinks, and Steve could not help but ogle the stunning woman at his side. Taylor said little, often turning her eyes down to the table or looking away. He did not know about the others at the table, but Steve felt terrible for her. She felt awkward not knowing anyone. Taylor sat so close; her body pressed against Steve’s, he could smell the lavender in her hair. Her long legs touched his. Though his jeans were between them, he could still feel her warmth. Taylor was an incredibly alluring woman, why should he deny himself what he wanted? How much trouble could he get in too? Steve was thankful for the loud music it gave him a great excuse to lean in close to talk to Taylor. “They are always like this. They go on and on forever.” He teased softly against her ear. Taylor said nothing she just looked away trying to hide her smile. Steve slid his hand under the table where no one could see and placed it boldly on her thigh drawing her attention back to him. Her blue eyes met his, and he smiled. “What do you say I give you another dance lesson?” He smiled. The corner of her lush lips turned up in a little smile that told him she was as excited to hit the floor as he was. “We are going to dance. No sense in wasting a decent beat.” He said urging Taylor out of the booth and onto her feet before Liam could object. “Yes, let’s dance.” Jenny agreed to take her husband’s hand and to drag him from the table out on to the dance floor. The other couples followed suit. Steve could not help noticing the dirty look Maggie gave him as he laced his fingers with Taylor’s and coaxed her out on the floor. She was always coming around and always testy. It would have caused issues, but they had both promised to behave tonight. Every once and awhile they were forced into social situations where Steve could not avoid being around her. Steve walked Taylor out on to the hardwood dance floor. He drew Taylor into his arms making sure not to break form and hold her too close. As much as he desired her, he knew how small-town gossip spread and rumours grew. The last thing he wished was to make her life difficult by damaging her reputation. He had no idea how her father might react to his interest in her. For now, in the eyes of the public, he had to behave with the utmost propriety. Dancing with a young woman was acceptable. Mauling her on the dance floor was not. The song was fast paced, but Taylor did a marvellous job at keeping time with him. She even managed to keep up while he added a few twists and spins as he twirled her around the floor. She was laughing and smiling for the first time that night. “You picked up on the steps quickly.” He commented as the band moved seamlessly from one song into another. A slow love song that allowed Steve to hold her close for a few moments while they waltzed. “You are a wonderful teacher.” She said. Taylor gazed up at him and then looked about to be sure no one was close enough to hear her. “I want to apologize for my behaviour the other day.” She whispered. Again, their kiss came to the forefront of his mind. The way she tasted, how soft her lips had been, and how sweet she smelled. “I understand how it was inappropriate since we don’t know one another.” She whispered looking back at Maggie glaring at them from the table. “I’m sorry but is it just me or does that woman seem to hate me?” She asked. Steve offered Taylor an awkward smile and gazed down at her as he danced them around the floor. “No, at the moment she hates me.” He smiled. “Why on earth does she hate you?” She asked surprised. Steve rolled his eyes. “Oh, it is such a long story. I suppose the short-censored version is that she is a bitter ex-lover.” “Oh, I see, well now those dirty looks make more sense.” Taylor chuckled. He adored her way of just going along with the moment. “How’s your car running?” He asked changing the subject. “Well enough.” She said. “You said it is always breaking down. Have you had a looked at the engine? Tuned up?” “I can’t afford that.” She said shaking her head. “You know I’m pretty good under the hood. You could bring it by my place. I got a hundred tools in my garage; I’m sure I can get that car running right for you.” He offered. “I can’t afford to pay you,” Taylor said. Steve offered her a roguish grin as they twirled around the floor. “I’m sure we could come to a satisfactory arraignment.” He said mischievously. Taylor eyed him suspiciously. “Oh really, such as…?” Steve spun her around and drew her into his arms once more. “Well, we can barter. Let’s say, I change the fluids in your car, and you make me lunch. I’ll fix up your brakes you give me another kiss.” He whispered so no one could overhear. “I’ll tune up your tranny and engine…” He added with a brazen smirk. “Well, we’ll see where we go from there.” Taylor smiled up at him. “Mr. Giles, are you trying to seduce me?” She asked playfully. “Not at all, darling.” He said with the utmost confidence. “If I were trying to seduce you I would already have you outside in the cab of my truck,” Steve said leaning in, so his lips grazed her ear, “straddling my lap and teaching you to ride.” He felt her tremble in his arms, and he knew she was envisioning the erotic image. Taylor tilted her face up to his; her bright blue eyes sizzled with heat that stirred his blood. Had it not been for the numerous witnesses around them he would have tried to kiss her. “So, what is keeping you?” She purred. His loins stiffened at the promise in her tone. This girl was trouble he knew, he could feel it in his bones, but he no longer cared. His libido had taken over. Steve looked around at the others in the bar. His friends were distracted as they danced and enjoyed the music. Steve danced Taylor to the edge of the dance floor, and once they reached the tables, he took her hand in his and made a quick, graceful exit into the crowd. Making sure no one was watching, Steve led her through the crowd. “Where are we going?” Taylor asked as he led her to the door. “Outside.” He said glancing over her one last time. No one was looking, pushing the door open they slipped outside. The door closed behind them as they stepped out into the night air. The parking lot was full and dimly lit. His truck parked at the far end of the lot. Steve led Taylor by the hand across the lot toward his truck. There was a chill in the night air, and Taylor shivered when they reached his Silverado. Steve gave her a sympathetic smile and rubbed her bare arms to warm her up. “I got a real good heater.” He promised to unlock his door. Steve held the driver’s door open, and Taylor climbed in, sliding across to the other side of the bench seat. Steve climbed in and shut the door. He turned on the engine and turned up the heater to ward off the chill. He placed his arm on the rear of the seat and looked back as he backed out of the parking lot. Shifting gears, he headed down the dirt road and into the night. “Where are we going?” She asked looking out the window. “Someplace private. Anyone could walk out of the bar and come across us in the parking lot.” He said turning down the first corner and parking in a small dark clearing a few minutes down from the bar. He decided to leave the engine running to keep the heater going so they would stay warm. Steve secured the parking brake and shifted in his seat to face Taylor. He chuckled at the situation as she smiled awkwardly back at him. “I feel like a teenager again.” He confessed. “Last time I parked with a girl I was eighteen.” “Were you an awkward teenager?” On the contrary, Steve had always been rather smooth with the opposite s*x. It was a talent he had always possessed. Between Brook and himself, his poor parents had a difficult time keeping their children out of trouble and on the straight and narrow. Whenever his father would catch him with one of the girls from the town, he would end up spending the rest of the week toiling in the fields. From fifteen to eighteen Steve spent many hours in his parents’ fields. “Idle hands are the devil’s playground.” His father would always say. The theory was that if they kept him busy and exhausted he would not have the time or energy to get into shenanigans. They had seriously misjudged the drive of a hormonal teenage boy. “Not exactly.” He said reaching up to touch her hair. Her dark chocolate locks felt like satin between his fingers. Taylor smiled, and he found her captivating. “Were you a hell raiser?” “Not exactly.” He grinned. “What exactly were you?” She asked leadingly. “Never bored.” He smirked, and never lacking for female company. “I wish I could say the same thing,” Taylor said with a playful smile. Steve slid over on the bench seat and placed his hand at her hip coaxing her closer. “Such a shame for a pretty little thing like you to be lonely and bored.” He whispered kissing her softly. “Let me see what I can do to alleviate the monotony.” Steve kissed her soft lips; his tongue is coaxing her lips to part and permit him entry. She tasted sweet like the strawberry wine she had been drinking. Taylor returned his kiss, her tongue dancing over his as their mouths ate at one another. Her hand laid flat against his chest as he pulled her closer to feel her body against his. His hand moved slowly down her hip and over her taut firm bottom. Never breaking their kiss, he sat back against his seat and lifted Taylor onto his lap. She straddled his legs, and Steve pulled up her skirt sliding his hands down over her bottom and grinning. She was wearing a thong, and he grew hard with anticipation. Taylor reached down between them working his belt free as she smiled at him. Her bright eyes flashed with desire. “So, you are going to teach me to ride?” She teased pulling his belt free from his jeans. “I’m more than happy to stud for you.” He said pulling her closer and kissing her once more. Their kiss deepened and her arms laced around his shoulders pressing her breasts against his chest. She moaned and groaned, her hips gyrating and grinding against him forcing the object of his desire against his ever-growing hardness. Steve laced his fingers through her long dark hair and gently pulled her head back exposing her swan-like neck. She sighed as he kissed and nipped at the column of her throat. “I need you.” She whispered. He wanted nothing more than to take her that very moment, only the flash of headlights in the rear-view mirror drew both their attention, distracting Taylor and Steve from their heated daze. Taylor looked out the rear window as another truck pulled in behind them. Steve looked over his shoulder and out the window. He could not see the actual vehicle through the blinding headlights. He heard the door slam and saw the silhouette of another man walking toward his truck. He did not have to see the intruder know who it was. Annoyed he lowered Taylor’s skirt and shifted her back to the passenger’s seat. Steve slid back into his seat and rolled down the driver’s window just as Liam reached the door. His good friend leaned against the door and smiled at Taylor, politely tipping his hat to her. “Ma’am.” He then turned his attention to Steve still smiling and lowered his voice. “What are you doing?” He asked knowing full well what Steve was up too. They had both been taking women to this spot for years. “Talking.” Steve fibbed knowing Liam would not buy it for a minute. Liam smiled at Taylor once more. “Excuse us.” He said opening the door and insisting Steve step outside. Steve sighed and got out. Shutting the door, he walked with Liam to the tailgate where they could talk in private. “Are you insane? It took me all of fifteen minutes to notice you had taken off with her. Just how long do you think it will be before you have an irate father on your ass?” Steve scoffed at the very idea. “We are not going to get caught that is why I came out here.” “This can only go wrong from here.” Liam reminded Steve. “How hard can it be to keep your hands to yourself and your pecker in your pants?” Steve placed his hand on his buddy’s shoulder. “Hey, I know you are just trying to look out for me, and I appreciate it, but I think I can handle this.” “This girl is trouble, and you know it.” “Are you going to rat me out?” He asked waiting for Liam’s answer. “No.” He said walking around to the passenger door. “But I love you man, like a brother, and I’m going to save you from yourself.” He said opening the passenger door. “Miss. Daniels if you come with me I will return you to your father.” He insisted. “And as much as I like him I would advise you to stay away from this guy if you value your reputation. This guy is a major player.” Unsure of herself Taylor got out of the truck and followed Liam to his own. She looked at Steve as they passed him. Liam opened the door for her, and she got inside. Steve leaned lazily against his tailgate as he watched Liam get in his truck and drive away with Taylor. He might have prevented Steve from having Taylor this night, but he could not watch them every moment. Steve had made up his mind. Nothing was going to stop him from getting what he wanted. *** John awkwardly tried to deal with the man that brought Taylor home insisting he keeps a better watch over his daughter. John thanked Liam for bringing her home, and as they watched Liam’s truck drive off, he looked at Taylor expectantly. “What the hell was that? I don’t get it, what happened? You were supposed to leave with Giles. How did you end up back here with me?” He whispered. Taylor dropped down onto the armchair and sighed. “I almost had him, but it turns out he has got a chaperone. Archer showed up and dragged me out of there giving him a behave yourself speech. Archer is trying to protect him from us.” She said. John looked thoughtfully. “He seems protective of his friend.” “You think maybe he might know something and be covering for him?” “It is possible.” John agreed. “You work Giles. I’ll find out what Archer knows or doesn’t know.”
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