3209 Words

Chamelio's POV "So that's the boyfriend?", Jericho asked, secretly glancing over at Jeramaine as he walked away. "Yeah, don't.. don't look at him. Don't make it obvious.", I said as I pulled his arm so that he would stop looking. "Yeah, that's Oriana's boyfriend.", I continued. "I thought you said they broke up and he said something about his girlfriend waiting in the car? What? He moved on quick.", Jericho said coldly. "No, he was talking about Oriana. She was here with him. He's probably lying. The sun is gone. She left already.", I explained which Jericho exclaimed with an 'ahhh'. "So they're back together?", Jericho asked, disturbing the few seconds of silence that we had while we processed the situation. "I don't know.", I answered. "So you still have a chance.", Jericho said bluntly

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