3173 Words

Vanessa's POV I didn't know how it all started but these past few months, since Oriana and Jeramaine broke up, Oriana has been spending a lot of her time in the bakery with Chamelio. Truth be told, I didn't like it. Why him?, I thought to myself as I stared at Oriana from across our lunch table. The cafeteria was buzzing with noises of people talking and their spoons against their tray as they gobbled up their food but right then all I could hear was the thoughts inside my head. When it felt like these thought are deafening me, I decided to just blurt it all out. “What is it with you and Chamelio?", I asked and everyone at the lunch table looked at me. “Who's Chamelio?", Jordan asked, oblivious to the whole situation. I'm surprised Jeramaine haven't told him anything, unless he didn't eve

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