3120 Words

Jeramaine's POV We had promises that we swore to keep but I guess all the promises I made meant so little to her and the promises that she made was another lie that she told me. I was happy that day as I waited for her like I would every single day. I was looking at the sky, praying and asking so that she won't leave me and being like this was enough for me. So just don't take Oriana away from me, I thought. When I sense that she was near, I turned to look at her and there she was, staring back at me and I couldn't help but feel another ache in my heart but I managed a smile on my face anyway because it was true, I was also happy to see her. “You're still waiting for me..", she asked softly as if she was asking herself. “You said you'll meet me here. You said it's okay and I told you I'm

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