Vanessa's POV
"Wahhh, hey Vanessa, do you know who that is?", Doloris suddenly asked as the five of us we're talking, her chin gesturing at the redhead who was absent-mindedly listening onto everyone else's conversation. "Where are her shoes?", Devorah exclaimed. "Huhh..what a waste of good looks.", Micah said under his breath and I glared at him while Devorah slapped the back of his head which left Jordan giggling beside him. The redhead was clearly oblivious to what's happening around her. Should i do something....? Ughh why do I have to be the good guy here, I thought as i stride towards her, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her outside of the school's compound. Up close, this girl was exceptionally beautiful if only she wasn't going around barefooted with smudges on her face and her dress wasn't so dirty. By the time i was admiring her looks, Doloris, Devorah, Micah and Jordan was already jogging towards us. "Hey, are you new here or something?", Jordan asked. "No i was just looking around.", the redhead replied, a beam still visible on her face. She looks so excited. "Well you can't be here looking like that, honey. Savannah would spit poison all over you.", Doloris said sending everyone grinning. "Go home and clean yourself up before you decide to actually go here.", I said coldly and walked away, the others following me as the bell rings.
A few weeks later, she came back. Her red hair was down over her shoulders, her skin was fair and smooth, she wore shoes this time, red converse, and a white dress that falls just above her knees with red little roses on it. I was standing at our usual hangout spot under the school's largest most oldest tree as she walked the school compound and everyone was already turning their heads looking at her. That's when the twins, came up behind her, putting their arms around her shoulders and guiding her towards me. Micah and Jordan were already on their way jogging towards us. " cleaned up nice!", Micah said. "So what class are you in?", Devorah asked. "Uh, 1..", she said browsing over her class schedule. "That's Vanessa's class. You must be pretty smart eh?", Doloris said. "That's also Savannah's class though.", Devorah said. "Well good for her. Finally there's someone who's going to drive Savannah up the wall.", Jordan said, patting the redhead on the shoulder. "Why would i drive her up the wall though?", the redhead asked, a look of pure confusion on her face. "Because Savannah is the prettiest girl in this whole school but I'm really sure that title isn't gonna be hers for that long anymore."
"What's your name by the way?", I asked before all of us parted for class. "Oriana.", she said as she smiled that bright smile of hers. "Best to stick with Vanessa here okay, for some reason Savannah just shuts up when Vanessa gets a little mad.", Micah explained and sure enough, Savannah hates Oriana the minute she set her dagger eyes on her. "Who the freaking hell is that?", she blurted as Oriana and i stepped into class. "If you can't be nice, then act a little bit welcoming but if you can't even do just that, then shut up Savannah.", I said and showed Oriana her seat which was behind mine. Savannah glared at both of us and sat her little ass on her seat as she folded her arms. Watching her, all i could do was roll my eyes. Sometimes I just can't stand Savannah's attitude. She is one of the most pompous, the most mischievous, most wild but smartest people I've ever met. She has everything in the world and i just don't understand how someone can be so insecure about herself that she hates on everyone a little more pretty or successful than her. And if she hates Oriana now, she hates her even more, when Oriana started talking to Jeramaine.
"Excuse me but, who's that?", Oriana asked one day as we were all gathered at our lunch table talking about what movie to watch at the cinema that night while stuffing our faces with food. We lifted our heads from our tray and started looking at the direction Oriana was looking at. At the far side of the cafeteria, was Jeramaine, sitting at his table, always alone. "Oohh that's Jeramaine. If Savannah's the prettiest girl in this school, then Jeramaine is the equivalent of Savannah. Even his name is handsome isn't it?", Doloris said, excitedly and i turned to look at Oriana, watching her reaction to everything. "A loner, mysterious and cold-blooded is what you girls call handsome? Come onnn..", Micah grunted from across the table. "Well he is handsome if only he would socialize more.", Devorah said. "If you're thinking about it, then don't. Don't try to waste your time on him, Oriana. Besides, he's Savannah's property.", Jordan explained before i could say anything. "Why do you ask though?", I asked, suddenly curious. "Nothing, he was just talking weird the first time we talked.", Oriana answered. Jeramaine talked to Oriana. That's a rare sight, i thought as everyone else's eyes was already round. "Haha.. don't worry about it. I don't even remember what it was about anymore. It was very brief.", Oriana said realizing the expressions on our faces. "Anyhow, come with us tonight, we're watching Monster Hunter.", I said hoping she would want to come but she refused. She never wanted to go to parties, or movies or diners if they were at night. We never knew why because she never explained why she couldn't come, and she never talked about it. When she kept refusing everytime we asked, we just kind of took the hint and stopped pressuring her because it could be family dramas that we shouldn't try to meddle in. Our speculations were correct though when Oriana started dating Jeramaine and Jermaine would always say that she had very strict parents.
It was weird for us when Jeramaine started to know a lot more about Oriana than we do considering we were her friends first. Jeramaine was always really cold towards Oriana in the first place so we never thought that they would actually be friends or even more than that. I didn't think that they would even talk to each other again after the day Oriana asked about who he was because like Oriana said, it was a very brief encounter and Jeramaine isnt the type to befriend or even talk to girls. He was always avoiding Savannah so why would Oriana be any different to him. I would see them together sometime, in the library talking to each other. It could be just a mere coincidence and they didn't look like they were interested in each other either. Sometimes, when Oriana would wait for me on the bleachers as I finish my soccer training, i would see Jeramaine coming up from behind and decided to sit next to her. Another coincidence? Sure, because Jeramaine would always come to the field every now and then. It clears his head i supposed sitting here alone. But then i started seeing them together, talking near the intersection, a few blocks away from our school. Jeramaine was grinning and it was the first time that I've ever seen him smile. When Oriana started bringing Jeramaine to our lunch table, it was really awkward at first. Jeramaine was still quiet, trying to communicate with us from time to time but after a few days, he was actually a fun person to talk to. The boys became close friends in an instant. It surprised us all. Behind those cold set eyes and that mysterious aura, he had a humorous attitude and i understand why Oriana decided to be friends with him. She just brought up the light that was buried deep inside of him.
I wasn't even surprised when i saw them kissing one day, on a weekend, at the same intersection where they meet every morning before school. I was in the bakery opposite the streets, when my eyes shifted to the windows and i saw them, her arms around his neck, her feet on its tiptoe with his arms around her waist, showering each other with little kisses on each others lips. "They looked very much in love.", a worker at the bakery said as he holds up a paper bag towards me with his head turned towards the windows where i was looking. "Uuhh..thank you.", I said as i took the paper bag and paid for the pastries that i bought. Indeed, they looked very much in love, i thought as i left the bakery and sighed. As i stepped out, i found myself searching for them, and as i turned my head to the left, at the end of the streets, the two love birds were already walking hand in hand i assumed to their date destination. It's been a year since they befriended each other and i kind of saw it coming. The little sparks of love flying above their heads and hearts escaping their eyes, as they look at each other. I knew they will end up dating.
While all of this were happening, Savannah's heart was boiling. As Jeramaine and Oriana started getting closer, Savannah became angrier. At one time, Savannah tripped Oriana in front of everyone at the cafeteria and her lunch tray came flying across the hall, it was a hard thump when she fell, she was limping for the rest of the day. Another time, Savannah stole Oriana's clothes after gym while Oriana was showering. Everyone was getting ready for lunch at the time and we were all waiting for Oriana to get there but she didn't. When Savannah threw Oriana's clothes on our lunch table and stride off, both Jeramaine and I bolted to the gym, me holding Oriana's clothes as i checked the bathroom for her while Jeramaine waited outside. Oriana was there, in the shower waiting for who knows what if i didn't come searching for her and still Oriana managed to put a smile on her face as we walked out of the gym, both Jeramaine and I walking on each of her side. "I'm fine guys don't worry about it.", she said. When we got to the cafeteria i was ready to talk to Savannah myself but before i could walk to Savannah's table, Jeramaine held me back and told me to sit down and just forget about it. At the time i thought he was trying to save me my pride, and talk to Savannah himself, but he didn't. Of course. He never did. After everything Savannah did to Oriana he was still so lenient towards her and now i know why.
"That's even worse Jeramaine. Why would you work at a cinema far away from our school? Because you dont want people at school to recognize you when you bang Savannah. Everyone knows that Savannah has a thing for you.", I argued. This bastard is cheating on my bestfriend, i thought. "Wha..ah.. that's not true, me and Savannah isn't like that. We would never. I would never. She doesn't even like me. She's just acting like it..", he blurted trying to explain himself. "That's nonsense Jeramaine and the fact that you are always so lenient when it comes to Savannah, makes it much more suspicious.", I said before i ended the call. I was so angry and to think that Jeramaine was once a good person, to think that i let go and let him be with Oriana, was a stab to the chest. To think that Oriana is somewhere seeing all these pictures and reading all these rumours they post in the group chat gave me anxieties. So i decided to pick up my big make-up bag and stuffed everything i need to make Oriana look like a freaking goddess. I knew she was going to need this. When I arrived in school, i waited for her outside the school gate. My dominant leg tapping on the ground beneath me. I was clearly worried and that's when i saw her. I ran to her just in time to catch her from falling. Seeing how much she tried to act strong in front of me I told her to just cry if she wants to. When i asked about Jeramaine, she went quiet and suddenly said, "I think i dumped him.". For a moment i couldn't muster up a single word but just hugged her as i saw the shock in her eyes when her actions finally registered to her. My shoulder was wet from her tears and so i decided to have this no more. "Come with me."
I dragged Oriana to the girls bathroom and gave her a little post-breakup makeover. "See, you look stunning. Why hide that figure under a big jacket. Wear this only when it gets cold. And smile, don't look so depress all the time especially not in front of him. You need to look like you're over that jerk..", I lectured but before i could finish, "He's a good person, Vanessa. I'm the problem.", she interrupted. I fell silent for a second as i looked at her in the bathroom mirror. Yes i know, he is a good person but i guess not anymore, i thought to myself but instead, i answered Oriana's claims differently. "Okay, I understand. Should we get to class now?", I asked and she nodded. During class, I was contemplating for hours about where Oriana and i should sit during lunch if Jeramaine were to be there, but wait, that's our table first, why should we sit somewhere else. If he has the nerve to even sit... "Miss Leonard, do you mind standing up for me. Maybe that way you'd stop day dreaming and concentrate in my class.", Miss Joshua our maths teacher uttered and i shot back in my seat, pulled back to reality and spent the rest of her class standing but still thinking about lunch.
"Look, Jeramaine is like a brother to me, we're childhood friends, I'm only telling you this because that b***h just broke his heart.", Savannah said pointing at Oriana. "But if anyone of you idiots decide to tell the world about this...", she stopped, staring at Oriana. "...I wouldn't hesitate to actually do something with him. Do you hear me?", Savannah added, and walked off. As they heard what Savannah had to say, the twins, Micah and Jordan were suddenly pestering Oriana to take Jeramaine back while i just sat there watching the scene in front of me unfolding when Oriana snapped at us and just left. "Woah, what just happened?", Micah said, shock was still visible on his face. "Vanessa you need to go after her.", Devorah said shaking my hand from the trance. When i realised what was happening i quickly stood and went to look for Oriana to make sure she was okay. As i reached the school compound, my blood racing, my heart beating violently against my chest, but instead of going forward, I stopped. I couldn't move and neither did i wanted to, because i knew if i tried to go and search for her now, i might end up seeing Jeramaine and Oriana in each other's arms again.
'Where are you? You need to stop skipping class Oriana.', I texted her but she didn't text back. Jeramaine was no where to be found either and at that moment my heart ached as if it shriveled from the lost I've been feeling since the moment i started seeing Jeramaine with Oriana. My heart ached when Jeramaine started dating Oriana, my heart ached when they broke up, and my heart kept aching for the fact that they could be together again. I'm going crazy just thinking about what's wrong with me. "Miss Leonard, are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse?", Mr. Crown our biology teacher asked. I looked up at him as everyone was staring at me and i nodded my head. "Miss Adler, you're the class president, will you accompany her?", Mr. Crown added and Savannah rolled her eyes before standing up, came up to me, and hold me by my arm, walking me to the nurse's office. Halfway along the hall, she released my arm and i almost fell if i didn't held on to the wall beside me. "You can walk by yourself. You're always a strong bitch.", she exclaimed without even asking me if it was okay to let me walk by myself. "I'll just accompany you there just in case you fall.", she added while flicking her hair, her chin up high. I rolled my eyes but i didn't have the energy to actually kick her ass at the moment. "Why can't you at least be a little bit concern for a sick person.", i found myself saying under my breath. "I'm walking you there am I? How much concern do you want me to show you?", she answered bitterly and i just laughed it off, amused that she heard me. If that was her way of showing her concern then fine, at least that's something and i was too burnt out to argue anyway.
The next day, as Oriana and I head for lunch, Jeramaine was sitting there at our table. When i looked at Oriana and gave her the 'he's there, he's right over there' look, Oriana nodded and ensured me that it was okay. We took our seats, but Oriana wasn't taking her usual place beside Jeramaine and Jeramaine looked at Oriana for a split second, you could almost missed it but then acted like he wasn't bothered. The others joined us right after and that's when i asked, "So are you two back together or what is it?". "If she wants to, but right now, i guess not.", Jeramaine answered, sarcasm in his voice. "Well at least we're all still friends. No messy break ups okay. Let's just throw it all over our shoulders.", Micah said, throwing a salad over his shoulder, and grinned. Friends? I wonder how long that will last, i thought and i proved myself right when Jeramaine sat beside Oriana when she was waiting for me to finish soccer. From afar i could distinctively tell that Jeramaine was holding her hand and Oriana was letting him. They talked for a little bit then they smiled at each other and just watched the field together. Oriana waved at me with her free hand when she saw me looking. I took the time to look at them from time to time in between breaks and I could tell from the way they adjusted to each other, they are not together, but they still love each other enough to want to still be close in each other's lives. And that messed me up, all together again.