Chapter 13: New pack

2134 Words

Ella's POV What was I thinking agreeing to go into another pack. I clearly have been knocked in the head too many times. I really wish I was kidding about that. It's the only explanation I can think of why I would be so stupid enough to agree to put myself in another situation like I was in before. I made out a loud sigh and turned back and forth, looking at myself in the mirror. I guess this is as good as it's going to get. I wore a long denim skirt with a floral pink top and strappy white sandals. I didn't take much when I left my old pack and I can't really afford new clothes right now. It's funny how much as changed. I went to having a closet full of clothes to barely two weeks' worth of stuff. What's even funnier is that I actually care about what I look like right now. Im over her

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