
1251 Words
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. s**t. I threw on a dress. I'm ready to be the most hated person at school. I ran downstairs. Denice was cooking food. "Hey, Denice, if anyone asks, I'm at school," I quickly told her as I put on my shoes. "I thought Ace didn't want you to go," Denice questioned me as she flipped the pancakes. "My mouth's mainly healed; I'll be fine," I assured her. "Okay.... but he won't be too happy," she warned me, pointing the spatula at me. "When is he ever happy?" I giggled as I walked out. I heard her say something, but I ignored it. I strolled carelessly to school. I reached the entrance and walked in. Everyone gave me dirty looks as I walked down the hall. Really? Already. I walked to class. The crowds slowly rolled in as the class filled. The teacher tried to teach as they all whispered stuff about me. All I could make out was them asking who Ace was. "She's such a drama queen." "I heard she beat the s**t out of Ryder." "I heard she slept with Blake but was dating Ace." All these f*****g bullshit lies. I sat through 3 classes of constant chatter about me until it was lunchtime. I walked into the cafeteria, and everyone stared at me. I walked over to an empty bench and sat down. I poked at my food with a fork; I could see the football team eyeing me up. I felt very uncomfortable. Everyone was against me. I don't know where Olivia is. Everyone thinks I'm an asshole, and I'm in a difficult and very complicated situation. The football team approached me. Not again. One of the guys sat down. "Hey Diaz, how's school going down so far?" Vince smiled cheekily, knowing it wasn't amazing. "Vince, go away and leave me alone," I sighed, shaking my head. "Blake and Ryder are out for the game because of you; this game is the most important thing to us," he picked up my water and drank most of it. "f**k off," I hissed at him. "f**k you," he threw the rest of my water over my head. I slowly looked back up at Vince, who was laughing along with the entire school. "You wanna know what I heard?" Vince yelled at the entire cafeteria. "I heard her daddy abuses her," Vince spoke confidently, announcing it to the whole school. "Who told you that?" I snapped at him. "Ooo someone's angry," he laughed as the whole cafeteria talked. I could feel the tears burning my eyes. I stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria. f**k this. A tear ran down my face as I stormed down the hall. I was lost in my thoughts when I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, trying to walk past them with my head down. Their scent was strong and musky. Too familiar. They placed their hands on my waist to stop me from getting past. "Are you crying?" Ace's voice growled as he used his finger to lift my head, forcing me to look at him. I shook my head no, but the tears streaming down my face contradicted me. I seen anger appear on Ace's face. It was harder for him to hide what he was feeling. "What happened?" He asked, looking at my soaking wet hair. "He poured water on me," I paused not telling him the rest. "What else...." Ace growled, catching me by surprise. I played with my hands as the tears kept flowing. "He - he - told them my dad abuses me," I weeped as I tried to hold it together. Ace had an upset look on his face. It's the first time I've ever seen him sad. I hated it. Ace stared at me as he shook his head, dropping his head to the floor. "Do you need anything?" Ace asked. "No," I sniffled as I wiped my tears. "What's the guy's name?" Ace asked me, moving his hands up my waist. I got distracted by Ace's touch. "Vince," I uttered. "Okay, come on, we're going home," Ace escorted me out. I sat in his car yet again, looking out the window. "How's your stitches?" Ace questioned curiously. "They're fine," I shrugged. Ace nodded in response. A few days had passed, and I hadn't gone back to school yet, not like Ace would let me. I sat in my room watching a movie. Divergent to be more specific. I was interrupted by a knock on my door. "Hey, Ace asked if you wanted to come down for some food, we got pizza," Dante cheered happily. I smiled at him. "How many people are downstairs?" I asked curiously. "I'm not going to lie, a lot," Dante shrugged, smiling reassuringly. "Tell him no, I'm not really in the mood," I curled up into a ball under my blankets. "Oh okay," Dante sounded a little disappointed. A few minutes had passed. I heard someone come into my room. They turned the light on. "Ah Ace," I shrieked, pulling the blankets up to my neck, immediately scowling at him while trying not to be blinded by the light. Ace tore the blanket off me, not realizing I was just in my underwear and a t-shirt. He froze as he stared at me. I just lay on my bed. "Can I have my blankets back please?" I asked him as I blushed. He blinked at me, staring at my body but eventually he gave the blankets back. He left and came back. "Here and here, put these on," he uttered as threw me a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie. I put them on as he watched. "Can you stop?" I glared at him. "Sorry just admiring the viewww," he teased. I hit his arm playfully as I jumped back on the bed. "Nope," Ace said, grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. "Ace put me down," I shrieked. "Someone's moody," he raised his eyebrows. I gave up and just hung, staring at the floor. Ace walked into the kitchen. All eyes stared at us as we.... well Ace walked into the kitchen with me over his shoulder. "This is Sofia," Ace introduced me, finally putting me down. There was a good few of people. Dante, Kaylo, I didn't know anyone else. "I'm Dacre, I'll only be here for a few days since I lead another one of Ace's Mafia bases in California," one guy introduced himself. I smiled at him, shaking his hand. "I'm Ice," a guy said. That's a weird name. I stood next to Ace awkwardly as he talked to his friends. There were a few more guys who hadn't introduced themselves. "Do you want some pizza?" Ace asked me. I shook my head in response. "Well, you're having one anyway," Ace grabbed a slice from the box, handing it to me. "Ace, I just want to sleep," I whimpered holding the pizza. "You need to eat, and it's only 8 pm," Ace raised his eyebrow at me. I sighed defeatedly as I bit into the pizza. Ace talked with his friends as he walked into the sitting room. "You look so uncomfortable," Ice muttered, standing beside me. "I've just had a bad few days," I shook my head. "You want to talk about it in the bedroom?" Ice grinned playfully. "No," I snapped at him. "Rejected, ouch," Ice put his hand over his heart.
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