
1123 Words
Sofia's POV: The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the car. How did I get up here? I sat up and looked around. This wasn't my room. There were clothes all over the room. It was Ace's room. I still had my clothes on. I stumbled out of bed and into his bathroom. What time was it? I looked at the phone on the counter in the bathroom. 3 am. Great, the devil's hour. I went to open the door to leave, only to be greeted by the same blondie from the other night. She was inches away from me. "Who are you?" she scowled at me, giving me a disgusted look. I just stared at her. "I can tell you I'm not Ace's b***h," I shrugged. "Why were you in Ace's room then?" She hissed at me. I gave her a disgusted look as I walked down the hall, but she followed me. "Honestly, I don't know," I responded to her as I walked down the hall, peeking into the rooms. "Did you guys have s*x?" She snarled viciously. I froze and turned around to her. I erupted into laughter in front of her face. "Me and him?" I gasped for air as I tried to collect myself. "That's never going to happen," I shook my head as I wiped a tear of laughter away. "Why not?" Her mood suddenly changed. "Because he's Ace. Violent, Cruel, ...... Emotionless," I added slowly. "Ace is amazing," she scowled at me. I rolled my eyes. "You're so annoying; no wonder why he only f***s you," I admitted to her. Suddenly, I felt a sting on my cheek. She had just slapped me. "See, there's a difference between me and you; you're not a part of the mafia," I whispered the last part to her. Her eyes widened as she realized what I said. My fist collided with her jaw, not even seconds after. She stumbled back as I threw an uppercut, breaking her nose. Blood spewed from her nose as she screamed. I cracked one of my knuckles. Ace came running out of one of the millions of guest rooms. He stared at Fiona on the ground, crying. I stared at him. "She slapped me," I shrugged. Ace gave me an unhappy look. Ace pulled out his phone. "Terry, come get Fiona; she's on the ground with a broken nose even after I told her to leave," Ace rolled his eyes. He hung up. Ace shook his head at me as he walked down the hall, unbuttoning his shirt with every step. "You, follow," Ace demanded. "Why couldn't you have done that to your father?" Ace questioned me. I instantly cowered at the thought. "No," I muttered quietly as I followed him. Ace got to the last room in the hall. "This is my office; if I'm not in my room, I'll be here," Ace told me as he threw his shirt on the couch in the corner. My breathing hitched as he turned around, once again revealing his muscles. "Why did you need me?" His husky voice asked. "I wanted to know how I ended up in your room?" I asked him as I sat in his chair. He frowned his eyebrows, watching me sit in his chair. "I got one of my guys to bring you up," Ace rolled his eyes as he stood in front of me. "Okay," I replied happily, continuing to sit in his chair. "Come on," Ace said suddenly, with kind of a soft tone in his voice for once. "What?" I smirked at him playfully. "I need to practice my dancing for next week," he mumbled as he turned on some music. He stood in the center of the dimly lit room. The only thing making him visible was the fire in the fireplace. "Would you like to dance with the devil?" He asked as he held his hand out. I stared at him, contemplating in my mind. "Yeah, sure." I don't know where this sudden comfortability came from. I walked around the desk and towards Ace. His hair was silky smooth, his jawline sharp, his lips perfect, not to mention his perfectly defined abs. He only had his suit trousers on with a belt holding them up, but it wasn't doing a very good job since I could see Calvin's waistband showing. He took my hand. His touch was addicting. I've craved it forever and never even knew it. He held our hands out as he placed a hand on my waist. I wrapped my free arm around his neck. He held onto me tightly, as if he never wanted to let go. I listened to the crackling of the fire as we slowly danced. I stared at him to see him staring at me. He looked... happy. He didn't have a smile to show it, but I could see it in his eyes. The way he stared at me, I hadn't seen it in his eyes before. I no longer saw the burning flames in his eyes but a sparkle of happiness, maybe even a glimmer of hope. I smiled as I looked at him. "You're a good dancer," I whispered as I looked away shyly. "You don't even know," he twirled me around, bringing me back into his arms. A smile instantly appeared on my face. He pulled me closer to him, our bodies against each other. He placed his forehead against mine as we rocked to the music. I couldn't let myself give in to him. But something was telling me to cave. I wanted to feel his touch against my skin. I wanted him to ignite the fire inside me. Our lips were inches apart. I could see him fighting it as well. But we're prisoners to desire. We leaned in slowly. "Ace, your father - oh s**t," a guy interrupted us. I and Ace immediately snapped out of our trance. f**k, I thought as I stood there awkwardly. Ace cleared his throat. "What did my father want, Dante?" Ace asked with a sliver of frustration in his voice. "He asked to see you," Dante replied quickly. "f**k sake," Ace growled as he walked out, trying not to show he was upset. I just stared at Dante. "I'm Sofia," I introduced myself. "I'm Dante," he smiled. "Sorry for um... interrupting," Dante apologized. "It's fine," I muttered, walking out of Ace's room. "We were just practicing how to dance," I smiled, walking away. I reached my room and shut the door, making sure to lock it. I let out a sigh. I don't know what it was because of. Relief, sadness. But I knew a part of me was upset as well.
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