Chapter 11

1153 Words
Chapter 11While running away from Raymond, I heard a faint noise, like a whimper like that of a puppy. Jessica and I exchange looks...I raised an eyebrow silently asking if she wanna go check it out with me. She shakes her head and turned the other way. "It's best we ignore it" She said...but I have never been the obedient type. My disobedience even made me lose a very important people in my life...but I don't know why I still haven't changed. My legs itch forward and my ears prick up..I heard a growl and another weak whimper...but surprisingly, the growl and whimper sounds like that of an animal. "Stacey, let's just go" Jessica said and grab my hand trying to pull me away. "No! We can't just ignore all these growling and whimpering...!" "It's nothing.. let's go!" I wanted to listen to her but a thought strikes me...what if someone is trapped inside and.... "Stop" I hear could be my ears deceiving me though but I can't be too sure. "Let's go, Stacey!" "No, someone could be inside!" I said. I snatch my hand from her and drag my feet to the door...I stop and placed my ear on it. A yelp came from inside and my hand quickly finds the knob...I open the door... What?! Juliet?! I saw a girl cowering away from her, fear very obvious in her eyes and tear lines on her fact, her cheeks are still wet. Juliet raised her hand and I frown when I saw something like claws instead of nails....wait, am I imagining her to be a witch now?! I saw her hand move down and I snapped back to reality. "Juliet!!" I yelled. Her hands stops midway and she turns to me with an annoyed glare. My eyes move to her fingers again...but instead of claws, I saw her normal nails...which simply means I was imagining her to be a witch...but you can't blame me for that. "Juliet? What are you doing?" Jessica asked. Juliet takes intimidating steps towards us.. normally, I'd have flinch away but surprisingly I didn't. She stops in front of us and released a growl from deep down her throat...and it sounds so much like an animal's growl. "This is my business! Get lost!" I tilted my head and stared at the girl who is still shivering in fear....she folds herself in a corner, as if she could hide there. I suddenly feel this sense of protectiveness overwhelmed me... I don't know why but I suddenly felt like protecting the girl. "It's your business to bully other people?!" "Yes! It has nothing to do with you!" "You....." "And besides, she's an omega nobody cares about her!" I frown. I keep on hearing foreign words since I came here...what the heck is an omega? I turned to Jessica for an explanation...she clears her throat and leans closer to my ear. "An omega is the lowest rank in our town...they are like the poorest people...!" I nod and turned to hands on my waist. "Even if she's an omega, it doesn't give you right to bully her!" "Really?!" "Yeah! Everyone is born with equal or poor... everyone are equal before the law!" Juliet scoffed and rushed back to the girl...she lifts her up single handedly and I gasped. "How can she do that?" I wonder. "Not here! In this town omegas are meant to be slaves! They are meant to suffer!" She said and slaps the girl. I balled my fist and rushed to her, I pushed her with a great force that I didn't even knew I had. She staggers back and lets go of the girl...I hurried to the girl and gasped loudly when I saw scars and fresh wounds on her body. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She nods and sniffles. She's not ok, her body is filled with scars and question is stupid. I got up and turned to Juliet. "Did you inflect these wounds on her?!" "What if I do?" She asked back. "You're wicked...what did she do to you to deserve this?" "I already you, it's between me and her! Leave before I make you regret it!" She growls. By now a few people are gathering around, murmuring among themselves.... even Miss Markus came too and is silently watching my argument with Juliet. Jessica came to my side and pulls my hand. "Let's go, you've already saved the girl" I shake my head...I must get to the bottom of this, Juliet can't just walk away after doing this to a fellow human like her. "Juliet, you need to be punished... I'll report this incident to the school authority and see to it that you're held responsible!" She rolled her eyes. "The school can't do anything about it...even the alpha King won't do nothing!" Alpha King?! Dylan told me he's the king of this town...that means he's Mr court boy's father. I nod thoughtfully. "Fine! Since the school can't do anything, let's go to the alpha King!" Jess shakes her head. "Let's not go there!" "Why?" "The alpha King won't do anything... that's how things work in our town, the omegas are used to be oppressed!" Juliet scoffs and wore a victorious she's telling me to stop trying. "Nobody should ever get used to be oppressed... I want to go to your alpha King and ask him if this is how to govern a town!" I said boldly. Ok, I'm honestly surprised at myself... I don't know where all these confidence is coming from. I used to be the timid type... I have always make sure to avoid talking to other people... I always mind my own business... But here I am, defending someone! "You must be joking, I bet you can't even stand before the alpha King!" Juliet said. I raised my brows. "Is the alpha King God?!" I asked. "You are...." She trails off as Miss Markus steps forward. I noticed Juliet lowering her head slightly, but Miss Markus stops her. Miss Marcus turns to me with a smile. "I agree with Stacey! The alpha King is not God.. so we are taking this to the alpha King's palace!" "But... Miss...." "Shhh!" Miss Markus cuts Juliet off. "Let's go and hear what the alpha has to say about this!" She said firmly. She turns to me with a smile... A proud smile? And admiration! I simply smile back and turned back to the girl... she's clinging onto me tightly, she look so scared. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she's punished for hurting you!" She nods weakly. "What's your name?" I asked. She doesn't say anything.. but keep taking scared glances at Juliet. I guess she's being bully this girl for a very long time. "Come on, now... Let's go to the parking lot, I'll drive you guys to the palace in my car!" Miss Markus said.
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