Chapter 10

1120 Words
Chapter 10Stacey's POV I don't know how long I have run or how long it is, but I slow down the moment I felt my legs getting tired... and finally, I stopped. God! This guy is damn serious! He doesn't wanna give up! I turn to him as I breathe heavily, trying to catch my breath. My gaze moved to the flowers in his hands and back to his face... Here I am sweating but he haven't broken a sweat yet. He looked so full of energy, like he can still running another distance. "Why are you still following me? Why haven't you given up yet?" I complained. He simply smiles. "I'm courting you!" He said. Jesus christ! I can't believe him... he's behaving like a cave man! If this is what courtship is.. nobody will want to be in courtship of any sort. There's no time to argue with him...I can just let him walk with me to school today. "Fine! You can walk with me..but just for today!" He smiles brightly and his eyes lit up in excitement. "Does that mean you accept me?" "No!" I exclaimed quickly. He frowns. "But why? I have been courting you!" I rolled my I understand something, he doesn't know how courtships works. "I can let you court me only when you learn the proper way to court a girl" I told him. Then what I just said dawn on me....why did I just tell him I'll let him court me? Doesn't it mean I'm indirectly giving him a chance? I shake my! I just told him that to get rid of him this morning. "Isn't this the proper way?" I hear him wonder. "This is far...very far from the proper way!" "But Karl said I should be direct...." He trails off. Humph! So this wasn't even his own idea...but looking at him you'll think he's a playboy and will have an excellent skills in asking any girl out. "Ask someone else to teach you how to woo a girl first...I'm always here, you can come back anytime!" He thinks about it for a few minutes and nod reluctantly... finally! I turn and continue walking but he rushes in front of me. "Can I at least walk you to school?" He asked quietly. I almost laugh at his expression... he's giving me the puppy eyes and it makes him look so cute! I sighed. "Ok...but first get rid of those flowers!" He looks down at his hand and quickly throws the flowers in a nearby trash can...he turns to me with a smile. "Done!" He said. I nod "ok" And continue walking..he quickly follows behind me. We arrived at school exactly we walk past other students, I see them bowing to us just like my classmates did to me in my music class yesterday. I nudge him. "Hey! Why are they bowing? Are you some kind of god?" "Who's bowing?" He asked back. "Look" I gesture around. He look around like he's just noticing it and chuckles. "Well...i...they...Maybe that's because... I'm royalty!" He stutters. "Royalty?" He nods slowly and look around again with a glare and everyone quickly went back to whatever they were doing. "Are you a prince or something?" "I'm a prince" He said...I can sense pride in his words. "Is your father the king here?" He thinks about it for a while and nod...hmm, that explains why my proud brothers are also bowing to him. Wait... he's a prince! And I called him a puppy dog! When I should be bowing to him too, Is he gonna chase us out of his town? "Why did you stop walking?" When did I stop walking? "Are you ok, Stacey?" He asked. I quickly bowed too like I saw others did...he held my shoulders and raised me up...a frown appear on his forehead. "What are you doing?" "I'm sorry for calling you a dog... please don't send us away...we just moved here from Georgia and I don't think my brothers are planning to move anytime soon... please don't make it hard for us..." He covers my mouth, cutting me off...he look around as if checking if anyone is one is paying attention. "Next time you wanna talk to me, don't are my mate which means...." "I said I'm not your mate!" I cut him off before I could stop myself. I slap my mouth mentally.. when will I learn to shut up?! I was just begging him not to banish us from his I'm scolding him. It looks like I'm really tired of staying here! "I mean, you're the girl I'm you're my equal, don't bow to me!" "But everyone else is bowing to you!" "But you're not everyone else... you're my mate...I mean court girl" I frown. "Court girl?" What does he mean. "Yeah..I'm courting you, so you're my court girl" I shake my head...I don't understand whatever leaves this guy's mouth. "Anyways... ok don't send me and my brothers away... please let me finish my high school here!" "I wasn't gonna send....." "Stacey!" Jessica's voice interrupts him. Jessica waves at me from a little distance...she grabs a guy's hand and drags him along as she rushes over to me. I sighed... finally someone to help me get rid of this dog...oh! Sorry, guy! "Stacey, You're here!" She said and takes my hand in hers. She turns and sees my court boy....lolz! She bows slightly and turns her attention back to me. "Let me introduce you" She points at the guy she brought with her. "This is my mat... boyfriend, Karl" "Nice to meet you Karl...I'm Stacey" I smiled and reach out my hand for a handshake. My court boy clears his throat and Karl didn't accept my hand...taking another look at Karl, I realized he's one of my court boy friends. "Jessica, do you have any class this morning?" I asked. "Nope" "That's great.. let's go to the library to get my books and also check out my locker" She rolls her eyes. "Books! Books! I forgot you're a nerd" She said. "No, I'm not.. I just love studying!" I defend myself. "See? Only nerds loves studying" Ok.. fine! I'm a nerd but not a typical nerd with glasses and stuff. I can be crazy if I want to... but I don't like making friends, maybe I'm gonna change though.. we can't predict the future! "Anyways, come let's go get my books!" I said. I grab her hand and pulls her along with me... My court boy tries to follow but I glared at him. "Don't follow me!" "I... We... Oh!" Then Jessica and I rushed off... before I die of suffocation.
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