Chapter second

233 Words
Tina ran fast. Towards the door and closed it. As it was wide open. " Hope nobody came inside. From upstairs a thud sound came. " What was that Tina said. She was a curly haired slim girl. She joined her friends after closing the door. " What was that " Katie the blonde blue eyed she was asked. " The backdoor was open!" " How could you be so careless. It's 11 45 in the night. What if someone has already come inside " Ria said. Tia was a bit plump girl with reddish streaks in her hair. They started watching the movie. In middle again some sound came from upstairs. " I think its a stray cat maybe " Ria said. " Stray cats don't make such big noise " Katie remarked. " I have a baseball bat we can use it if its a thief " Tina told. " Where is it " Ria asked." Upstairs " Tina replied. " Wait i will go and bring it " Katie. " " No let it be lets continue watching the movie. There's nothing to worry about forget it " Tina said. As the ending of the movie came after one hour Tina was looking at the back side instead of movie. " What happened " Ria asked. " I saw a shadow of someone move on the stairs " Tina told.
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