Chapter third

260 Words
Katie turned in surprise. " What are you saying. It must be ur imagination. " " I don't think so. The backdoor was open and I closed it just now. So maybe someone some thief has entered " Tina said. " Let's call the cops then " Rhia told. " Wait first lets confirm that it surely is someone there ' Tina told. " And wait for him to show himself to us " Katie told. " Are we watching the movie or not see its the c****x of the movie " Tina said. " I'm no more in mood for movie watching " Katie told. " Its half past twelve and we are alone. " Suddenly from the stairs sound of footsteps could be heard. All of them were shocked. Rhia switched off the tv. " Let's get out of here fast we can go to the neighbours " she said. " Good idea lets go " Tina said and the three of them got up  to go. Tina in a hurry was turning the doorknob. " What's wrong why you not opening it you jerk " Katie said. " Its stuck and it won't open " Tina replied. " Wait let me check " Rhea said and tried to open it and exclaimed " ofcourse it won't open. It's locked from outside. We are stuck in here with a thief or killer who knows! " " Where's your phone call the neighbours " Katie said to Tina. " It is in my purse upstairs in the bedroom. "
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