270 Words
Winston froze. " Should I wake the others or wait and see what it is " he was thinking. And suddenly from the forest the man with an axe came slowly towards the jeep with a leer on his face. He was standing quietly. A scream came out of Winstons mouth and all  woke up. " Hes here the axe man " he shouted. Tod got up and quickly took the gun and pointed it towards him. Liz was saying " shoot him on the hand fast. " Axe man lifted his axe to break the jeeps Windows. At the same time Tod shooted but it missed. Their jeep windows broke and there was glass pieces all around. Again Tod shooted and it hit him in the hand. The killer fell down. The guys rushed out quickly and took his axe and threw it away. " Now we just have to wait for some passing car I guess " Bruce said. " I see a cops van coming see " Jess told pointing towards some headlights. " Are you doing " Lila said. " No I'm not imagining can't you people hear the mild siren. And a police car halted right in front of them  two cops got out " what's going  on here " he asked. " Sir he was the killer who was chasing us but we shooted him in the hand " Bruce said. " Oh the famous rumoured axe man is he " the cop said as he went towards him with handcuffs and told " don't worry ur jeep will be towed by us. "
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