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All of them froze.  " Did you hear that " Lila, said.  " Yes and now till sunlight comes out no one is, getting out of this jeep " Jess warned them. " Whose idea was this, to come on this camp in this wilderness " Bruce said. " Liz pointed towards Tod " dear old Tods idea was it. " " Seriously Tod i feel like throwing you out of this jeep only " Jess said. " Calm down everyonea and stay quiet. The dogs gone and so is the maniac hes hiding. He wont come out.  We have a gun. Lets just sit inside and wait for daybreak. Sure some car or truck will pass by and we hike " Tod was saying.  " And that axe man wont be coming out now because of that leopard " Lila, said. " I want to sleep really guys " Jess said.  " I agree with you,  so do i " Lila was, whispering as she laid her head on the seat. " Just go to sleep then guys i will keep a watch. Then after one-hour i will catch up on napping and Bruce will sit. How's that. " " Thats nice lets do it.  Winston you sit "Liz patted him on his shoulders. So again they slept and all was quiet for some time.  A little bit of rain was falling and the moon was full up in the sky casting its cool white light on all the thick trees all around them. Only the sound of crickets could be heard and the rain falling. Winston sat laying his head on the window looking outside. Silence everywhere when some shadow of something or man could be seen in the trees moving. 
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