Chapter sixth

228 Words
And they ran. The masked man was behind them. " We need to hurry up he's catching on us Tina " Katie said. It was midnight and very dark outside. Except for the moonlight and the streetlight across the street. As they somehow reached their next door neighbours house. Rhia rang the doorbell frequently. Her hands were trembling. A dim light was on in the porch and all the lights were off in the house. " They are asleep or are they even there inside the house " Tina exclaimed. No one was opening the door. Katie banged on the window too but nothing. All silent. From behind the bushes the man was standing. Tina turned saw him and screamed. " Hes here. We have to hide somewhere. No ones answering this door. " So the three of them ran brusquely and hid behind some thick bushes. The man followed them and was searching for them. Katie kept a hand on her mouth to prevent herself from making any noise. Right in front of them he was standing look here and there fervently. A car's headlights seem to be coming from front so they hid more in the shrubs to avoid him. " Once he goes from here we can go towards the parking car as someone has come there and he will help us " Katie said.
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