Chapter seventh

243 Words
They waited. After sometime he went away from there to search somewhere else. Quickly they all got up and ran towards the car. A man was coming out of the car. He looked at them in surprise.  Katie told him about the masked man in an outburst. He was shocked and told them to come inside the house. They followed him. " I really don't know what's happen this neighbourhood. On news I had heard of some man whobprowls here " he said. He was opening the door. " Can you hurry up. Any moment he can come he has a knife " Rhia said. " It's okay don't worry we are safe here I wil call the cops " he said. They followed him inside the house as he bolted the door. " Here have some water and rest " he told them serving chilled glasses of water after a few moments.  Later her called the station and said in ten minutes they are coming. After that they will catch him and you can go to your house " he said. Suddenly the lights went out. " It's happening again " Tina s said. " There is some problem in circuit I will check and come "and started going out. " Where you going " Tina said in surprise."The meter box is out " he said. " No you can't go ! Let's just wait for cops to come " Katie shrieked.
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