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The Deities Regardless of the human sound, we speak when we think of God, the feeling of love and protection is the same. It is a spirit that calls us all to become our best selves, to develop deep empathy and kindness for all. It is that spirit that moves us to love a stranger, to cry if they or their children need help. So let us use our higher intelligence to step over these words, these human sounds, as if they were pretty pebbles in a gentle stream, and embrace our future in peace.  Melecient turned around on her chair before coming to an abrupt stop giving the grim reaper a sly smile.  "I guess this is going to feel like a dream, I don't know but I feel something offbeat, and I am not yet sure. This tasked that was given to me is different from others. Are you aware of that huh?" she asked at the person who is busy reading his envelopes. "Huh? I don't know that's your job why are you passing it to me?" he stubbornly answered. "Then why the heck are you here again? Get out!" "Well I think it's unusual, it's different, you're right it's different," he answered quickly and at the same time waving his hand in the air looking dumb and acting as if thinking. "To hell with you," she rolled her eyes. "Why thank you," he smirks and a flying book slams in his face which makes shout in pain. "That was quick of you, you see I don't want to tell you this but your task tells me something immortal, someone in there will be reincarnated and not just one I think," he seriously stated making her watch him, she sure didn't expect it to come from him but that was a statement that she should not ignore. "The only way to be immortal is not to know that you are. Forever is a gift craved until it won, then it expands like an ocean without land in sight. Things precious are finite, cherished as fleeting moments in that thing we call time. Seek not life eternal but be eternally in the moment of life, fully conscious and holding creation as sacred. Give and receive love and peace within and let it flow out into the world as refreshing as spring rains. Be mortal and immortal every moment that you breathe, curious, wild, and free," she longly stated while looking at him and he looks at her the same way, they are both in deep thoughts. "This thing will give me a lot of trouble and assignments and of course compliance, I'm the grim reaper, after all, it may be an immortal." "Many people think that being immortal is a bliss, a gift, something that is precious, a thing that one would do next to anything for. Their thoughts confuse me greatly, is it bliss to live a long life, enough to see all your love ones die? To wander around the world in loneliness, for every friend you ever made have run out of time to spend with you? I think not, it is not bliss, a gift, happiness, a blessing, it is a curse.                                                                                       *** Ysabella awakened to the steady patter of rain upon her window droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. The sound brings calmness to mind, a soothing melody, a natural song. With eyes at rest, she feels her center, lives happily within herself for these magical, fantasy moments of seclusion in this palace, being here in the palace wish herself to live in such a dreamy place forever but that was impossible of course and who is she to live in such a grand life. The palace was high up on the hill overlooking the town, it's many pointed towers giving it the look of an eccentric crown. The walls were a white stone that glistened in the summer sun and the roof was grey slate she could see the other roof from her window. That is why Ysabella was shocked to see herself from the first place that she was on top of the world, she was exaggerating but for a lady who is in shock by the night that she was just about to go home and encounter wicked and unfortunate men and then she woke up miles and miles away from her family. It was as big as twenty of the ordinary houses of the town and employed a good number of the townsfolk as servants, how did she know it, she had asked it to Xevy that night they had a little conversation and she must admit that she somehow enjoyed the company of Xevy even though the palace was under attack that night and Xevy help her to calm down not until someone calls him and left her without even saying goodbye to her and then again she was alone, she just wanted someone she could talk to. "Get hold of yourself, Bella, please you're going home," she muttered under her breath and roll in her bed when she instantly stops. "Prince Hades asked my name that night, but how come he still asked for it, is he the one who writes this letter right?" she asked herself and slowly sits in her bed, legs crossed and fingers intertwined over one knee and look at the letter that it is still in the table. Slowly Ysablella reaches out the letter from the table and gets off from her bed. Unfolding the letter and read those what is written again, it is sure coming from him. But she wonders that being a prince is a busy duty so how did he come into the point of having a time writing a letter to her? Time should not be wasted on people like her, a peasant. She slowly walks to her window and comes into a realization, being in here is beautiful but she should not dream such a thing, it was way impossible. She should be thankful for whats on hers. The rain brings a richness to each hue, the grass becomes glossy, reflecting the light, a new bright shine to the whole place of the palace, softly waving in the breeze. The servants who are dressed neatly and in uniforms were calm in doing their works, she smiled as she sees herself into them, she used to be that way in seeling their cabbages in the market, her mama thought that to her. "You're in deep thoughts my dear," a deep husky voice asked which startled her, she spun and there she saw a striking gorgeous man she has ever met, that silvery hair of him compliments his white flawless skin, and she could almost curse herself for having such magnifying eyes, his face is damn poreless and she was jealous how come a man like him have such a beauty compared to her a woman, what a shame. "W-who are you?" she stammered asking him. "Oh sorry about being rude entering your room but I was knocking for how many time and you seem not to hear it so I decided to enter myself dear," he answered and a smile plays in his lips, does this man wears some kind of cosmetics? she thought because those lips of him were so red, is he a vampire or something. And how deaf is she not to hear the knocks, she was deep in thoughts indeed. "Sorry, I was just in thoughts that is why I didn't hear you." "My name is Helios." 
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