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"Knight are you sure about this? Is there no other way to solve this out? Don't give me a damn Knight, Hades and you are-" Antarteces said with full of fear and concern. "Don't start Antarteces, just do what I have told you. I didn't keep you to pry, molest, tamper things on my plans," he coldly said and look at his soldiers preparing for an attack to the palace. "And why sudden call me by my name huh Antarteces?" he added placing his blade on his secret leather pocket. "Forgive me Master it won't happen again," Antarteces answered and bow ahead. "In fact it is okay but you're the one who insists calling me that and I'm just used to it besides it's not like you didn't scream my name in the past," he grins and turns his heels back to Antarteces. "In the serenade of the black, the stars are a choir, they are lights that sing in infinite patterns. Sometimes eyes need music, and the darker the night the sweeter the song," Knight muttered under his breath and he was sure that Antarteces heard it right, it was enough for Antarteces to hear it and leave. 'The black night holds me close until the dawn, always my cloak until I am ready for the dawn. It is that friendly blackness that allows my eyes to rest and let my dreams take center stage,' Knight thought to himself and walking down the stairs, tonight is the night he starts the warning attack. 'This is the dream I have been waiting for and I hope it will not come into a nightmare and all of my plans will come to fall into the way I want it, no, the way I love it,' engulfed his thoughts and soldiers came approaching him, his horse was already prepared and even his gears, all of them are ready. This evening he got a message coming from the palace and of course, he has one of his eyes out there that literally no one knows, that is how he moves, how he plan, oh how proud is he of himself. He looks up in the dark sky and closes his eyes, inhaled the cold breeze if air, how intoxicating it sending his body of eagerness, a roar to take a fight, a roar to take what is his, what is his property all along. On this moonless night, even the silhouettes of them are gone and even the stars that he used to look at and remember her were dense in the clouds.  What a shame. The messenger sent him a letter with the help of a crow, it says that Hades has come along with a young maiden, and if he is not mistaken the messenger sent him a painted portrait of her face. His heart exploded with excitement and at the same time anger and jealousy. It was indeed his Dawn, the girl that he had been searching for a long time since he was captured the rogues of his father, sending him to take what's their capital. Flashback Market around 9 am Knight was in the street observing, he needs it this time, he must forget the conscience, he must think of his state. He was hungry for pete's sake and he can eat three bowls of rice and how many bowls of hot noodles. He was not used to pickpocketing but he must, that is how he will survive without the shelter of his father, even just by today he is free, free of his young mind will. When he had already seen his target he was like the wind by his speed, the woman didn't even know it, her purse was no longer on her bag. "Alas! so a lot of money is this, I could get myself a warm blanket and food for three days, boy what a luck!" his eyes were sparkling as soon as he gets out on the crowded market and finds himself a hidden place to see what he got. Little did he know a young girl was secretly watching her with her wooden stick by her side. "Give it back to the lady young boy," a girl said with her thin lips which cause the boy to startled from his feet and slowly spun his head and look at her with wide eyes, he thought she had big people in her back, she was all alone. He wanted to laugh out loud but he can't, a girl was ordering her and called him a young boy is such a big fool. "Did you call me a young boy huh girl whoever you are?" he spat making her flinch, she was not expecting that coming from an angelic face yet a rude personality which makes her even mad, her blood even boils. "Give that purse back to the poor lady," she said and pointed the lady who is now searching her purse, they are miles away from the crowd and yet he can see it and he was surprised how keen is her eyes to see such a long way, and a crowded place and come all the way in his place. "What are you?" he absentmindedly asked and look at her. "Give her back her purse," she murmured and he knows she was holding her anger. "And what if I won't?" he said and grin, she even goes red which he finds it cute. "Don't test me, I'm a well-trained fighter if you don't know," she says swaying her stick which nearly stumbles her due to the heaviness of her stick. "Pfft," he mocks and holds his stomach he must not laugh, or else he will be laughing the rest of his life and that is not good. "Don't laugh at me, young boy." "Listen, fighter girl, I need to get back to my place and buy myself a good warm blanket for tonight before the store closes and also food for I am starving to death you know in order to survive this fancy life you need to do these things," he said and started walking away. "Is that so? I can help you with that shelter and food? I can help you, persisting in the illegal thing will just put you in crisis you know." "If this is putting me into jeopardy, I'll take all of it."  
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