Chapter Twelve. Wow!

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Chapter Twelve. Wow! Hannah’s Point of View. The protesters who have followed me onto the pack grounds to help fight the fire have formed another line, as I stand before the flames, throwing the buckets of water around, the oppressive heat makes my head spin. I could pull off my hoodie to help with my climbing body temperature, but that would expose my skin to the flames, and unlike the werewolves, I need Ethan, our pack’s healer to ensure my skin and body has no lasting damage, and Ethan isn’t here. The small section that I am working on begins to flounder, the flames retreating, leaving just the embers to deal with. It has been over an hour since I arrived, and with the help of the protesters, and the fire service now in attendance, we are finally winning the war against the raging inferno. I take a moment to glance around the burnt-out structure when my eyes find something, I wasn’t quite expecting. Maybe the heat of the fire has scrambled my brain because what is standing across from me has to be a vision and cannot be real. The sight of the werewolf, clearly the Alpha has me going weak at the knees. He is tall, six foot six, I would say. His muscles are defined, his arms bulging out of the white vest he is wearing. His chocolate-coloured skin glistens with sweat, made darker by the soot of the fire. I watch transfixed as he pulls up the bottom of his vest to whip his brow. WOW! Never mind a six-pack or eight-pack, this perfect specimen of a man has a ten-pack going on, and my mouth instantly waters, wanting to lick each and every dip and curve. I feel my arousal begin to pool out of my breathless body, the heat from the flames replaced by a whole other kind of heat, which is making my core throb with a need that I cannot describe if I tried. To say this Alpha is my ‘type’ is an understatement, it is almost like he has been sculpted by God himself, just for me. Excitement begins to pulse in my veins, is this it? is he my mate? Hope begins to bubble in my stomach, as I wait for the introduction, for our eyes to meet, to see if he lets out the growl, I have heard so many times before with my family when they meet their predestined one. The declaration of Mine, to spill from his delicious lips, as I have dreamed of hearing. God, I have never been so attracted to anyone, in my life. Alpha Delicious, and as much as we have laughed at his name, never was a man more perfectly identified by his parents. Because Delicious is exactly what he is, in every single sense of the word. He pulls down his top, and I am torn between mourning the loss of looking at his perfect abs and gazing at his handsome face. His black hair is a buzz cut, the small corkscrew curls on the top, no more than two inches long. Hell, he could be a military man with that hairstyle. Another check in my perfect male box. His eyes are deep pools of brown, his face clean shaven. He looks over to one of his pack members and flashes a smile that lights up his face. A set of perfect white teeth reveal themselves, from behind his lighter-coloured lips. His nose is perfectly straight, and his brows look like they have been microbladed, but I know they haven’t, they are naturally that way. I watch as he continues to speak with the beta of the pack, and I cannot help the pang of jealousy, wanting this perfect man to smile, to fix his deep brown eyes on me. I straighten my shoulders and smooth down my clothes, only to leave black handprints where I touch. Great! Brilliant first impression. With a deep inhale of breath, I walk with purpose, over the smouldering embers of the fire, to this man, praying that I hear the words I have dreamed of hearing for so long. Alpha Del’s Point of View. The smoke has cleared, and although the grain has all gone, and the barn is a shell we stopped it from spreading further. It is strange, but the smell of the lavatera flowers increases, making me smile. To have survived this blaze, the small pink deceptively delicate flower really is a survivor. “The envoy from the Royals is here, she arrived as we were fighting the fire,” Anna informs me. “Where is she now?” I ask as Anna indicates over to my right-hand side. “She fought the fire and actually got some of the protestors to help. She ripped them a new arsehole, and defended Old Stinker in the process,” Anna smiles at me, clearly impressed by Hannah Colton. I glance over at the approaching woman. WOW! She is utterly gorgeous, with long brown hair that hangs down her back, bits sticking out all over from fighting the fire. Her hazel coloured eyes look at me in wonder, her fame is small, and delicate, but I can see the strength that she has by the way she carries herself. I cannot help but wonder what is hidden under that oversized soot covered hoodie she is wearing, but her legs are wrapped in skin-type jeans, go on for miles, as her hips sway towards me. Smudges from the fire partially hide her porcelain skin. Her cheeks tinged with pink making my mouth water. “MATE!” Apollo declares. She is mine, this beautiful, strong, human white woman is mine. I should rush to her, and make my claim, but something is holding me back. Something refuses to allow me to declare her my mate, my Luna. Why? Because she is perfect. Too faultless and being the mate of the only black Alpha in the UK, who is a werewolf, will have consequences. I know the prejudice my parents suffered, and that was just because of the colour of my father’s skin. I remember hearing my mother cry when men and women would cross the street to avoid us, because of our mixed heritage. The world is a more tolerant place now, but racism still exists, add to that the fact that we are not only different skin colours, but species as well, being mated to this perfect woman has consequences, and she will pay the price for, and more than anything, I want to protect my perfect mate, even if it means not accepting her, I will protect her.
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