Chapter Thirteen. Disappointment.

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Chapter Thirteen. Disappointment. Hannah’s Point of View. Bollocks! Alpha Delicious is staring at me, but there is no declaration, no call of ‘Mine’ or ‘Mate’ coming from his lips. Not even a possessive growl. The hope that had sprouted in my heart quickly diminished, and to say I was disappointed would be an understatement. I felt sure that this was some sort of mate bond, given my intense attraction to the man, but alas, it was just wishful thinking. It is just chemistry, and a natural reaction to finding a man who ticked all my boxes, nothing more. I am not one for showing lots of emotion, nobody could accuse me of being a ‘crier’ but I have a lump in my throat that is threatening to bring tears to my eyes. I feel rejected. Not good enough, yet there is no good reason for me to be this way. Not if he isn’t my mate. Hesitantly I approach him, taking a deep breath, to steady my nervousness, and praying that my body doesn’t reveal the attraction I feel for him. However, I am already aroused, so I guess that is going to be obvious. Damned werewolves and their heightened sense of smell. Straightening my shoulders, I put on my best fake smile, and stretch out my hand towards him. “Alpha Delicious. Hannah Colton,” I say, as a way of introduction. “Just Del, please” he grumbles slightly. Fuck me, if he doesn’t look at my hand as if to touch it would burn him. Great, just great, more rejection to pile onto me. However, the asshole is going to shake my hand, because I have come here to save his sorry ass, and he will show me courtesy of a polite greeting, if he likes it or not. I stare at him, and I swear I hear a soft moan coming from his lips, then seeing that I am not backing down, he reluctantly reaches out and takes my hand in his. FUCK! The pleasurable jolt of electricity shoots up my arm, consuming my body, and I feel almost breathless. How can this be if he is not my mate? Not unless he is, and because I am human is going to reject me. Well, if that is the case, he can go f**k himself, I wouldn’t want to be mated to a prejudicial i***t anyway. I say that, but goosebumps are erupting all over my body, my arousal is now a full-on flood in my knickers, and I have the distinct urge to climb him like a monkey climbs a tree. A low hiss erupts from the tall dark and extremely handsome Alpha, as he holds my hand a second more than is acceptable for an introduction. It is almost like he doesn’t want to let it go. Or is that just wishful thinking on my part? God this is confusing. I wish I had a wolf to let me know what the hell is going on. I have seen my cousins and brother when they met their mates, it seems a hell of a lot easier than being human and just going off a physical reaction. Well, no words of rejection have come out of his mouth, so maybe this is just me, overthinking. Probably. I have been thinking about mates and a lifelong partner for a while now. I am probably psychologically attempting to force a bond that just isn’t there. Finally, this adonis lets my hand go, and he clears his throat, looking away from me. “Thank you for your help, Ms Colton. I appreciate you,” The timber of his voice sends a shudder of pleasure through my body. I never thought I thought of an American accent, but I guess I have because it sounds sexy as hell. s**t, I need to get a grip! “Just Hannah,” I simply state, hearing Ms Colton, makes me sound old, and I do not need any help with feeling that way. I just need to look in the mirror at the fine lines that frame my eyes for that daily reminder. “Sure Miss Hannah,” he smiles at me, and oh good grief, what a smile it is. “Alpha, the firemen would like a word,” the woman I saw him with earlier states, by the way, she holds herself, and the aura that is coming off her, it doesn’t take a genius to work out she is the beta of the pack, and the sexy Alpha immediately turns away from me. He has no problem or hesitation shaking the hand of the lead firefighter that wants to talk to him, as the beta turns to me and smiles. “I am Anna, the Beta of Wetwang Pack. That was some bravery you showed, standing up to the protesters and fighting the fire,” she smiles. Okay, is it wrong that I hate myself for liking her? Probably, because my jealousy of her easy interaction with the Delicious Alpha is my issue, not hers. “Just glad I could help,” despite myself, and raging jealousy, I smile at her, because, to be honest, she seems like a nice woman. I may not have a wolf, but I do have some of the gifts and discernment is one of them. Not as strong as the werewolf part of my family, but it is still there, and with the help of my Dad over the years, he has taught me how to ‘trust my gut’. “Miss Hannah, would you mind coming here a moment please?” that voice that I think I have fallen in love with asks me. I nod my head and walk over to where he is standing with the firefighter. “As suspected, it looks like arson,” he tells me and I nod my head, turning my attention to the firefighter. “We need to complete a full investigation, and as I was saying to Mr Gude here, the police will need to be informed, to bring the culprit to justice. However, I understand this is a delicate situation,” “Yes, it is. I understand that you must flush out and prosecute anyone who resorts to arson, and violence, however, I am here to attempt to soothe nerves, and calm the local humans regarding their feelings about the pack. To be honest, going on a witch hunt for the i***t who started the fire, is not the ideal way to bring about a peaceful resolution. It could get their backs up, making the job a lot more difficult,” I tell him. “We cannot let arson slide,” the firefighter tells me, the look on his face a clear indication of just how serious he is taking this. “I know. However, whilst you are doing your fire investigation, would you give me that time to speak with the leaders of this protest, and the farmer who has the biggest grievance? Some of them came down here to help put out the fire. Maybe if they turn in the arsonist, it will help,” I ask. “Well, the police are already on their way. But you do what you must do and let us do what we need to do in return,” he states and I nod my head. “Just give us the afternoon,” Del says to the firefighter who nods his head, and the pair shake hands. “Please, Miss Hannah, come to the pack house. I will introduce you to the members, and Old Stinker,” the gorgeous Alpha gives me another one of his smiles. Be still my beating heart! “You will have a job Alpha, he has disappeared. I think he has run off, you know how desperate he was to leave the pack,” Anna comes over. “Yeah Alpha, he got spooked seeing so many of the protesters on the pack lands, and ran off just before we fully extinguished the fire,” A woman, who I think may be an Omega, but has the look of a woman not to be messed with said. I cannot help but smile at her, because she reminds me of my cousin Phoenix, she is an omega, but you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of her. “s**t. Now what,” Del states, his shoulders slumping slightly. “Now you invite the humans to the pack house for refreshments and thank them for their help. Let’s open the lines of communication and show mercy and kindness. Let them see we are not a danger to them, and sort out this mess,” I state, as the Alpha looks down at me, his chocolate eyes wide and sparkling, as he nods his head. “Sure thing Miss Hannah, this way,” he smiles before announcing to everyone gathered that refreshments would be served back at the farmhouse and all were welcome.
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