Chapter Thirty-Eight. Let’s Dance.

1843 Words

Chapter Thirty-Eight. Let’s Dance. Alpha Delicious Point of View. You do not know, just how hard it is, (pun intended) sitting next to my stunning mate, as course after course of food is served at this banquet. The soft moans she makes when she tastes something she likes has my d**k straining against the zipper of my trousers. It is pure torture, in the most mouthwatering of ways. I am sure the little minx is doing half of it on purpose because she has a half smile on her face, each and every time, I groan in response to her soft moans. Seriously, I am a werewolf, and even I am full to the brim by the time the twelfth course is rolled out. Yeah, that is correct, twelve courses! The poor humans, almost look pained when the last course arrives. Thankfully it is just some ice cream, whi

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