Chapter Thirty-Nine. The Dance of Mates.

1738 Words

Chapter Thirty-Nine. The Dance of Mates. Hannah’s Point of View. No sooner than I hit the dance floor, Del has me pulled flush against him. My heart is galloping in my chest, and my arousal is free flowing out of me so that it is to the point of discomfort. Yet, despite all of that, there is no place I would rather be. I can feel the hard bulge in my ma trousers, as I find myself pushing my hips closer to him, my arms wrapped around his neck, as his hands drop to my lower back, holding me as close to him as humanly, or, werewolfy possible. Sparks are consuming every inch of my skin, as the world around me disappears, and all that is left is me, and my Delicious mate. My breathing begins to labour, as Del captures my ear lobe between his lips, sucking on it slightly. I let out a lo

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