Chapter Eight – Crescent Moon Shenanigans.

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Chapter Eight – Crescent Moon Shenanigans. Finally, we pulled up at the Royal Crescent Moon pack house. I cannot believe that I am going to have to head to Yorkshire tomorrow. I have been looking forward to this break for so long now, and to have it snatched away at the last moment, I have to admit, is heartbreaking. My dad jumps out of the car and opens the door for my mam first before coming round the back and opening my door for me. He is always a gentleman. I look up at the big, white, pack house of the royal household. It is my home from home, and no matter what news awaits me inside, I still have that peaceful feeling when I enter the large glass double doors. “HANNAH!” Becca shouts, running towards me, her long purple hair flowing behind her, the smile on her face infectious. She looks stunning, as always. Dressed in a pure white pantsuit. How the hell she manages to keep that clean with two kids is beyond me, but she does. I am engulfed in a huge hug from my cousin before she links my arm and drags me into the living room. “Hey, Hannah. It is so good to see you,” Alisha the queen, my cousin Asher’s mate, gave me the biggest and warmest smile. “Hi, I am so happy to be back. But I understand you are sending me away again,” I stated, giving Asher a pointed look. “Not just yet. But in a couple of days, yes. However, it will be a quick trip, as Liane has already said she will transport you,” Asher grins at me. That is something, I suppose. Liane is my cousin Phoenix’s Beta wolf, and she has a unique gift, she can transport you anywhere in the world in a nanosecond. It comes in handy. But since she gave birth to her second pup, we try not to use her abilities as much as we used to. Hence, why I took the train, to get home today. “So, what is the issue?” I asked, walking to the large blue corner sofa and taking a seat. “Old Stinker, he has eaten a farmers' sheepdog. Not just any old sheepdog either, it is a prize-winning one, worth a small fortune. The locals are not happy. Alpha Del called earlier, asking for help. Asher says we have a couple of days before you need to go to intervene, so you can at least get some time with us,” Alisha smiled at me. I guess my cousin the King has had one of his visions and knows that my heading off now is not going to make much difference, so he has given me a reprieve. Thank God. “Cool, hopefully, it will not take too long. I have to be honest, I am exhausted, and have been looking forward to this break for ages,” I admitted. Alisha smiles and nods her head in understanding. Becca stands up to help the head Omega Caroline distribute the refreshments around everybody, and I cannot help but roll my lips together. “Becca, have you been hugging Asher, by any chance?” I asked as she looked over her shoulder. “Not since this morning. Why?” she asks as I have to stop myself from laughing at the big sign on her butt that says. FREDRICK WAS HERE. Written in big bold letters with a downward arrow. “Nothing at all,” I grin at her, as she looks over her shoulder, but is unable to turn her head around enough to see the sign. I have to wonder how long she has had that thing stuck to her ass, without anybody pointing it out to her. Even her mate hasn't told her. She is going to be pissed. However, it is hilarious, all the same. “Asher, what the f**k have you done?” Becca shouts at her brother, hands on her hips, glaring at him as the King gives her a mischievous smirk. “Why do you think I have done anything?” he responds with fake innocence. “MAM!” Becca shouts up the stairs like she is still a teenage girl rather than a Queen of Scandinavia and a mother herself. “Where are Chloe and Zander?” my mam asks. “Upstairs. Chloe got a little cheeky, and she was thrown over his shoulder an hour ago,” Alisha laughs. Oh god, we all know what that means. Those two have been mated as long as my parents, and still, they behave like horny teenagers. I cannot stop myself from laughing as Aunty Chloe descends the stairs, with Uncle Zander behind her, a smug grin on his face, as she looks at me with flushed cheeks. “Hannah, you are home. I have missed you,” she cries out, and I am enveloped in a bone-crushing hug. “I need to breathe!” I wheeze out, sometimes she forgets how strong she is. “Oops sorry,” my aunt giggles, then looks at Becca. “Why for art thou screaming like a banshee for me?” she asks my cousin. “Your son has done something to me, and I don’t know what. Tell him, Mam!” Becca again sounds like a teenager, as Chloe furrows her brows and then grins. “Ah the sign, yeah, he put that on you before your meeting up at the Omega Shelter,” my aunt laughed. Yeah, Asher, and let’s be honest, Becca as well, get their mischievous streak from their mother. Some might call it childish, but Chloe calls it fun. “Anyway, she cannot tell me off, I am the King,” Asher chuckles as Alisha rolls her eyes and shakes her head at her mate. “King or no king, you are not too big for a smacked ass,” Uncle Zander tells him. “Oh, we all know you love smacking asses, Uncle Zander,” I quip, as he walks over to me and gives me a huge hug. “Cheeky. I have missed you,” he grins down at me. “And very good at it, he is,” Aunty Chloe grins with pride as my mam shakes her head laughing and my dad rolls his eyes in dismay. “Here,” I said to Becca, pulling off the sign, as she read it. “Well, it's not wrong,” she shrugs then heads back over to sit next to Alisha. “Where is Fredrick?” I ask, taking my tea, and a nice custard cream biscuit from the tray Caroline left on the centre table. “Upstairs reading the pups a bedtime story. He will be down in a minute,” Becca smiles. “So, give me all the background information on Wetwang, and this Alpha I am going to help. I have heard of him, but I don’t think I have met him yet,” I say dunking my custard cream biscuit into my tea. “I will give you all that information in the morning, during our debrief. Because first, we have a celebration, because Hannah is home. So, it is time to crack open a bottle of Uncle Robin’s Moonshine,” Asher laughs, grabbing the werewolf-proof whiskey, from the side of his chair, opening the bottle, and serving everyone a drink. “To Hannah,” Asher toasts me, and I am waiting for the punch line, but it never materializes, so I take a sip of my drink. The bitter liquid takes my breath away, as we all sit back and fall into our normal conversation where everyone is talking, and nobody is listening. It doesn’t take long before Aunty Chloe and my now very drunk mother decide to skinny-dip in the pool, as we crank up the music, and begin to dance around the pack house. Thank god for Caroline, she is the only sober person here, and as such is now in charge of keeping an eye on the pups. We loudly reminisce about the good times we have had, laughing at past parties that have taken place in this pack house over the years. The alcohol is beginning to take its effect on me, and soon I am in the pool with my aunt, mother and cousin, swimming around, laughing loudly as Chloe reminds us of the day she found a vibrator swimming in the pool. Drunkenly, she swims over to me and places her arm around my shoulders. “Not long now Hannah,” she slurs in my ear. I have no clue what she means, and I am too drunk to care, so I simply smile, my head wobbling a bit as I do, as the men of our family all dive bomb into the pool, making us screech in delight. “Hannah, just so you know, you are training in the morning,” Asher laughs as I take another shot of whiskey. Oh hell, training for the first time in forever on a moonshine hangover is going to be brutal, but as I look around everyone in that pool, I know that each and every one of them will be on the training field at the crack of dawn, giving it their all. Because that is what we do. We play hard and train hard. Rule with kindness and compassion, but are lethal when required. We are all a little strange, and not what you might class as normal, even for werewolves. But we are family, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about any of them. So hangover be damned, because I am home, and I am going to celebrate that fact, until I can no longer stand up straight.
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