Chapter Seven. Homeward Bound.

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Chapter Seven. Homeward Bound. Finally, I am sitting on the train at Kings Cross Station heading up to Edinburgh, where Mam and Dad are going to pick me up. I am going home, and I cannot wait. My phone pings in my pocket, and I pull it out. Levi – Hey babe, hope you caught the train okay. We will catch up when you get back, have a great trip xxx. I sigh as I look at the message. He is a nice guy, his reaction to my heritage was perfect. He accepted it but was not ‘over’ accepting. As in, he didn’t go on and on about it, making it a big deal. He is a good-looking man, some might say gorgeous, and has been attentive and a gentleman. I should be happy, and I am, but something is missing. The spark. Maybe that is just the way it is for humans, although I have heard stories of people meeting their significant others and feeling a deep connection, so I don’t think so. I am not going to force anything, but I am also not going to give up just yet. Maybe that connection will develop over time. I just don’t know. I guess I have some serious thinking to do, and a decision to make, because if I am not able to commit to this, then I guess I need to put a stop to it sooner rather than later. Honestly, I just keep flipping back and forth about this potential relationship moving forward. I look out of the window, as the train pulls away from the station, the people on the platforms all going about their daily business. Kids with small animal-inspired suitcases, and huge smiles, going somewhere. I love to people watch, and make up little stories about their lives. Like the older lady on the train sat pulling out her knitting needles and a huge ball of cream wool. In my mind she is knitting for her family, showing her love for them by creating scarfs, to keep them warm in winter, a little like the stories I was told about my namesake. A man is sitting opposite, his man spread taking up part of the aisle, as he worked away on his laptop. I imagined he worked in business, and was creating some presentation, as he sat with his headphones on, his laser focus was on his screen. The steward comes down with the refreshment trolley, causing Mr Manspreader to have to close his legs, for fear of it rolling over his foot. This causes him to push his laptop turning it towards me, and his earphones unplug, Oh boy was I wrong about what he was doing on the thing. The sounds of ‘yes, yes, oh daddy harder, you are so big’ echoes around the first-class carriage. The image on the screen is of a woman dressed like a schoolgirl, and trust me, it is not a lolly pop she is sucking on. I roll my lips together, as the knitting granny peers over the seat and takes a good look at the screen. “Oh, I remember the days,” she wistfully sighs, which causes the laughter that I have been swallowing to escape. I cover it with a cough, however, the two middle-aged women sitting behind me, do not bother to cover their amusement. Mr Manspreader panics and slams the lid on the laptop, but the sound doesn’t stop and still fills the air. You have such a big c**k, hmm, plays out, as a mother covers the ears of her child, and flashes him a withering look. This is priceless, and there is only one person I want to share what is going on with, and that is my cousin Becca. She is going to laugh her head off when I message her. I spend the rest of the journey laughing over text with Becca. It is weird because I never once thought about sharing the hilarity of what happened with Levi. I know it is only a couple of weeks into this dating thing, but I would have thought I would have wanted to share this funny moment with him, yet I never gave him a second thought. I blow out a breath, I have my answer. I need to end this dating thing when I get back to London, it is not fair to lead the guy on. I may or may not have a mate, but irrespective of that, Levi definitely is not the man for me. However, I am sure he will make some woman deliriously happy one day. Hannah – Becca, you will never guess what just happened on my train. A guy in a grey suit was what I thought, working on his laptop. Only his headphones popped out, and his laptop spun and the carriage was treated to a good three minutes of porn, ha ha ha ha x. Instantly the three little dots appear, and I know my cousin is messaging back. Becca – Oh my word! That is nearly as funny as the time I took my vibrating bunny through security at the airport. Ha ha ha ha x Hannah- I still cannot believe you did that, you loon, x Becca- What, it was the first time I had flown on a commercial flight. I didn’t know they x-rayed everything! Hannah – Wow, rich girl problems, x I tease my cousin, but the truth is, we are all extremely wealthy, however, none of us are spoilt brats. Now that I have made my decision regarding Levi, I really want to share it with my cousin. Hannah – So in other, not so funny news. I have come to a decision; I need to end things with Levi x. Becca- I think you are doing the right thing. I know you are seeing time passing and are doubting the existence of your mate. But the old Prophetess, Hannah, did say you would have one. I know we always rely on Mam, but maybe neither she nor Asher have seen anything because Old Hannah already has x. I take a moment to let Becca’s words sink in, yeah, maybe she has a point. I guess this is a good exercise for me to develop a little bit more patience. But it is hard, when everyone around me, other than Hamish are all mated and super happy, each of them are poster couple for the success of a mate bond. I take a breath and decide to have a little nap, after all, I have not been getting much sleep for a long time. I text my cousin and said my goodbyes, excitement at seeing my family rising in my stomach because in just four more hours I will see my parents again. I cannot wait! I opened my eyes, and what I thought would be a half-hour nap at most, must have lasted hours, because I recognise the Scottish coastline anywhere. I rub my eyes, to clear the sleep haze, a smile on my lips. I am already feeling a lot better, knowing I am back on Scottish soil. Sure, we have a long drive from the Edinburgh airport to the highlands, but this is home, a land I believe was made by God himself. The heather and the thistles, the glorious tree-covered mountains, which climb high into the sky, the North Sea cold and unpredictable, but breathtakingly beautiful as it crashes its waves against the rocks and cliffs. The coastline disappeared, and I knew we were heading inland, which meant I have about ten minutes before I arrived in Waverly station. My bubble of excitement begins to grow. I have two whole weeks. No frustrating meetings with Bartlet. No tubes and black snot. No fires to fight, just rest, relaxation, family fun, and training. Lots of training. I let out a contented sigh, before standing to my feet and grabbing my luggage from the rack above my head, then heading to the larger luggage rack, and grabbing my case, and standing by the door. Yeah, I am that person, the one who is standing right at the front, desperate to get off the train a good five minutes before I need to. What can I say, I am happy to be home. Finally, the train pulls up, and the green light flashes indicating I can open the door. As I stepped off, I could see my Mam and Dad standing just beyond the barriers. I practically ran down the platform, dragging my case behind me, showing my ticket and rushing for a group hug. “I am so happy to be back!” I cannot contain my excitement. “We are so glad to have you back,” my Mam grins at me, as Dad sighs slightly. “I am sorry Hannah. But Asher got a call earlier. We have an issue with the Wetwang pack. We need to head straight to Crescent Moon. I think you are going to be needed there,” FUCK!
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