Chapter Thirty-Seven – Death Wish.

1802 Words

Chapter Thirty-Seven – Death Wish. Hannah’s Point of View. I have never felt so repulsed in my life, as Tim ‘the wanker’ White slobbers on my hand. Ewe, just, ewe. It is gross, and this i***t thinks he is God's gift to…well everything and everyone. What a wanker. I hear the low rumble of a growl coming from the direction of my mate, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Apollo is attempting to take control. Hell, I need to calm my mate down, and his wolf, along with putting this wanker in his place. Think Hannah, think! “Mr White, do you have a death wish?” my voice low, almost coming out like a growl, but with a saccharin sweet smile on my face. You know the one I mean. The smile that tells everyone within a ten-mile radius that it is fake, and to watch out beca

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