Chapter Thirty-Six. Restraint.

1779 Words

Chapter Thirty-Six. Restraint. Del’s Point of View. It is unusual for me to feel nervous. I am normally a confident guy. But right now, nervousness is my new best friend. I stand at the large entrance of this shing dig at the Castle. I am waiting to walk down the red carpet and have my name introduced. I then must be greeted by the Royals, walking down the line and chatting with each of them. My only saving grace is I am not alone. Alpha Ged, and Luna Stacey, Hannah’s Aunt who is a little younger than she is, are beside me, and my original position has been elevated in the line because Miss Hannah is my mate. I would be beside her in the greeting line, but we are not mated and marked yet. Not that I want to stand in a line and make small talk with random strangers, however, my mate is

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