Chapter Fourteen – Jealousy.

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Chapter Fourteen – Jealousy. Alpha Delicious Point of View. Oh god the smell of her arousal is invading my senses. Apollo is whimpering in my head, desperate to claim his mate, and when I took her small hand in mine, the sparks were out of this world. I am desperate to claim my mate, never mind my wolf, but I cannot do it to her. She has no clue of the sacrifices she would need to make to be with me. Seeing what my Mom went through was heartbreaking, it would be even worse seeing my Mate suffer the same prejudices, it would be a double dose. I want more than anything to protect her from that. I can see the look of confusion in her eyes. She feels the bond, but being human, she is unsure if it is or not. Clearly, she was waiting for me to make the declaration. I feel like a piece of s**t because the look of rejection in her eyes is tearing my heart in two. Am I making the right decision here? Maybe I should just utter the words of rejection and get it over and done with, but I cannot do it, because the truth is, she is perfect. The way she fought the fire, her ability to take control of a situation, and her bravery, when faced with adversity. Those aspects of her personality fit with mine perfectly. Not to mention how utterly breathtaking she is. So damned beautiful, I could see the firefighter we were talking to was putty in her hands. Yes, he stuck to his guns regarding the prosecution, but he relented slightly, falling under the spell of Miss Hannah Colton, and gave her the afternoon to attempt to gain a peaceful resolution to this situation, for the pack. She makes me smile, just by being her. What the hell do I do? “Erm, if you don’t mind all taking your shoes off, I don’t want the soot and mud on my clean kitchen floor” Gillian announces. I wonder how Miss Hannah will react to being told what to do by an Omega. For all she is a human, she has an Alpha aura about her, that cannot be mistaken. I watch for her reaction, and I am not sure if I am hoping it is a bad one to my omega’s request, to make my decision easier, or a good one, because I want her so damned badly. But rather than look offended, Miss Hannah smiles at my Omega, and slips out of her footwear, before heading to the sink to wash her hands. “Do you have some towels to place on the chairs?” she asks. “I like your thinking. You can come again,” Gillian grins, falling for under the spell of my mate. So she passed that test. Not that I am testing her, well, not really. “Just accept her already!” Apollo growls at me. “You know what that would mean for her. The hatred that she will suffer, just because she is mated to a werewolf, and the fact that the colour of my skin can offend people,” I argue back. “It is a brave new world. She will not suffer like Mom did. Things have changed, and attitudes are more understanding. You are overthinking,” Apollo has a point, but still, I cannot shake the feeling that I would be asking a lot more from her than I could ever offer. Plus, she is part of the royals, Wetwang is little more than a working farm, she will be used to the life of luxury, a large pack house, with everything her heart could desire. She would have to give that all up to live here, in a small farmhouse, with a tiny pack living in it. We are not rich; we don’t have mountains of wealth at our fingertips. We are not poor, but we are not the type of rich a Colton is used to. I watch in awe as she sits down on Gillian’s towels and encourages the humans to take a seat as well, her relaxed posture, clearly making them feel at ease. Even Farmer Giles has a small smile for her, and that is saying something. Even in a good mood, before Stinker munched on his dog, he rarely smiled. “I think we should all talk about what happened, for everyone to air their grievances, and each of us listens to the others point of view,” she begins. “My name is Hannah, I am human before you ask. But I live in a pack, as my father is a werewolf, and my mother a human. I understand how you all are afraid of the unknown. Plus with Stinker behaving as he does sometimes it can make it even more difficult for you,” she begins to hold court. Hell, they are hanging on her every word. I watch, as a blonde-haired younger guy smiles at her, shuffling his chair towards hers, and she flashes him a smile that has Apollo growling inside my head. Jealousy pumps through my veins, as she engages in conversation with him. I cannot concentrate on what she is saying, because my wolf is growling inside my head so loud. I am having a difficult time not reacting outwardly, and letting this i***t know that she is off limits, that she belongs to me, and only me! The rumble in my chest intensifies as I watch that i***t place his hand on my mate, and it must be audible because Anna flashes me a look and I quickly cough and bash the centre of my chest with my fist. “Smoke inhalation,” I say, to cover myself, but my Beta is not fooled, but doesn’t say a thing. “As I was saying,” Miss Hannah continues her conversation. “I understand that Stinker’s behaviour is not acceptable. I am sure the whole pack do,” she smiles. Gillan nods her head, as does Anna, agreeing with her statements. “But he is not a danger to humans. Did you know that the old wolf fought valiantly against the rogue army that attacked? He saved this pack, and its Alpha. Those rogues had no respect for human life. If he hadn’t stepped in when he did, you could have all been in great danger. He is a war hero,” Hannah continues. “War hero or not, that was my prize-winning sheepdog. It takes years to train them to his standard. Plus, who the hell eats dogs?” Farmer Giles hisses at her. I step forward, the urge to protect her taking over. “As Miss Hannah said, we understand that, and the challenges you all face with Stinker doing what he does. But he has never hurt a human. Your legends about his existence have span the centuries. He has never once hurt a human. Is he eccentric? Yes. Would it be easier if he didn’t want to snack on your pets? Definitely. But that man saved my life, sure, he has some mental health issues, but I cannot turn my back on him. Any more than you would turn your backs on a member of your family,” I tell them like I have so many times before. “Alpha Delicious is correct. As I said to you earlier, if you think of Stinker more like an elderly relative who has Alzheimer’s or dementia, it may help you understand how the pack feels, and how his mind is not what it should be. He is not a danger to humans, and if ever he became so, the Royal Family would intervene and deal with the situation immediately, deciding this Alphas shoulders. However, from what I understand, Stinker is apologetic, and his attacks on your dogs are driven more from hunger than anything else. If he can keep coming here without fear of retribution, then he can be well fed, and less likely to attack. If we can find a way to control his urges and give him a safe place to stay, with the freedom to wander when he wants to, I think that will go a long way to stopping this behaviour,” Miss Hannah tells them. “But he has tried and failed,” Farmer Giles hisses. “Where is Stinker now?” the young blonde guy asks. “He ran off after helping put out the fire. Probably afraid of you guys being in close proximity,” I tell him. “Great, so we need to lock up our pets again then,” another lady huffs. “Look, I will head out when we are finished here and try to find him. I know some of his hangouts. I will ask him to return to the pack,” I sigh, wanting this meeting to end, especially as that i***t is inching closer to Miss Hannah, his hand reaching out to touch her arm again. “Well, maybe we could go to the pub for a drink and discuss this further,” the i***t smiles at my mate. Before I can stop him Apollo growls, taking over my mind. “Get your hand off her. NOW!”
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