
442 Words
/An extract from the chapter/ As he was roaming his eyes around to look for his sweet angel he stood still. His nose flared looking at the scene in front of him. His Bella, his baby was chatting to someone. Though she was fidgeting and shifting nervously he still couldn't control the sudden anger coursing through him at the thought of that boy even breathing her scent. He leaves her for ten minutes and this is what happened. He should never leave her. With that thought he stalked towards them. As soon as he was closer to his baby he heard her breath hitch and he smirked at the effect on her. He wrapped his hands around her waist and narrowed his eyes angrily at the boy at the same age as his baby nervously looking at him. "Will you f**k off mate? She's not going to date you" He growled looking at him. The boy nervously smiled and shakily nodded his head while walking away. Xavier smirked as the boy trembled and was running away like a scared deer. Everyone were scared of him. "I wasn't..." Bella sniffed beside him and he turned to look at her and noticed that she had tears in the corner of her eyes. "Yes baby?" He asked deeply, mercilessly while staring at her. She closed her mouth and shook her head. "I wasn't going to go daddy" She whimpered while looking at him. He nodded because of course. She was his and he was not letting her go. "I know baby. Let's go back now."He mumbled in a hostile tone and saw her flinch at that. Because he's always loving and sweet towards her but he was angry at that boy who thought that it was okay to chat up to his baby and ask her out. "Are you angry daddy? Am I in trouble?" She innocently asked her eyes trained on him. He noticed that she was purposefully rolling her lips between her teeth and giving him her wide puppy eyes. That minx. "You're in trouble baby because you let that guy talk to you. You are going to get punished." He whispered and started walking with her towards the exit. He already had a great idea in his mind of punishing her and he didn't want to but she needs to learn that she was being a bad girl by talking to someone else. "But I-" She started but he turned around and glared at her prompting her to close her mouth. "You want to increase the punishment? Be quiet now baby" She bent down her head and nodded her head. "Yes daddy" 
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