Chapter 5: Take my Trone!

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"Are you okay, Aarhea?" Amara asked me, her face worried as if she was not the one who, together with Logan, planned the ambush. "I heard what happened to you last night!" she continued, which made my eyebrows up. "As you can see, I was not hurt, Amara," I coldly answered. "Thanks to Moon Goddess, she guided you, and she didn't abandon you in that situation," she hissed. I tilted my head and continued what I was doing, preparing myself for my announcement today. Amara came to my side, "Aren't you going to school, Aarhea?" she asked me in surprise. "I have important to do," I reluctantly replied to her. She frowned because of what I said, and she asked me again, "What important thing are you going to do? We are graduating, Aarhea, so we need to attend our classes!" I looked sharply at her, "If you want to go to school, you may go, but as I said, I have important things to do today," I repeated. She sighed and went behind me. She looked at me in the mirror with a smile, "No. If you don't want to go to the school, I won't go either. I want to accompany you and help you do what you say is important," she stood at my back. She helped me to fix my hair. I didn't answer her and let her do what she was doing. Even if I knew her true personality and colors, I could not tell and reveal it to her. I don't know what will happen if she finds out I know about their plans. "Your Highness, Jake is here," I stood up when I heard that Jake was here. "Let him in," I ordered. The door of my room opened. Jake entered with a serious face as he looked at me. I smiled at him and walked towards him. "What is Jake doing here, Aarhea?" Amara asked in surprise from behind me. "Why? Is there something wrong, Amara? I announced last night that he is my Mate, so he needs to be here," I answered. "Are you really serious about accepting him as your mate?" she asked in disbelief. I turned around and looked at her, "Do I look like I am kidding, Amara?" I asked her back. "You know him, Aarhea. You even made him pitiful, and you said hurtful words to him before!" "That's before, Amara. Now that he is my mate, I will not do those things to him again!" I replied. "But...but...How about Logan?" "Logan? You can take him if you want. I don't want someone who I didn't know. You know that, Amara!" "He's perfect for you, Aarhea. He can love you, protect you, and he is capable of being an Alpha for you and the Crimson!" She insisted. "If that's what you think, why don't you approach him?" "If possible, I would have done it, Aarhea, but he wants you. He loves you," she replied. "Logan was wondering why he wasn't the one you said was your mate, and you announced that this Jake is your mate!" she informed me. "Logan knows that you are his mate, so he doesn't understand what happened," she explained. "It's simple, Amara, he is not my mate. And I don't believe what he said that I am his mate!" I looked at Jake. I wrapped my hand around his arm and looked at Amara again, "Excuse us, Amara. We need to go." Jake and I left my room to go to the important announcement I would make. "Wait for me, Aarhea. I will come with you," I heard Amara yell. I ignored her and Jake, and I continued walking. When we got to the door, I ordered one of the warriors to open the door. "Princess Aarhea wants to enter!" One of the warriors yelled. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. There was no turning back. I need to get back to the person who will put the downfall on the Crimson Pack! When the door opened, I looked at Jake, who was silent—just standing next to me. I feel nervous about what I'm going to do, but it gradually disappearing as I look at him. I don't know, but I felt secure now. This was the first time that I felt this sensation. Was it because he was my mate? Or was there something more? When Jake and I entered, I saw the Elders looking at us. The Alpha-in-Charge stood looking at me. I know they have a meeting today to discuss the issues here in the Crimson Pack. "What are you doing here, Princess Aarhea? Don't you have classes today?" Asked Roman, the Alpha-in-Charge of Crimson Pack, the father of Amara. "I have an important announcement," I replied, looking at him thoughtfully. "Important announcement?" Roman asked in surprise. I grinned and started walking towards them. I stood beside Roman and looked at the elders. "I am here to take my throne!" I announced, which made their eyes widen. Omar, the leader of the elders, stood and looked at me seriously, "You know what the rules are, Princess Aarhea," he said. "You will take your throne if you find your future Alpha! So it is impossible what you are talking about!" Roman reminded me. "I already found my mate!" I looked at Jake, who was standing beside the door. They all looked at Jake. "Who is he?" Omar asked. "He's Jake, a wolfless werewolf!" Amara answered from nowhere. I deadly looked at Amara. "Your mate is wolfless?" Roman asked, unable to believe what his daughter said. "Yes, Dad! I told Aarhea to reject him, but it seems she has no intention!" Roman looked at me, "Do you want the Crimson to be broken and destroyed, Aarhea? A wolfless cannot be an Alpha!" He said. "The rule is, I can get my throne if I find my future alpha. It doesn't matter if he's wolfless or not because the important thing is, I've seen him!" I boldly told them. "You cannot dictate what I need to do and stop me from what I deserve because I am the Alpha's daughter!" I replied. "So, Roman, you can step down now and give me the throne, or else, I will ensure that today will be your last day here in Crimson!" I treated him. Roman looked at the elders. I grinned. I know that he has nothing to do but obey my order. "Do you have any objections?" I asked them. The elders bowed their heads while Roman was looking at me deadly. I know what my rights are and what I am capable of being an Alpha's daughter, so I am certain they will follow what I want to do! "Are there any objections!?" I repeated. "There are no objections, Princess Aarhea," Roman answered in a low tone. "If that's so, prepare a grand celebration on Sunday!"
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