Chapter 4: The Ambush

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"Are you certain about that, Aarhea?" Amara asked, stammering, and I knew she was suspicious of what I said. I looked at her, "Do I like I am joking, Amara?" I replied. He frowned, "He doesn't deserve to be your mate, Aarhea! He's weak, wolfless, and we don't know where he came from!" I know what she was talking about, Jake's identity. "And then? Who do you think should be my mate?" I asked her. "Here, Logan! He is perfect for you! Handsome and came from a beta family. He trained to become a strong warrior to protect you and the Crimson Pack!" she replied. I raised an eyebrow because he said, "I observe you pushing Logan on me, Amara. Why is that?" I asked again. She gulped, "I am not pushing him on you, Aarhea. I just...I just concerned about you and the Crimson!" she replied. "If Jake will be your mate and then will be your husband, the Crimson will fall! He can't manage to run the Pack, and maybe, some of the packs in the country will try to attack us!" she explained. I tilted my head and sighed a deep breath before I looked at her seriously, "How can you be so sure of what you said, Amara? We all know that Jake is wolfless, but that is not the reason to think less of him," I gave my opinion. "And one more thing, we don't know what will happen in the future. If I see that Jake will not be as effective as my mate, I will reject him, but if I see that he is capable of being my mate, then I will accept him!" I continued. Amara closed her eyes before looking at Logan standing beside me. "What's your problem if Jake is my mate, Amara?" I asked. "I am your best friend, Aarhea, and I just worry about you. But if it's true that Jake is your mate, and you accept him, I can't do anything because it's your decision," she stated. I grinned, "Don't worry, Amara. I know what I'm doing and my decision," I ensured. I looked at Jake, who looked at me as if he couldn't believe what I said. I approached him and faced him. He moved two steps backward. I grabbed his hand and smiled, "Will you come with me?" I asked. Jake looked at my hand before answering, "It is my pleasure, Your Highness!" So I pulled Jake out of the hall. We both walked to my car. Mr. Johnson opened the car door so that we could go inside. I noticed that Jake wasn't talking while we were traveling to Palace. I know he's a quiet guy, but I feel he's shy of me. "Are you okay, Jake?" I suddenly asked him. He looked at me, "Yes. Yes, Your Highness," he replied without looking at me. "What's on your mind? You can tell me if you want." He took a deep breath before facing me. "I can't believe you said I am your mate, Your Highness. You know that I am wolfless and not suitable as a mate. So can you explain what you said earlier?" he told me. I know he was my mate. I feel it. But he was right. He was not suitable to become my mate because of his condition, but I thought that if the Moon Godness gave him to me, I would know that everything has a reason. I closed my eyes before I answered him, "I lied." I heard him chuckle, "What do I expect? So, you just used me? For what reason?" "I just want to tell them I find my mate, which is not true. Do you know that, Logan? I don't like him, so I told them that lie for them to stop messing with me," I reasoned. "I know there is a bigger reason aside from that," he said thoughtfully. I couldn't answer because of what he said. I know he's smart, so it's no wonder he can figure that out. "There is no other reason, Jake. And one thing. I know you are the one who has the highest grade in our school, so I decided that I need you for my plan!" I replied. He frowned at me, "For your plan? So, you mean you won't just use me tonight?" I gave him a severe look because of what he said, "I won't use you, Jake. It is an offer!" "What offer?" "Work for me as my future beta!" I informed him directly. "Future Beta? Are you...are you going to claim your throne as an Alpha?" he asked. "Yes, and I need you tomorrow at the Palace," I answered. He tilted his head and looked outside the window. I calmed myself and closed mine. "Your Highness..." I opened my eyes when Mr. Johnson called me. "There are a group of men in front!" he informed me. I looked in front, and I saw a group of men standing on the road, blocking our way. What was happening? I don't remember anything like this happening to me before! As far as I remember, two years ago, Logan was with me in the car. Nothing like this happened! Does it mean this was their plan B if Logan wasn't my mate? "It's an ambush!" I yelled, and my body started to shake. "Stop the car," Jake suddenly ordered Mr. Johnson. "Why? What came to your mind, Jake?" "Just stop the car," he seriously said. Mr. Johnson stopped the car in front of the group of men. "Stay here," he said before he opened the door of the car. "Jake, what are you going to do? It's dangerous when you go out!" He didn't seem to hear what I said. He finally came out and faced the group of men. Because of the darkness around, I don't know how many of them. I saw Jake talking to the men. Jake was fearless as if he was ready for whatever happened. I gulped when I saw the members of the group of men getting ready to attack him. From here inside the car, I can hear their grunts. I felt scared because there were only three of us now! "Help him, Mr. Johnson!" I ordered him. Mr. Johnson was about to come out, but Jake suddenly raised his right hand and looked at us. "Jake!!" I yelled when I saw some men attack him. Jake acted quickly. My eyes widened as Jake quickly dodged the attacks of the men. The men rushed at Jake at the same time. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Jake wasn't just avoiding. He's also fighting. Jake was agile and strong, which I didn't expect. I thought he had no fighting skills because when I saw him, he was carrying a book. I can see the annoyance on the faces of Jake's opponents. Their growling grew louder until they gradually transformed into werewolves. But when I saw Jake, who wasn't afraid, I felt better. The werewolves attacked Jake at the same time. Jake can't transform into a werewolf because he's wolfless, so it's a wonder how he'll fight. Jake moved quickly to dodge. Even if the werewolves were bigger than him, with one blow, the werewolves that he hit were knocked down! I can't believe what I'm seeing!! How in the world was Jake capable of fighting a group of werewolves outside? The fight was fast. I saw those who blocked us earlier lying on the road, struggling to stand, while Jake was coming back inside the car. "Let's go," he said calmly. I looked at him as if I saw a ghost. I wanted to ask how he defeated the opponents earlier, but my tongue seemed to retract. "I am training by myself. You know I am wolfless, so I need to learn self-defense and combat," he suddenly said. I just nodded at what he said, but I felt something was wrong. Does he have a secret that he is not telling and showing us?
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