Chapter 2: I Will Make This Game This Time!

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Aarhea's Point of View: "Where are you going, Aarhea? You need to rest first!" Amara shouted when I went out of the Infirmary. I looked back at her. I saw her worried face, her angelic face that you would never thought that inside that physical look, she had a devil inside! I walked fast as far as I could. I needed to know what was happening, why I went back two years ago! As I looked at the mirror inside the infirmary a while ago, I noticed that my look was the same as I had looked two years ago. My physical body, my hair, and even my face! I grabbed my phone inside my bag and looked at the name of our personal driver, Mr. Johnson! I dialed his number, and after three rings, he answered it, so I asked, "Where are you?" "At the parking lot, Princess Aarhea," he replied. I stopped my call and immediately went to the parking lot. When I saw our car, I noticed Mr. Johnson standing in front, and his face was serious; that seemed he already knew I needed to talk to him. "Explain to me what happened!" I demanded an explanation. "Explain what, Princess Aarhea? I don't know what you are talking about," he asked me back. "Come on, Mr. Johnson, I know you know what I mean! How come I went back two years ago!?" His eyes enlarged because of what I said. He gulped his saliva and stared at me thoughtfully. "Tell me, Mr. Johnson! What had to happen!" "I am sorry. I really don't know what you're talking about, Princess Aarhea," he replied. I sighed deeply and tilted my head. It seemed that he really didn't know what I was talking about, but he was the one who gave me the tablet! If he didn't know what I was talking about, he died, or he was alive, and I am the only one who went back in time? "What exactly is the date today?" I asked. I didn't have the time to ask Amara a while ago. "February 14," he answered. February 14? The day when I met Damon!!? The day when he started his game! All the memories came back to my mind. From the start until the night I got the tragedy! If this is my new world now, I will embrace it, and I will ensure that I will not be fooled again by Amara and Damon! I will make sure they will suffer for what they did to me! "Go back to your class, Princess Aarhea, and after that, we will go to the palace for you to dress up for the Mating Ceremony," my senses came back because of what Mr. Johnson said. "Let's go home, Mr. Johnson," I firmly ordered him. "Not possible, Princess Aarhea. If the Alpha in charge knows this, he will punish me!" When my parents died, the Alpha's beta, Amara's father, became the Alpha in charge. In the two years that he ruled the Pack, I could say that the Pack was in danger! But now, I will fix it! I will not allow them to ruin our pack! "He will not punish you, Mr. Johnson. I need to go back to the Palace!" I assured him. I know that he hesitated, but he didn't do anything but follow my order. When I got home, I went directly to my room and sat on my bed, thinking about what will happen today. The Mating Ceremony. It was my second time in Mating Ceremony, and that was the time when all the higher rank werewolves got together to find their mate. "Aarhea..." I was shocked when someone called my name. I looked around, but I was the only one inside my room. "Who are you? Show me yourself!" I yelled. After I said those words, my whole room was filled with lights. I covered my eyes, thinking, what was happening? "Aarhea..." the voice called me again. "Open your eyes," she ordered me. I slowly opened my eyes. I was not dazzled by the light, so I looked around to see who was calling me. "Who are you? Show me yourself!" I yelled again. "You can't see me, but you must listen to what I said," she replied. "I am the Moon Goddess, and I will explain to you what happened," she started, which made my eyes widen. The Moon Goddess? I felt chill because of what she said. "I don't have much time, so listen carefully," my senses came back when she talked. "The tablet that your driver gave to you was my tears. I don't know how your driver got my tears because, as far as I know, it belongs to the Lycans. My tears have the ability to take you in the past. So, please don't waste my tears. Do what you need to do. Correct all the mistakes you have made!" she continued. "If you waste the opportunity to live again, my tears will be wasted," were the last words of the Moon Goddess before my room came back to normal. I closed my eyes and lay down on my bed. I need to rest for the Mating Ceremony in the evening, and I will start to correct all the things that happened here in Crimson Pack! Four in the afternoon, I called some of my personal maids to fix me for the Mating Ceremony. I wore a long golden gown that made me like a Goddess. I grinned as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was in that position when Amara entered my room. I looked at her reflection, which made my blood boil. "You are so beautiful, Aarhea," she complimented me. My wolf, Lilia, roared inside my head because of her appearance on me. I calmed myself, and I narrowed my eyes at her. I remembered what she had done to me! "Is there any problem, Aarhea? Are you feeling alright?" she asked me. I closed my eyes and tried smiling at her, "No, Amara. I'm just excited about what will happen in the Mating Ceremony," I lied. "Me, too! I am excited to know who will be my mate! I wish he is an Alpha or a Beta!" Some time passed, me and Amara went together where the Mating Ceremony took place. Some warriors were guarding us until we entered the hall. When we entered, all the eyes were on Amara and me. I smiled at them and started walking. "I finally meet you, your highness," I stopped walking when I heard a husky voice behind my back. I looked back, and I saw a man wearing his best suit and the sweetest smile. "I think I am lucky tonight to meet you, Your Highness, finally," he said and tried to hold my hand. "Maybe not," I answered, turning my back on him. I looked at Amara, and I saw the surprise in her eyes. I know that they were surprised because of what I did. I will not allow them to fool me again! I will ensure their game will create a hole for them, not me! "Let's go, Amara!" I invited her. "You may go first, Aarhea. I need to use the comfort room," she replied, which made me grin. If you think that I will grab your game, then you are wrong! I will be the one who will make this game this time!
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